Over the course of the last month, the Qatar Awareness Campaign has issued 25 letters, addressed to people, companies, organizations, and universities who profit from their relationship with the state sponsor of terror, Qatar.
Why? Despite their official denials, Qatar is the nation that funds Hamas, Fatah, Boko Haram, al Qaeda and the Islamic State. Qatar, as the host country of the revolutionary Muslim Brotherhood and one of the wealthiest countries in the world, attracts these fanatical, murderous groups like a magnet, showering them with endless funding and resources.
Looking back, it is an astonishing list of power players in the political establishment, influential institutions, and big business that support Qatar in their quest to establish a regional, and eventually global, Islamic Caliphate.
News outlets like CNN and the Qatari-owned Al Jazeera regularly promote the Qatari viewpoint on television, directly and by virtue of the guests they choose as analysts, such as Brookings Doha Center scholars.
Universities such as Georgetown, Texas A&M, Carnegie Mellon, and Cornell each have satellite campuses in Qatar’s capital city, Doha, fully funded by the Qatar Foundation. Harvard is partnered with the Qataris to establish a Sharia law school in Doha. The Brookings Institution in recent months has come under enormous scrutiny for their close ties to Doha, and their curious omission of criticizing the Qatari state.
American defense contractors and arms manufacturers such as Raytheon, Boeing, and Lockheed Martin have multi-billion dollar deals with the Qatari Ministry of Defense. Boeing provides most of the commercial airliners for Qatar Airways, which has been implicated in numerous cases of narcotics and human trafficking.
American industrial giants such as ExxonMobil have developed the natural resources in Qatar, providing the Qatari state with virtually limitless revenue. Meanwhile, in a country of 2 million inhabitants, only 278,000 are citizens with full rights; and there is a burgeoning slave population, whose rights are non-existent, as these migrant workers have their passports seized and are routinely denied exit visas. In preparation for the FIFA 2022 World Cup, it is estimated that 4,000 migrant workers will die constructing soccer stadiums. This is double the number of casualties in the Hamas-Israel war over the summer.
Notable politicians in both parties have not deviated even an inch from official Qatari policy. In the Republican Party, John McCain stood squarely behind Egyptian “democracy” in the form of Mohamed Morsi, a Muslim Brother who encouraged violence and terror against Egypt’s Christians. As Commander-in-Chief, President Obama abandoned Hosni Mubarak when the Arab Spring came to Egypt, and used American military might to depose non-Islamist Gaddafi in Libya. Today, according to PBS, the American government is training Syrian rebels in Qatar to defeat Assad, despite the glaring and undeniable fact that the Islamic State grew out of the Syrian rebels in concert with Al Qaeda in Iraq.
These actions suggest political approval; or, at least, looking the other way while Qatar willfully funds genocidal and slaving terrorist groups that target religious and ethnic minorities in the Middle East and Africa. Additionally, the official Washington relationship with Qatar has led to dramatically degraded diplomatic ties with Israel, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, and Egypt.
For those who have followed the news stories promoted by the Campaign, another trend has become evident. It is not only the United States that backs Qatar, but also the United Kingdom. The Emir of Qatar recently visited London, where he was received by Prime Minister Cameron and Queen Elizabeth. Shortly after the Emir left, Cameron’s Tories announced planned legislation to ban criticism of Sharia (and gay marriage). Is this surprising when Qatar has a reported £30 billion invested in England, with plans for much more?
Word of this campaign has reached millions of people across the world, from Europe, to the Middle East, to Africa, to Asia, and South America. All civilized peoples are threatened by the Islamic doctrine and practice of conquest: jihad. Concern has mounted in the media, and Qatar’s financing of terrorism is now regularly a topic in the daily press. Indeed, there is a growing backlash in some political circles as well, as calls for boycotts and divestment from Qatar are heard from England.
Although their influence, wealth, and reach are staggering, the Qatari’s will ultimately lose in the court of public opinion. Free people reject America’s associations with a slaving, state sponsor of terror, regardless of the blood money they pay our governing elite.
What can you do? Sign the petition, make your position known. Visit the website, www.stopqatarnow.com, and send a link to your friends and family. Pay closer attention to the root causes of violence that have disrupted a relatively peaceful world since 2008, and spawned a dozen or more religious wars that show no signs of stopping.
The Qatar Awareness Campaign will continue to report on Qatar and their influence in the United States and around the world. In the end, as always, it will be the American people who force our government and politicians to correct course and stand up for what is right!
Frank J. Gaffney, Jr.
President & CEO, Center for Security Policy
Paul E Vallely, US Army (Ret)
Chairman, Stand Up America
Pamela Geller
Atlas Shrugs
Walid Shoebat
Charles Ortel
Washington Times
Robert Spencer
Jihad Watch
Lt. Col. Allen B. West (US Army, Ret)
& the entire Qatar Awareness Campaign Coalition.
Qatar Research Report: http://www.stopqatarnow.com/p/research-report.html
Sign the Petition! Visit www.stopqatarnow.com
Facebook: Stop Qatar Now
Twitter: @stopqatarnow
Select signatures as of 9/27. The Qatar Awareness Campaign Coalition is comprised of more than 30 journalists, national security experts, publishers, and independent researchers. To view all Coalition participants, please visit the Campaign’s website.
Houston Independent School District in Houston, Texas will open a K-12 Arabic Immersion School this Fall.
Houston Independent School District will open a K-12 Arabic Immersion School this Fall. It is financed by tax payer dollars and a grant from Qatar.
Houston Independent School District
4400 West 18th Street
Houston, Texas 77092