America In Peril


Fellow Patriots,

I developed THE FORTNIGHT INTELLIGENCE BRIEFING series with John B. Wells in order  to continue the themes I explored with Mike Lindell in the ABSOLUTE PROOF series of documentary films I conceived and directed as it is imperative we inform the American people of the imminent peril we face. We are looking down the barrel of a gun.

Not only is it not surprising the Olympics are being used as a spreader event — it was expected.

We have been warning for months on THE FORTNIGHT INTELLIGENCE BRIEFING that the Military Games were a spreader event and that the Olympic Games in China would be used for the very same purpose.

In ABSOLUTE PERIL we focused on the China threat and their bioweapons as explained in “Unrestricted Warfare.” Col Sellin as the foremost expert in that area warned the American people.

ABSOLUTE PERIL – The American Report


Subsequently, we continue messaging the American people through THE FORTNIGHT INTELLIGENCE BRIEFING in order to expose the threats we are facing.

China declared war on the globe with Covid and until Covid and its spread are fully investigated China should be treated as the war criminal it is.

Under THE FORTNIGHT INTELLIGENCE BRIEFING/National Security (Col Sellin, General McInerney, General Vallely,  General Flynn, General Arbuckle, General Bishop, General Petty, Col Phil Waldron, Gordon Chang, Terry Turchi, Dr. Li-Meng Yan, Dr. Mike Scheuer, and other national security experts and under THE FORTNIGHT INTELLIGENCE BRIEFING /Medical (a plethora of Frontline doctors)  weighed in to warn America not to participate in the Olympic Games with China.

The testimony before Senator Ron Johnson was revealing. The intentions of Fauci and his cabal has been made clear. The numbers of damaged and dead Americans are astounding.

Americans should be demanding the border be closed to China and to all illegal immigrants as a starting point. Joe Biden’s first responsibility is to protect the American people — a responsibility at which he has failed miserably. One only need look at the damage the Biden Administration has done to our military and America at large to see the fingerprints of the red hand of communism.

The time has come for the American people to stand shoulder to shoulder in order to protect our country and our freedoms.

No one is coming to save us… WE ARE THE PEOPLE WE HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR.

Mary Fanning

The Fortnight Intelligence Briefing


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