What kind of a man negotiates nukes with the most prolific sponsor of terror in the world, Iran?
What kind of a man stands with the terrorist Muslim Brotherhood, even giving them aid and comfort through the United States Government?
What kind of man skips the international show of solidarity in Paris following the Charlie Hebdo terrorist massacre?
What kind of a man stands in front of the United Nations General Assembly and declares that free people should not be allowed to criticize “the Prophet Mohammed?”
What kind of a man lies to the American people daily, and never bats an eye?
Barack Hussein Obama, of course. And on Monday, finally, Obama inadvertently told the truth.
From DC Clothesline:
The White House.gov website has corrected an embarrassing mistake made by Barack Obama during his press briefing Monday about the Islamic State when the President said that U.S. forces were “training ISIL.”
During his speech, Obama uttered the line, “with the additional steps I ordered last month, we’re speeding up training of ISIL forces.”
The White House.gov transcript left in the original quote, but placed the word ‘Iraqi’ in brackets after the word ISIL, correcting Obama’s mistake.
The eyes don’t lie. Check the General behind Obama.