Obama-Biden Science Czar Holdren: “We have a lot of cooperation with China on biomedical issues. We talk to them all of the time about gain-of-function research and about gene-editing” — 2016 Nature Magazine Interview

By Mary Fanning and Alan Jones | The American Report | June 19, 2021

Obama-Biden White House Science Czar John P. Holdren astonishingly admitted in 2016 that “We have a lot of cooperation with China on biomedical issues. We talk to them all of the time about gain-of-function research and about gene-editing.”

Gain-of-function research introduces mutations to a virus in order to intentionally make it more contagious and pathogenic to humans.

Holdren’s statement admitting to frequent conversations with China regarding “gain-of-function research and gene editing” appeared in a Nature Magazine interview with Holdren published by Scientific American on July 5, 2016:

I’m going to China this week for a strategic and economic dialogue and for a US–China dialogue on innovation policy. I’ll be talking with my Chinese counterpart, Wan Gang, the minister of science and technology, about some of these very problems and what we are doing about them.

We have a lot of cooperation with China on biomedical issues. We talk to them all of the time about gain-of-function research and about gene-editing issues.

Obama-Biden White House Office of Science and Technology Policy Director John P. Holdren met with Wan Gang, Minister of Science and Technology for the People’s Republic of China.

In 2015, Wan Gang met with Bill Gates.


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