By Mary Fanning and Alan Jones | The American Report | November 23, 2021
“…the Department of Homeland Security has said white supremacy is a significant danger to this country, and not ANTIFA … And I do feel like we are in more danger today than we were yesterday” — radical MSNBC Legal Analyst Maya Wiley, daughter of Cloward and Piven activist George Wiley, reacting to Kyle Rittenhouse trial jury verdict of not guilty on all counts
MSNBC Legal Analyst Maya Wiley, who provided the far-left news network with on-air analysis of the Kyle Rittenhouse trial and advocated for the conviction and imprisonment of Rittenhouse, worked for George Soros’s Open Society Foundation and chaired the Soros-funded Tides Network Board.
Maya Wiley is married to Harlan Mandel. Like his wife Maya, the MSNBC legal analyst, Harlan Mandel also held a senior-level position working for George Soros. Harlan Mandel is the former Deputy General Counsel of the Open Society Institute / Soros Foundations Network.
Maya Wiley’s husband Harlan Mandel, George Soros, Maya Wiley
Maya Wiley’s mother is the late Wretha Frances Whittle, a former member of the communist revolutionary youth group Students for a Democratic Society (SDS).
Domestic terror organization the Weather Underground was a violent militant faction of SDS. The Weather Underground carried out a domestic terrorism bombing campaign in the United States, targeting the U.S. Capitol and the Pentagon. Domestic terrorist Bill Ayers, a longtime associate of Barack Obama, is one of the most notorious Weather Underground terrorists.
Martha Wiley’s father is the late George Wiley, a 1960s black militant revolutionary who founded the National Welfare Rights Organization (NWRO). George Wiley is revered among left-wing revolutionaries as the father of the “welfare rights” movement.
Whittle met George Wiley while she was a graduate student.
George Wiley was a protege of notorious communist revolutionary theorists and strategists Richard Cloward and Francis Fox Piven. Cloward and Piven, from their prestigious positions as married Columbia University professors, developed the anti-American ‘Cloward and Piven Strategy.’
The ‘Cloward and Piven Strategy’ advocates expanding welfare benefits in the United States while simultaneously flooding government welfare system rolls with new beneficiaries. The ultimate objective of the Cloward and Piven Strategy is to overwhelm and then collapse the entire United States welfare system in order to usher in socialism and communism as an economic system to replace American capitalism.
The origins of the Cloward and Piven Strategy can be traced back to an article written by Cloward and Piven titled “The Weight of the Poor: A Strategy to End Poverty” and published in the May 1966 edition of the far-left progressive magazine The Nation.
In a video interview posted in 2016 at the George Wiley Center YouTube Channel, Francis Fox Piven boasts:
Now, I learned about welfare through my work in what was, I think, the first poverty program in the United States, Mobilization for Youth. And it was through that work that Richard and I, Richard Cloward and I, developed a kind of strategy to topple that welfare system.
The key takeaway is that the broad campaign by Democrats and the far-left legacy media to destroy Kyle Rittenhouse, and along with him the Second Amendment and the right to self defense, traces directly back to subversive communist organizations.
The right of Americans to self defense is well established under United States law. The right to bear arms is enumerated in the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.
Self defense is a critical right amidst widespread violent and deadly riots carried out by communist revolutionaries, including ANTIFA.
Ponder this question: At the end of the day, is there really much difference between the violent communist revolutionaries who took over the streets of Kenosha, Wisconsin in 2020 and nearly burned down that city and George Wiley’s 1960s band of violent communist revolutionaries who terrorized social workers and local governments in a ruthless effort to carry out Cloward and Piven’s wealth redistribution strategy and collapse the entire U.S. economy into communism?
And are either of those two Marxist operations any different from what the Bolsheviks did in Russia in 1917 and what Mao did in China in 1949?
MSNBC’s Maya Wiley and her “former” boss, comrade George Soros, understand full well what Kyle Rittenhouse represents: a direct threat to the violent communist revolution in the streets of America that was carried out in the 1960s by groups like SDS and its domestic terror wing known as the Weather Underground. A street-level violent communist revolution that continues today at the hands of militant groups such as ANTIFA in large cities like New York, in medium size cities like Minneapolis, and in small cities like Kenosha.
George Wiley, Cloward and Piven, domestic terrorists Bill Ayers, Ayers’ friend from the neighborhood Barack Obama, and, it would also appear, MSNBC’s Maya Wiley, all share a common ideological heritage of revolutionary communism. They are all in for Barack Hussein Obama’s transformation of America.
The far-left media’s attempts to destroy the victimized Kyle Rittenhouse, the Second Amendment, and the right of self-defense, originates in the doctrines of American communist organizations. These communists would like nothing better than to disarm Americans in order to steal their country.
The life story of MSNBC’s Maya Wiley and her radical family is an informative and revealing case study, which in her particular situation, tracks directly back to George Soros and the communist precepts of the Weather Underground-connected SDS, Cloward and Piven, and ACORN.
MSNBC is the same network that was caught outrageously directing one of its freelancers to follow the jury van in Kenosha, Wisconsin in an unlawful act of jury intimidation, prompting Judge Bruce Schroeder to ban MSNBC from the Kenosha County Courthouse.
In a mysterious twist to Maya Wiley’s life story, George Wiley is presumed to have drowned at age 42 in Maryland’s Chesapeake Bay in 1973 after falling overboard from a boat that Maya and her older brother were aboard. Wiley’s body was found along Chesapeake Beach following a three-day search.
Maya Wiley continued to carry her on her radical family’s communist torch by hiring Ana Maria Reichenbach as her research assistant. Fight Back News referred to Ana Maria Reichenbach as “a member of the University of North Carolina Students for a Democratic Society.”

David Gilbert was a founding member of the SDS chapter at Columbia University, the same University where George Wiley’s mentors Cloward and Piven were professors. Gilbert was a getaway driver for the 1981 Brinks Armored Car Robbery in Nanuet, New York, perpetrated by members of the Weather Underground, the Black Liberation Army, and the May 19th Communist Organization.
David Gilbert and former SDS member Katherine Boudin are the parents of radical San Francisco District Attorney Chesa Boudin. Weather Underground leaders and communist revolutionaries Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dhorn adopted Chesa Boudin, becoming his legal guardians.
Maya Wiley’s Statements On Twitter And MSNBC About Kyle Rittenhouse:

Appearing on MSNBC’s The Sunday Show with Jonathan Capehart on Sunday, November 14, 2021, Maya Wiley stated:
The larger context here: Jacob Blake. The reason there was all that activity that resulted in Kyle Rittenhouse showing up with his AR-15, violating Wisconsin law, violating a curfew, was because Jacob Blake was killed by a police officer and his uncle, who is also named Jacob Blake, has been in that courtroom, outside the courthouse, every single day, hoping for justice for somebody, and in this case, it’s the victims of Kyle Rittenhouse.
Appearing alongside Shaquille Brewster and Reverend Al Sharpton on MSNBC’s “Deadline: White House” with Nicolle Wallace on November 19, 2021 immediately following a Kenosha, Wisconsin jury’s acquittal of Kyle Rittenhouse on all five counts, Maya Wiley stated:
Yeah, I don’t think there’s much question that obviously the jury bought the self defense claim. This was one that included witnesses, in addition to what Shaq said, that said, for instance, Mr. [Richie] McGinnis from the Daily Caller, who said “Mr. Rosenbaum lunged for the rifle” as Rittenhouse testified. And you have the medical examiner that the prosecution put on who said “Yeah, it could have been. It’s possible that there was a lunge.”
Those are the kind of things that helps the defense create reasonable doubt.
But, I do want to say, at the end of the day, I really think this turned on the judge. Because we have a judge that in addition, it’s not just that he said “you can’t call the people who have been killed or injured ‘victims,’ it’s that he allowed demonstrators to be labeled as rioters and, at even one instance, Drew Hernandez, who is ideological and has a very formed biased opinion, who gets to be on the stand as a fact witness and use the word ‘Antifa,’ even when the Department of Homeland Security has said white supremacy is a significant danger to this country, and not ANTIFA.
“…the Department of Homeland Security has said white supremacy is a significant danger to this country, and not ANTIFA … And I do feel like we are in more danger today than we were yesterday.” — Maya Wiley On MSNBC Following Rittenhouse Verdict
So, what that tells us, though, is the inability of the prosecution to actually cross examine on the bias of that witness.
And then throwing out the misdemeanor gun charge? Really? He threw it out. Reading the statutes, not clear to me how that stands. But what it says to the jury, essentially the jury knows there was an illegal weapons charge and they know the judge took it away.
These are very clear signals to a jury what the judge thinks about the case. And we have so many examples in this and that is a deep problem for the belief that the justice system works. And I do feel like we are in more danger today than we were yesterday.
Well, I think one of the things that this trial has shown, many people who had the opportunity to see inside a courtroom is what black people in this country have been experiencing for hundreds of years, which is a system that doesn’t necessarily work fairly for everyone. Because people are people. They have biases and they bring them into the courtroom.
And so, while the system sometimes works, I don’t want to say it never works. But in this case, it’s very hard to look at this and say it did.
Reverend Sharpton reacted to Maya Wiley’s comments by stating:
When you look at the broad message that came out of this, they have said now that vigilanties can go to protests and kill people and say that they were defending themselves, which puts all Americans, particularly those who want to protest for whatever issue, in danger. The precedent that it set, that you can have a judge sit there and say “people can be killed, but you can’t call them victims, but you can call the other side what you want, that I can let a tumbler sit in front of a man charged with murder and let him choose his own jury. So I think that many of us are far more concerned about what the broad message this verdict gives than arguing what the legal experts ought to argue, and rightfully so, about the particulars of the case…it took a tremendous blow, this verdict.
MSNBC Legal Analyst Maya Wiley’s New York City Mayoral Campaign Was Funded By George Soros
Maya Wiley received half a million dollars in SuperPac funding for her New York City mayoral campaign from the Service Employees International Union and a matching half a million dollars from George Soros through “the independent expenditure group 1199 for Maya, a joint venture with 1199SEIU,” according to the New York Post.
“[Maya] Wiley’s ties to Soros date back to the late 1990s, when she worked for nearly two years for the Open Society Foundations, according to her LinkedIn profile,” the New York Post reported on June 13, 2021.
Maya Wiley also worked as Chair of the Tides Network Board from 2010 to 2012, according to her LinkedIn profile. “2016-2018, #Soros foundations awarded $19,856,195 to Tides Network,” Tom Fitton, President of Judicial Watch, tweeted on September 22, 2020.
Maya Wiley also worked as counsel to New York City Mayor Bill DeBlasio. De Blasio visited the communist U.S.S.R. while in college.
Media Development Investment Fund (MDIF): The Soros-funded NGO Led By CEO Harlen Mandel, Maya Wiley’s Husband
Maya Wiley’s husband Harlen Mandel is CEO of Media Development Investment Fund (MDIF), a Brooklyn-based NGO supported by George Soros.
MDIF was launched in 1995 with $500,000 in startup money from George Soros as a “Media Bank” or “Media Development Loan Fund” and operated by its co-founders, Serbian journalist Saša Vučinić and former Washington Post reporter Stuart C. Auerbach.
Harlen Mandel “served from 1996 to 1998 as Deputy General Counsel of the Open Society Institute/Soros Foundations Network,” according to Mandel’s official biography posted at MDIF’s website.
The Washington Post’s Stuart Aueberach “married [Carl] Bernstein’s first wife after they divorced,” according to The Washingtonian. Bernstein’s first wife was Carol Honsa.
We previously reported at the American Report in a 2018 article titled “Shady Watergate Reporters Target Trump; FBI Surveilled Bernstein’s Communist Parents For 35 Years; Tied To Rosenberg-Sobell Soviet Atomic Spies; Blumenthal: Woodward Is An “FBI Asset”:
Bernstein’s parents were deeply connected to the Soviet spies who stole America’s nuclear secrets and other critical classified military intelligence: Julius and Ethel Rosenberg and Morton Sobell.
Carl Bernstein grew up in a nest of communism…
…Every fall the Bernstein family commemorated the Bolshevik revolution — “the anniversary of the Russian Revolution — October Division.” The Bernsteins’ religion was, as prescribed by collectivist regimes everywhere, communism.
The Media Development Investment Fund announced on March 19, 2018:
Media Development Investment Fund (MDIF) today announced final close of MDIF Media Finance I, a $6-million impact fund investing in independent news media in select emerging and frontier markets…
…MMF I investors include the Open Society Foundations (Soros Economic Development Fund).
George Soros, Lord Malloch-Brown, And Election Technology Company Smartmatic
United Nations-linked British “voting expert” Lord Mark Malloch-Brown became the President of the Open Society Foundation on January 1, 2021, after having served since 2014 as the chairman of the board of directors of election technology company Smartmatic. “The chairman of SmartMatics and the SGO Group, Mark Malloch-Brown, serves on the Open Society Foundations Global Board — founded by George Soros,” the Associated Press admitted.
Lord Mark Malloch-Brown was “a member of the Soros Advisory Committee on Bosnia from 1993 to 1994,” according to Malloch-Brown’s official UN biography.
A Deeper Look Into George Wiley’s Connection To ACORN
Fox News reported in a September 15, 2009 article titled “ACORN: A Brief History”:
Originally named the Arkansas Community Organizations for Reform Now, ACORN was founded as a nonprofit, nonpartisan entity in 1970 by Wade Rathke, a follower of George Wiley, founder of the National Welfare Rights Organization. Rathke stepped down from his post as chief organizer in 2008 after it was revealed that his brother Dale had embezzled nearly $1 million of ACORN funds eight years earlier.
Although George Wiley’s National Welfare Rights Organization (NWRO) went bankrupt in 1975, a successor organization, The National Welfare Rights Union (NWRU), which has been described as a reincarnation of Wiley’s NWRO, was formed in 1987 and continues to operate today.
The National Welfare Rights Union (NWRU), like the NWRO before it, demands a guaranteed annual income for all Americans. The NWRU also demands single payer healthcare, free nationalized childcare, free education from birth to death, nationalization of all utilities including electricity, heating, communications (phone), internet, and housing — basically a communist utopia. Many of these objectives are being implemented by Senator Bernie Sanders and the radical squad of AOC and her comrades, working closely with the Biden Administration.
According to NWRU’s official website, “On August 31, 2008, NWRU published its “Eight Position Points to Dismantle Poverty in the U.S.,” which included the following:
- A Guaranteed Annual Income: “All residents of the U.S. will be eligible for a guaranteed annual income to protect them from falling below the poverty level.
- Universal Health Care with a Single-Payee: “All residents will be eligible for a single-payee health care system funded by the federal government. We oppose private insurance that profits off of the medical conditions of low-income, uninsured people.”
- Nationalization of Child Care: “All children should be eligible for free, quality child care. We also support a living wage for child care providers.”
- Nationalization of Education, Including the Headstart Program: “All residents will be entitled to education from birth to death. The Headstart Program must be preserved, funding must be increased, and eligibility should be expanded.”
- Nationalization of Utilities: “All utilities including electricity, natural gas, heating fuels, water, alternative energy, and communications should be properties of the public domain and not subject to privatization. All forms of communication, such as telephones and Internet access, should be included.”
- Nationalization of Housing: “Everyone has a right to a home. It is the duty of the government to provide affordable housing for all residents, and [to] provide periodic maintenance and upgrades.”
- Nationalization of Public Mass Transit: “All forms of mass, rapid transit should be fully accessible (including to those with physical disabilities) and affordable to all residents in communities across the country.”
- Troop Withdrawal from Iraq, Afghanistan, and No New Deployments: “The Iraq and Afghanistan wars have depleted the American economy with no end in sight. Poor people have disproportionately suffered from the last eight years of these costly deployments physically, emotionally, and financially.”
The National Welfare Rights Union (NWRU)’s official website states “Some people have commented about the relationship between the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) and the National Welfare Rights Organization (NWRO). Many social commentators on the Internet have correctly identified the former George Wiley as an instrumental organizer in the origin of both groups.”
In a 2007 post titled “George Wiley Award,” Wade Rathke, in his blogThe Chief Organizer Blog, wrote:
New Orleans I was invited to the lunch held by the ACORN Caucus of Color on the final day of the Year End / Year Begin Meeting. Having arrived on time, I sat at the back table. As the organizers arrived there were a lot of double takes as they saw me there. When we went around and introduced ourselves, I said I was there for the red haired people.
But I was really there because Bertha Lewis, New York ACORN’s Executive Director, who was the outgoing caucus chair, and Steve Bradberry, Louisiana ACORN’s Head Organizer, needed me to explain who George Wiley was so that the Caucus members could fully appreciate the weight of the award. I was honored.
I told them that Dr. George Wiley was a professor of chemistry at Syracuse University and a native of Providence, Rhode Island. He had left the academy to be the deputy director of CORE, the Congress of Racial Equality, during the civil rights movement. As the movement progressed in the early to mid-60’s George left to figure out a way to go forward that he felt both important and compatible. He spent time at the Poverty Rights Action Center reaching out and talking to people. Welfare recipients were looking to unite from one pocket to another where they were isolated around the country. George pulled them together in a march on June 30th, 1966, to protest cutbacks in Columbus, Ohio. This became the National Welfare Rights Organization (NWRO). By the time I worked for welfare rights and built the chapters in Springfield, Massachusetts in 1969, NWRO was the largest poor peoples’ organization in the country. I left in mid-1970 to found ACORN with his support as part of the NWRO “southern strategy” to force welfare reform by building a base to challenge Louisiana Senator Russell Long, head of the Senate Finance Committee, and Congressman Wilbur Mills from Arkansas, head of the all-powerful House Ways and Means Committee. Both were blocking welfare reform.
I told them about George’s visit to Arkansas to see ACORN in 1973 as he tried to figure out his next organization.
MSNBC helped lead the far-left media’s assault on Kyle Rittenhouse. The radical origins of MSNBC Legal Analyst Maya Wiley help explain MSNBC’s Marxist ideology that was on full display during the network’s extensive coverage of the Rittenhouse trial.