By Mary Fanning and Alan Jones | August 08, 2019

The American Report sent a tweet to President Trump on March 4, 2017, in response to the President’s own tweet three hours earlier that accused President Obama of wiretapping him at Trump Tower. 

The American Report was the first and only news organization to connect President Trump’s tweet to whistleblower claims made by former CIA contractor Dennis L. Montgomery, to “The Hammer” surveillance system that Montgomery built and that John Brennan and James Clapper ran, and to “The Whistleblower Tapes.” 

On Saturday, March 4,  2017, at 6:35 am, President Trump, via Twitter, accused President Obama of wiretapping Trump Tower just prior to the 2016 presidential election.

“Terrible! Just found out that Obama had my ‘wires tapped’ in Trump Tower just before the victory. Nothing found. This is McCarthyism!” President Trump tweeted. 

The American Report tweeted its response to President Trump’s wiretapping accusation tweet at 9:59 am.


The American Report’s tweet was an effort to alert President Trump to the existence of Brennan’s and Clapper’s secret illegal surveillance system known as “The Hammer.”  

Additionally, the tweet was an effort to alert the President to the existence of “The Whistleblower Tapes.”

On March 4, 2017, in further response to President Trump’s tweet, The American Report posted information about “The Hammer” wiretapping Donald Trump “a zillion times” to The American Report’s official Facebook page.


This is the story of treason, sedition and the coup d’etat that ensued in order to cover up the Obama administration’s illegal use of “The Hammer” to spy on Trump. 

This is far beyond the NSA’s 702 protocol failures. 

This was the dismantling of America and her founding documents.

“Tactical Deception”: General McInerney And Admiral Lyons: This Is A Coup, Trump Russian Collusion Fake Narrative Is Coverup For “The Hammer”


During his last days on earth, Admiral James A. “Ace” Lyons (Ret.), former commander of the U.S. Navy Pacific Fleet, seemed less worried about dying than about stopping the coup against President Trump.

The coup, Admiral Lyons was convinced, was launched to cover up “The Hammer.”

“The Whistleblower Tapes,” though ignored by the mainstream media, exposed explosive secrets, including the existence of a powerful surveillance system known as “The Hammer.” 

The Hammer was directed by John Brennan and James Clapper, according to Montgomery.

“The Hammer,” according to “The Whistleblower Tapes,” was used to spy on Trump “a zillion times.”

Admiral Lyons dedicated a lifetime to defending the United States and he spent decades facing down the Soviet Navy. Admiral Lyons recognized that “The Hammer” presented a grave threat to American freedom.

Admiral Lyons recognized that President Obama’s administration was secretly using “The Hammer” in order to transform the United States into a Soviet-style totalitarian police state, the very communist system that Admiral Lyons had challenged while leading the world’s largest military command.

“Hammer stunned me. Hammer stunned me” Lt. General Thomas McInerney (Ret.), formerly the number three Air Force official at the Pentagon said during a March 20, 2017 interview with Dr. Dave Janda, after learning about The Hammer from Admiral Lyons. “This is a very serious thing. Everything about the Russians stealing the election is tactical deception.”

General McInerney’s words were soon proven true. 

Despite an ongoing smear campaign against the President, Special Counsel Robert Mueller conceded in his final report that indeed, there was no Trump Russian collusion. 

“The Hammer” scandal, according to General McInerney, is “worse than Watergate.” 

General McInerney arrived at the same conclusion as Admiral Lyons:  the coup against President Trump was a cover-up operation launched in order to conceal “The Hammer.”

Clapper told CNN’s Anderson Cooper in July 2018 that “If it weren’t for President Obama, we might not have done the intelligence community assessment that we did that set off a whole sequence of events which are still unfolding today, notably, special counsel Mueller’s investigation.”

“Operation Freedom” radio show host Dr. Dave Janda, who, like General McInerney and like Mary Fanning of The American Report, maintained close communication with Admiral Lyons, recently recounted what the Admiral had repeatedly told him about “The Hammer.”

Dr. Janda invited General McInerney back to Operation Freedom for a followup interview on The Hammer, that aired on July 7, 2019.

At the heart of this coup, he [Admiral Lyons] kept telling me, was this illegal surveillance program that was illegally getting information on individuals which could then be used to turn people on other people and in particular the President.

And what he told me was that he thought that this whole Russian collusion narrative was cover for what occurred with this Hammer platform, this illegal surveillance platform.

Despite those safeguards, “The Hammer” surveillance system that was being run under Brennan and Clapper illegally spied on, according to “The Whistleblower Tapes, presiding judge of the FISA court U.S. District Judge Reggie Walton, Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts, Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia,159 Article III judges, members of the United States Congress, business leaders, millions of innocent Americans, and Donald J. Trump.

During a May 3, 2017 radio interview, Montgomery spoke of “Massive domestic surveillance, specifically of Article III judges, which seemed to be a primary target of the domestic surveillance because they were looking for information on judges to be able to use it against them as leverage.”

A totalitarian spy system such as The Hammer, Admiral Lyons understood, presented every bit as much a threat to America’s freedoms as the Soviet nuclear-armed ballistic missile submarines against which Admiral Lyons had played a dangerous game of cat and mouse. 

Military Sources: “The Hammer” Was A Tool For Foreign Surveillance

Military sources revealed exclusively to The American Report that “The Hammer” was a powerful foreign surveillance tool that helped keep America safe after 9/11. 

According to those military sources, Montgomery’s foreign surveillance system not only worked at targeting terrorists but also saved American lives.

“The Hammer,” those sources further revealed, incorporated multiple echelons of safeguards designed to prevent U.S. officials and government contractors from turning the herculean foreign surveillance system against the American people. 

Those sources say that sign-off procedures, including FISA court sign-offs, were put in place to document all access to “The Hammer” foreign surveillance system, leaving behind the fingerprints and footprints, so to speak, of any personnel who accessed “The Hammer” platform, up to and including the President.

The CIA, under the agency’s charter, is tasked with foreign intelligence collection and is explicitly prohibited from engaging in domestic surveillance.

However, that is exactly what happened under the Obama administration, where Brennan and Clapper harnessed the powerful surveillance tool “The Hammer.” 

Military sources told The American Report that Brennan and Clapper basically stole the “keys to the kingdom” when they privatized “The Hammer.”

The use of this powerful domestic spying apparatus was turning America into a police state. The Hammer was being used to overthrow a duly-elected U.S. President in a coup. 

The Hammer, Brennan, and Clapper, had to be stopped.

General McInerney spoke with Admiral Lyons about the coup against Trump and about “The Hammer” just two days before the Admiral passed away in December 2018.

Dr. Janda and General McInerney said during the July 7, 2019 broadcast of Operation Freedom:

Dr. Dave Janda:

You came forward on March 19, 2017 with information that you had, along with Admiral Lyons, and you presented information stating that, in addition to what was happening in these NSA platforms, there was another platform called The Hammer, a parallel platform, that essentially became a privatized illegal surveillance program run through the Obama administration, Obama himself, along with Brennan and Clapper, that monitored millions of Americans’ phone calls, emails, financial transactions, texts. 

This was done as a means of getting leverage and blackmail.

Simple question, Tom. 

Do you stand behind what you said on March 19, 2017?

General Tom McInerney:

Absolutely Dave. Even more so

I mean, the fact is, that was over two years ago, two and a half years ago now, almost.

And, it was really the unwinding that we have later started to see, the parsing, of what was going on in the Obama administration.

What you said was, you talked about different platforms. NSA platforms. But this was a CIA platform.

The CIA is not by law supposed to be monitoring inside the Continental United States . . .

. . . But, this was a perverted parallel platform, as you say, by the Obama administration, that frankly had to be approved by President Obama himself, clearly Jim Clapper as the DNI, Brennan as the CIA Director . . .

. . . I stand by it even more so having reviewed it just yesterday and what I said on the 19th of March 2017, that that was absolutely spot on.

I thank Admiral Lyons for tuning me into that. As you may remember, I found out about thirty minutes before I went on the air with you, from Admiral Lyons …

Dr. Dave Janda:

. . . Is there anything he ever said to you that made, that you thought he changed his mind on that because you talked to him up until I think the day before he passed?

General Thomas McInerney:

That’s correct. I went down to see him on a Saturday afternoon. He passed away Monday morning. 

The fact is, we talked about this particular subject …

And this is the worst piece of corruption in the history of America. It will soon be out. It will soon break, and it goes right into the [President Barack Obama] Oval Office.

Because the direct reports, John Brennan, Jim Clapper, Susan Rice, all these people that were involved, Comey and the FBI, Loretta Lynch, and DOJ.

All of these key aspects of our intelligence and our law enforcement were corrupted at the very top. And they were going after, and even after President Trump was elected, they were trying to create a soft coup and to this day they are still trying to do it.

WikiLeaks Confirmed The Existence Of “The Hammer” (HAMR)

On March 7, 2017, just three days after the tweets from President Trump and The American Report, WikiLeaks dumped CIA Vault 7, confirming the existence of “The Hammer” (HAMR).

“The American People would like to know more about Brennan and Clapper’s computer system “THE HAMMER” said the November 18, 2015 post to The American Report’s Facebook page. 

The American Report Facebook post featured a link to a November 16, 2015 article by Sharon Rondeau at the Post and Email. Rondeau made no mention of “The Hammer,” Donald Trump, or of revelations that Donald Trump had been under surveillance. 

In the comment section of the American Report’s March 4, 2017 Facebook post about “The Hammer,” the American Report, responding to a commenter who wrote “I read a long long article about a year ago on Montgomery, Snow and The Hammer,” replied on March 4, 2017 “Yes, I transcribed the audio tapes and wrote on ‘The Hammer’ then.”

Fourteen months earlier, The American Report published its exclusive list of nine “bullet points” summarizing the contents of the “Whistleblower Tapes” in a December 20, 2015 post at The American Report’s official Facebook page: 

We learned:

(1) Trump is being tapped a “zillion times” (consider the implications of that)

(2) “Al Jazeera is a CIA operation”

(3) “The Hammer” a Secret computer system

(4) Tapping of the FISA Court

(5) Tapping of the Supreme Court –specifically Chief Justice John Roberts.

(6) Lockheed visit interests–use of Lockheed’s super speed computers to collate packets of collected info

(7) Brennan and Clapper ran The Hammer computer system ( at whose direction?)

(8) Florida voter registration disk removed and new disk inserted for redistricting via “The HAMMER” computer system in Fort Washington Maryland–via Navy Intel cover…(they stole the election via re-districting in Florida? How many other states did Brennan and Clapper do this? )

(9) Crypto-keys via “The Hammer” to all banking and secure information

“The Whistleblower Tapes” Revealed: Obama’s Intelligence Officials Wiretapped Trump “A Zillion Times”

The illicitly-recorded “Whistleblower Tapes” were released from U.S. District Judge G. Murray Snow’s courtroom in November 2015.

On November 20, 2015, Mary Fanning of The American Report called into an internet radio program to find out what, if anything,  Sharon Rondeau of The Post & Email knew about “The Hammer.”

Rondeau, who was a featured guest on the program, was discussing the tapes, which she referred to as the “confidential informant” tapes. During her interview, Rondeau made no mention of “The Hammer.” Furthermore, Rondeau made no mention during her interview of the shocking revelation contained within those tapes that President Obama’s intelligence officials Brennan and Clapper ran “The Hammer” and that “The Hammer” was used to spy on Donald Trump “a zillion times.”

MARY FANNING:  I wondered if you had looked further into ‘The Hammer.’ In those tapes they reveal that James Clapper and Mr. Brennan were using a secret computer system called ‘The Hammer.’ Were you able to find any other information on that?

SHARON RONDEAU:  Not yet. Not yet, I have to confess.  I listened to the tapes carefully . . . I have not investigated that as of yet . . . I haven’t verified really anything that was in those tapes . . . But no, so I don’t have any additional information about what “The Hammer” is or when it was built or how it worked or anything, assuming that that is accurate.

Not only did Rondeau confess during the November 20, 2015 radio program that she had “not investigated [The Hammer],” she also published a November 16, 2015 article at the Post & Email about the “confidential informant” tapes. Rondeau made no mention of “The Hammer” or that Brennan and Clapper were running “The Hammer” or that “The Hammer” was used to spy on Donald Trump “a zillion times.”

Rondeau had told Fanning in a 2015 phone conversation that Mike Zullo of the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office, who recorded the “Whistleblower Tapes,” warned Rondeau not to discuss John Brennan and “The Hammer.”

The American Report, after sending a tweet to President Trump about Dennis Montgomery, followed up by publishing the first and only full-length news media report to connect President Trump’s accusations of illegal wiretapping to Dennis Montgomery’s whistleblower claims, to “The Whistleblower Tapes,” to “The Hammer,” and to Obama’s intelligence officials who ran “The hammer”: John Brennan and James Clapper.

The American Report exposé, titled “Whistleblower Tapes: Trump Wiretapped “A Zillion Times” By ‘The Hammer,’ Brennan’s and Clapper’s Secret Computer System,” was published on March 17, 2017. The article included embedded audio of the “Whistleblower Tapes” from the American Report’s Soundcloud account.

March 19, 2017:  Admiral Lyons And General McInerney Break The American Report’s “Whistleblower Tapes” Exposé Onto America’s Airwaves 

Two weeks after The American Report sent its March 4, 2017 tweet to President Trump, and two days after The American Report published its March 17, 2017 follow-up exposé, General McInerney and Admiral Lyons, men of sterling character and reputation, presented over America’s radio airwaves the American Report’s blockbuster story connecting Trump’s wiretapping tweet to “The Hammer.” 

It is not often that a General and an Admiral bring an earth-shattering story of treason and sedition to the American people. These two storied patriots, who had dedicated their lives to defending America, felt compelled to do exactly that. They took their oath to the U.S. Constitution seriously. That oath did not end with their retirement.

General McInerney’s March 19, 2017 interview on “Operation Freedom,” broadcast on WAAM 1600, attracted immediate attention from top-level FBI officials. 

General McInerney’s March 19, 2017 Radio Interview About “The Hammer” Attracted Immediate Attention From Purported “Lovers” Peter Strzok And Lisa Page Of The FBI

The American Report found within the cache of text messages released by DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz that the putative paramours, FBI Deputy Assistant Director of the Counterintelligence Division Peter Strzok and FBI Attorney Lisa Page, exchanged a text about CIA Whistleblower Dennis Montgomery and Montgomery’s attorney Larry Klayman following General McInerney’s on-air discussion of “The Hammer.”

On that same Sunday evening, March 19, 2017, Strzok and Page exchanged a text message regarding the same two individuals, Montgomery and Klayman, that General McInerney had just spoken of only a few hours earlier.

After Strzok and Page exchanged a text message mentioning Montgomery and his attorney, they later went on to join Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s Trump Russian collusion investigation team.

In fact, many of those involved in Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s Trump Russia collusion investigation team were also involved in the handling of Montgomery’s whistleblower case at the FBI and DOJ.

The very next morning, March 20, 2017, one day after General McInerney presented the American Report’s findings on “The Hammer” and “The Whistleblower Tapes” and Strzok and Page reacted by exchanged a text message about Montgomery, FBI Director James Comey announced that the FBI had opened a counterintelligence investigation into President Trump’s connections to the Kremlin. The Russian Collusion investigation was born.

FBI Director Comey told the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence on March 20, 2017:

I have been authorized by the Department of Justice to confirm that the FBI, as part of our counterintelligence mission, is investigating the Russian government’s efforts to interfere in the 2016 presidential election, and that includes investigating the nature of any links between individuals associated with the Trump campaign and the Russian government and whether there was any coordination between the campaign and Russia’s efforts. As with any counterintelligence investigation, this will also include an assessment of whether any crimes were committed.

Strzok, as Deputy Assistant Director of the Counterintelligence Division, likely oversaw the Trump Russian collusion investigation.

Of particular interest is that Comey’s “friend,” Special Counsel Robert Mueller, the man chosen to lead the Russian collusion investigation, was Director of the FBI when the FBI supplied the computers for “The Hammer,” according to Montgomery.

Montgomery stated:

This is very, very, very powerful technology, and it was created under Robert Mueller’s watch. The last person I would think that should be investigating Donald Trump is Robert Mueller, who was collecting information on Donald Trump ten years ago … Mueller has a huge conflict of interest, a huge conflict of interest.

“The Hammer” was originally located at eTreppid Technologies in Reno, Nevada before being relocated to Fort Washington, Maryland in 2009, where Brennan and Clapper ran the secret surveillance system.

Now that President Trump’s Attorney General William Barr has appointed U.S. Attorney John Durham to investigate the origins of the Trump Russia Collusion hoax investigation, the American people could soon learn what happened to Dennis Montgomery’s evidence — 47 computer hard drives, last known to be in the custody of the James Comey’s FBI. 

That evidence, according to Montgomery, holds the proof of many crimes — including the absolute proof that President Obama’s administration illegally spied on Donald Trump.


By Mary Fanning and Alan Jones | June 5, 2019

For years, the Deep State has waged a disinformation war and smear campaign against software designer and defense contractor Dennis Montgomery because they fear him, Montgomery claims.

If Montgomery’s allegations that the Obama administration conducted illegal domestic surveillance check out, and recent statements from multiple military sources and surveillance experts suggest that they do, then certain individuals, beginning with former CIA Director John Brennan and former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, have good reason to fear Montgomery and clear motive to destroy his reputation in order to save themselves.

Montgomery designed the super surveillance system known as THE HAMMER (HAMR) for foreign surveillance operations conducted to defend the United States from foreign threats.


— By Mary Fanning and Alan Jones | COMMUNITIES DIGITAL NEWS —

According to military sources, Montgomery’s foreign surveillance system not only worked, but it also saved American lives.

“Hammer doesn’t exist.” “Montgomery is a fraud.” “Montgomery lost his security clearance.” Those are a few of the phrases floating about, but documentary evidence and well-placed sources suggest that those claims are unfounded.

Military sources confirm that THE HAMMER (HAMR) was only intended for use during foreign surveillance operations. Multiple safeguards were put in place to ensure that the powerful technology of THE HAMMER (HAMR) was never misused for illegal domestic surveillance.

Foreign Surveillance missions using THE HAMMER (HAMR) required sign-offs by “multiple echelons” of the federal government, up to and including the FISA court, according to those sources.

The FISA court was established under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978.

THE HAMMER (HAMR) was a highly-secret program.

Despite the existence of multiple built-in safeguards against domestic surveillance, THE HAMMER (HAMR) remained vulnerable to abuse by nefarious officials within the intelligence community who had been entrusted with running the system.

That is exactly what appears to have happened, beginning in 2009, with the arrival of the Obama administration.

Senior Obama administration national security officials, some with communist proclivities, commandeered the United States government’s surveillance tools of war and turned them against the American people, secretly-recorded audio tapes released by a federal judge and Montgomery’s own statements indicate.

Those actions, perhaps never before seen in America, constitute the hallmarks of a totalitarian regime.

Parallel Platform:  THE HAMMER (HAMR)

William Binney, who served as NSA Technical Director of the World Geopolitical and Military Analysis Reporting Group before becoming a whistleblower, suggested during a May 25, 2019 interview on the SGT Report that the CIA covertly operated THE HAMMER (HAMR) as a parallel platform to existing NSA surveillance programs in order to bypass established safeguards:

THE HAMMER program, as far as I can see, was run by CIA. And the point was, that the NSA already had their massive collection on everybody anyway. That was called the Stellar Wind program and it had the tapping points for the upstream collection of everything on the fiber networks. Everything. So they didn’t have to do a HAMMER because they already had all of the data.

But, if CIA wanted to do it and have it separately and not be … because … anybody querying the NSA data goes through a system where they get reported. Where queries go right in there and they are registered. They know they made this query on this date and got this data. So NSA’s got that information.

But, if CIA wanted to do it but not let NSA or anybody else in the government know about it, they could set up a separate, secret program like HAMMER and do a subset of tapping in the critical points around Washington and decision-making centers and then take in that data and have it scanned and sessionized and locally examined by members of CIA only so that nobody knew they were doing it.

According to Montgomery, Brennan and Clapper were collecting domestic surveillance data for “blackmail” and “leverage.” Government was being weaponized against the American people.

Using a parallel platform like THE HAMMER (HAMR) would allow Brennan, Clapper, and other bad actors to engage in illegal domestic surveillance without leaving behind a trail of footprints.

According to the Whistleblower Tapes, secretly-recorded audio released by U.S. District Judge G. Murray Snow, Brennan and Clapper surveilled 156 Article III judges, Supreme Court judges, including Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia and Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts, and millions of innocent Americans.

According to the Whistleblower Tapes, Brennan and Clapper used THE HAMMER (HAMR) to wiretap Donald Trump “a zillion times.”

Whistleblower Tapes: Trump Wiretapped “A Zillion Times” By ‘The Hammer,’ Brennan’s and Clapper’s Secret Computer System

— By Mary Fanning and Alan Jones | THE AMERICAN REPORT —

On March 4, 2017, President Trump tweeted “Terrible! Just found out that Obama had my ‘wires tapped’ in Trump Tower just before the victory. Nothing found. This is McCarthyism!”

On March 17, 2017, we published our exclusive exposé, “Whistleblower Tapes: Trump Wiretapped “A Zillion Times” By ‘The Hammer,’ Brennan’s and Clapper’s Secret Computer System.”

Two days later, on March 19, 2017, two U.S. military flag officers of sterling reputation, U.S. Air Force Lt. General Thomas McInerney (Ret.) and U.S. Navy Admiral James “Ace” Lyons (Ret.) brought our “Whistleblower Tapes” investigation to America’s airwaves on Dr. Dave Janda’s “Operation Freedom” terrestrial radio program on WAAM 1600.

The Deep State blowback was immediate and fierce, according to Dr. Janda.


By Mary Fanning and Alan Jones | THE AMERICAN REPORT

Officials with access to a parallel platform such as THE HAMMER (HAMR) are able to bypass long-established bureaucratic safeguards of the unmasking request procedures, providing them with to ability to illegally and covertly collect domestic surveillance data.


This level of unbridled technical surveillance capability is beyond anything East Germany’s Stasi or Hitler’s Gestapo secret police could have dreamed up. It is the consummate tool for control of the American people and for the destruction of their constitutionally-protected rights.

According to CIA Vault 7 documents released by WikiLeaks on March 7, 2017, THE HAMMER (HAMR) is a browser exploit throwing framework that infects targeted devices and systems.

“HAMR (pronounced hammer) = throwing framework for browser exploits” a CIA Vault 7 document reveals.

On August 19, 2015, Montgomery turned over the 47 hard drives to Director Comey’s FBI and to FBI General Counsel James Baker at the FBI Miami Field Office in Miramar, Florida.  

The FBI provided Montgomery with a detailed itemized receipt for the hard drives.   

In August 2015, Assistant U.S. Attorney Deborah Curtis, one of the DOJ’s top national security lawyers, granted Montgomery two limited immunity agreements, one for production and another for testimony.

The FBI examined those hard drives and verified the information stored on them.

In late November and early December of 2015, senior FBI officials, including Director Comey’s “right hand men” Special Agents Walter Giardina and William Barnett, debriefed Montgomery while under oath for over three hours inside a Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility (SCIF) at the FBI’s Washington, D.C. Field Office.

U.S. Assistant Attorney Curtis then accorded Montgomery “greater immunity.”

Curtis, Giardina, and Barnett subsequently joined Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s Trump Russia collusion investigation team.


— By Mary Fanning and Alan Jones | THE AMERICAN REPORT —

According to Montgomery, Robert Mueller’s FBI provided the computers for the super surveillance system known as THE HAMMER (HAMR).

Montgomery says that Mueller’s appointment as special counsel was a “huge conflict of interest.”

Risen, Lichtblau, And The Deep State’s Smear Campaign Against Montgomery

The CIA’s “Operation Mockingbird” supposedly ended decades ago.

But did it?

Meet New York Times reporters James Risen and Eric Lichtblau.

Risen and Lichtblau have an uncanny knack for publishing stories connected to intelligence community surveillance whistleblowers who end up getting their homes raided by dozens of FBI agents.

Risen and Lichtblau authored a February 19, 2011 New York Times article about Montgomery that has been described as a “hit piece.”

Risen and Lichtblau wrote in the New York Times:

For eight years, government officials turned to Dennis Montgomery, a California computer programmer, for eye-popping technology that he said could catch terrorists. Now, federal officials want nothing to do with him and are going to extraordinary lengths to ensure that his dealings with Washington stay secret…

…But others involved in the case say that what the government is trying to avoid is public embarrassment over evidence that Mr. Montgomery bamboozled federal officials.

“While contractor fraud isn’t new, what’s unusual here is that the U.S. isn’t trying to recover those funds or penalize the contractor, Dennis Montgomery” ProPublica pointed out. “Instead, it’s fighting in court to keep information about the technology secret, arguing that the details could compromise national security.”

Further damaging the credibility of their own premise that Montgomery sold hoax technologies to the U.S. government, Risen and Lichtblau admit in their same “hit piece” that no CIA officials were ever reprimanded for awarding Dennis Montgomery with lucrative defense contracts, and were instead promoted:

The C.I.A. never did an assessment to determine how a ruse had turned into a full-blown international incident, officials said, nor was anyone held accountable. In fact, agency officials who oversaw the technology directorate — including Donald Kerr, who helped persuade George J. Tenet, then the director of central intelligence, that the software was credible — were promoted, former officials said. “Nobody was blamed,” a former C.I.A. official said. “They acted like it never happened.”

Because Montgomery had signed non disclosure agreement with the U.S. government concerning his work on classified projects, and because DNI Negroponte invoked the state secrets privilege against Montgomery in 2006, Montgomery was unable to defend himself against accusations made in the New York Times article authored by James Risen and Eric Lichtblau.

“Montgomery claims that the FBI violated his Fourth Amendment rights when its agents raided his home, tied him to a tree, threatened him and his family, and searched and seized his property without probable cause or a warrant” according to a 2018 lawsuit Montgomery filed against James Comey and others.

Dennis Montgomery


By Mary Fanning and Alan Jones | THE AMERICAN REPORT

Not only was Robert Mueller the FBI Director when, according to Montgomery, the FBI provided computers for the HAMMER (HAMR) super surveillance system for which Montgomery had developed the software, Mueller was also the FBI Director when FBI agents raided Montgomery’s home in 2007.

NSA whistleblower J. Kurt Wiebe told PBS television program Frontline in 2013:

But I never dreamt that that announcement would lead to the FBI coming to my front door on July 26, 2007, let alone the front door of Bill Binney, Ed Loomis and Diane Roark, all four of our homes being raided at exactly the same moment by a dozen or more agents at each of our homes, purportedly due, based on the affidavit we eventually saw, to some connection with [New York Times reporters] Eric Lichtblau and James Risen and this article. When we knew all along the NSA could have looked at our phone calls and our emails, etc., and seen that I never — I didn’t know who James Risen was, I really didn’t, or Eric Lichtblau for that matter. None of us did.

Just as the Deep State co-opted the media to paint President Trump as a Russian agent, the Deep State also co-opted the media to paint Dennis Montgomery as scam artist who tried to bilk millions of dollars from the federal government by selling the CIA and other agencies hoax technology that did nothing to protect America.

Again, military sources tell a different story. They claim that Montgomery’s technology worked and saved American lives.

The cabal that has been working feverishly to destroy President Trump is comprised of several of the same bad actors who have worked relentlessly to destroy Dennis Montgomery.


James Risen:

Went after Montgomery with Lichtblau, pushed the Trump Russia collusion hoax.

Eric Lichtblau:

Went after Montgomery, tried to frame from Trump transition team while at CNN.

Robert Mueller:

Supplied surveillance computers, raided Montgomery’s home, led Trump Russia collusion investigation.

James Comey:

Buried Montgomery whistleblower investigation and 47 hard drives of surveillance evidence, lied to congress by claiming FBI had no evidence Obama surveilled Trump, opened Trump Russia investigation.

James Baker:

Buried Montgomery whistleblower investigation and 47 hard drives of surveillance evidence

John Brennan:   

Established and ran THE HAMMER (HAMR) as a private, parallel platform with Clapper and, according to Montgomery, wiretapped Trump, claimed Trump was a Russian agent.

James Clapper:

Established and ran THE HAMMER (HAMR) as a private, parallel platform with Brennan, and, according to Montgomery, wiretapped Trump, called Trump a “recruited asset” of Vladimir Putin.

Barack Obama:

Clapper told CNN that “If it weren’t for President Obama, we might not have done the intelligence community assessment that we did that set off a whole sequence of events which are still unfolding today, notably, special counsel Mueller’s investigation.”


Lichtblau resigned in disgrace from CNN in June 2017 following CNN’s retraction of a discredited hit piece that attempted to connect the Trump transition team to a Russian investment fund.

The real story that is emerging is far darker.

Montgomery’s foreign surveillance technology was so effective that the Obama administration decided to use it against the American people by creating a private, parallel platform, where safeguards did not exist.  

Bringing Light To Darkness

When Montgomery dared to blow the whistle, and as he claims, “bring light to darkness,” Montgomery affirms that the Obama administration and its lackeys decided to go after him.

With Special Counsel Mueller’s investigation now formally closed, Dennis Montgomery and THE HAMMER (HAMR) may soon become household names.

At the center of this brewing storm are allegations by Montgomery that President Obama’s intelligence chiefs Brennan and Clapper oversaw an illegal domestic surveillance program that surveilled Donald Trump.

The Obama administration’s illegal surveillance of Trump gave birth to the Trump Russia Collusion hoax. The FBI launched the Trump Russia investigation as a cover-up operation following the exposure of the Obama administration’s illegal utilization of “THE HAMMER (HAMR).



— By Alan Jones and Mary Fanning | 1776 CHANNEL —

President Trump has tasked Attorney General William Barr with getting to the bottom of the origins of the Russia collusion investigation. Attorney General Barr, in turn, has designated U.S. Attorney John Durham to lead that investigation.

Perhaps sensing the coming storm clouds forming over Washington D.C., Brennan and Clapper are already pointing fingers at each other.

Former FBI General Counsel James Baker has already changed his story.

We exclusively reported on May 29, 2019, that on October 3, 2018, Baker amended his testimony before members of the U.S. House of Representative after suddenly “remembering” that Montgomery’s attorney Larry Klayman had approached the FBI about Montgomery and the digital storage media Montgomery possessed.

We reported:

Former FBI General Counsel James A. Baker is the second current or former senior FBI official to have misled Congress about the FBI’s receipt of evidence from CIA/NSA whistleblower Dennis Montgomery that Montgomery maintains proves that President Obama’s intelligence chiefs, CIA Director John Brennan and Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, illegally surveilled Donald Trump with “THE HAMMER” (HAMR) super-surveillance system.

Former FBI counsel Baker, who was interviewed by a joint committee of the U.S. House of Representatives just weeks before the 2018 midterm election, stated during day one of his interview, conducted on October 3, 2018, that the FBI and the DOJ did not “infiltrate or surveil” the Trump campaign for “political purposes.”

Baker simultaneously denied on day one that Obama administration officials made “demands or requests” of the FBI and the DOJ to “infiltrate or surveil” the Trump campaign.

At the beginning of  Baker’s day two testimony, conducted on October 18, 2018, Baker interrupted Representative Jim Jordan (R-OH) stating he wanted to amend the record of his day one testimony, thereby sidestepping a potential perjury charge.

Between day one of his interview two weeks earlier and day two,  Baker suddenly “remembered” that U.S. government contractor Dennis Montgomery had turned over to the FBI evidence in 2015 in the form of digital storage devices that, Montgomery asserted, proved that the U.S. government had engaged in unlawful surveillance of Americans and including government officials.

Baker told U.S. representatives on October 18, 2018:

So his [Klayman’s} client was an individual named Dennis Montgomery, who I believe, to the best of my recollection, he said that he had been a U.S. Government contractor and, in the course of that work, had come across evidence of unlawful surveillance by the government of Americans — and including government officials — and wanted to give that information to the Bureau, which eventually did take place.

— By Mary Fanning and Alan Jones | THE AMERICAN REPORT —

Baker’s testimony is the first known instance of an FBI going on the record to admit that Dennis Montgomery gave the FBI evidence that Montgomery says proves that the U.S. government illegally surveilled the American people and government officials.

The Deep State is running a counterintelligence operation against whistleblower Dennis Montgomery. They are smearing him with a disinformation campaign. They know that Montgomery is legally silenced and gagged under the State Secrets Privilege. They know that if Montgomery speaks out he will be charged under the Espionage Act and imprisoned for life.

When Montgomery met with Senior Judge Royce C. Lamberth, U.S. District Judge for the District of Columbia, Judge Lamberth, based on his previous casework on the FISA court, immediately recognized some of the information contained in the sealed documents Montgomery had brought into his chambers and presented, according to Montgomery.

According to his official biography, Judge Lamberth was the presiding judge of the secret Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISA) from May 19, 1995, until May 19, 2003, a period of time that included the aftermath of the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.

Lamberth told National Public Radio in 2013.  “I’ve had the opportunity to work on everything under the sun — terrorist cases, spy cases — you know, just a great variety of really interesting things to do,” Lamberth told NPR.

In other words, Judge Lamberth’s national security credentials are unmatched within the judicial branch of the U.S. government. And Lamberth took Montgomery’s whistleblower claims seriously, immediately affording Montgomery whistleblower protection.

“No way to get that information. Ended any doubt of me right then” Montgomery says.

Whistleblower Montgomery Has Held Security Clearances Since 2004, And States That He Continues To Hold Them

Montgomery asserts that he maintains a Top Secret Sensitive Compartmented Information (TS/SCI) security clearance and that he was read into certain need-to-know Special Access Programs (SAPs).

The U.S. government granted Dennis Montgomery a top secret security (TS) clearance in 2004 while Montgomery was a U.S. government contractor at Etreppid Technologies.

In 2005, the U.S. government granted Montgomery a sensitive compartmented information (SCI) clearance. At that time Montgomery was still a U.S. government contractor at Etreppid Technologies.

Montgomery further maintains that he passed two polygraph examinations, one administered by the CIA and the other by the DOJ.

Montgomery points out that he would not have been allowed inside the Fort Washington Facility where he worked for Brennan and Clapper or inside the FBI headquarters Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility (SCIF) without those clearances.

Montgomery asserts that he would never have been allowed inside the FBI’s SCIF in 2015  if he did not still hold that security clearance in 2015.

Montgomery states that, as of 2019, he continues to hold a security clearance.

Silenced And Legally Gagged:  Director Of National Intelligence John Negroponte Invoked The State Secrets Privilege Against Montgomery In 2006

One of the first intelligence community officials to successfully silence Montgomery was one of Clapper’s predecessors, Director of National Intelligence John Negroponte.

On September 19, 2006, Director of National Intelligence John Negroponte invoked the state secrets privilege (SSP) against all parties in two related federal court cases, Dennis Montgomery, plaintiff vs. Etreppid Technologies, defendant, and Etreppid Technologies, plaintiff, vs. Dennis Montgomery, defendant.

On September 25, 2006, the U.S. Department of Justice upheld DNI Negroponte’s assertion of the state secrets privilege against Montgomery and all other parties to involved in the two cases.

James Clapper was nominated by President Barack Obama as DNI in 2010.

The Obama administration upheld the state secrets privilege (SSP) invoked against Montgomery, Montgomery states.

In late 2009, senior DOJ attorney Carlotta Wells told Montgomery that if the state secrets privilege is invoked to hide crimes by U.S. government officials, the state secrets privilege is considered invalid.

The U.S. government has yet to release Montgomery from the state secrets privilege despite numerous requests, Montgomery states.

Montgomery also states that the IRS has audited him every year since 2005.

The information contained in the Whistleblower Tapes makes one’s blood run cold.

The mere existence of a secret parallel surveillance platform like THE HAMMER (HAMR) is an ominous sign that America is further down the road to tyranny than anyone imagined.




By Mary Fanning and Alan Jones | May 29, 2019

Former FBI General Counsel James A. Baker is the second current or former senior FBI official to have misled Congress about the FBI’s receipt of evidence from CIA/NSA whistleblower Dennis Montgomery that Montgomery maintains proves President Obama’s intelligence chiefs, CIA Director John Brennan and Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, illegally surveilled Donald Trump with “THE HAMMER” (HAMR) super-surveillance system.

Former FBI counsel Baker, who was interviewed by a joint committee of the U.S. House of Representatives just weeks before the 2018 midterm election, stated during day one of his interview, conducted on October 3, 2018, that the FBI and the DOJ did not “infiltrate or surveil” the Trump campaign for “political purposes.”

Baker simultaneously denied on day one that Obama administration officials made “demands or requests” of the FBI and the DOJ to “infiltrate or surveil” the Trump campaign.

At the beginning of Baker’s day two testimony, conducted on October 18, 2018, Baker interrupted Representative Jim Jordan (R-OH) stating he wanted to amend the record of his day one testimony, thereby sidestepping a potential perjury charge.

Between day one of his interview two weeks earlier and day two, Baker suddenly “remembered” that U.S. government contractor Dennis Montgomery had turned over to the FBI evidence in 2015 in the form of digital storage devices that, Montgomery asserted, proved that the U.S. government illegally surveilled American citizens and government officials.

Baker stated on day two:

Can I just — I’m turning to the Bureau to describe this. So his client was an individual named Dennis Montgomery, who I believe, to the best of my recollection, he said that he had been a U.S. Government contractor and, in the course of that work, had come across evidence of unlawful surveillance by the government of Americans — and including government officials — and wanted to give that information to the Bureau, which eventually did take place.

Baker either lied or misspoke about which year Montgomery turned over evidence to the FBI, when he told the joint committee that Montgomery provided the evidence to the FBI in 2016, when in fact Montgomery had turned over the evidence in 2015, one full year earlier, before the 2016 presidential election.

Baker carefully stated: “To the best of my recollection, it’s in the late summer, early fall 2016.”  Baker misstated the year the FBI took possession of Montgomery’s evidence during day two of his interview. By carefully reciting that it was to the “best of his recollection” Baker neatly sidestepped a potential perjury charge.

Baker’s two-day interview, carried out on October 3 and October 18, 2018, was “part of a joint investigation by the House Committee on the Judiciary and the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform into decisions made and not made by the DOJ and the FBI regarding the 2016 Presidential election.”

Former FBI General Counsel Baker buried evidence provided to his office in 2015 by CIA/NSA whistleblower Dennis Montgomery. Montgomery turned over 47 hardrives of evidence of domestic surveillance that prove the Obama administration illegally surveilled innocent Americans including Donald Trump for years.

The  FBI first granted limited immunity in August 2015, and then greater immunity in December of 2015 once Montgomery’s domestic surveillance information had been verified.

FBI General Counsel James Baker himself and DOJ Assistant U.S. Attorney Deborah Curtis struck Montgomery’s limited immunity agreements and then his greater immunity agreement, once the FBI had verified Montgomery’s information.

Baker was intimately involved in Montgomery’s whistleblower case.



Baker Buried The Evidence Of Illegal Surveillance Of Trump Before The Presidential Election And Again Before The 2018 Midterm Election

Montgomery revealed, during a radio interview with his attorney Larry Klayman, and in court documents, that he turned over 47 hard drives on  August 19, 2015, to the FBI’s Miami Field Office in Miramar, Florida.

The FBI provided Montgomery with a detailed itemized receipt for the hard drives, dated August 19, 2015.

In 2015, with the help of U.S. District Court Judge Royce Lamberth, onetime head of the FISA court, Montgomery obtained two limited immunity agreements, for testimony and production, through Assistant U.S. Attorney Deborah Curtis and FBI General Counsel James Baker.

Baker somehow did not, during his day one interview, recall, or lied about, sending FBI special agents to Miami to collect the hard drives from Montgomery.

“We had to actually dispatch FBI agents to go to a — from a field office to go collect this material” Baker suddenly remembered during day two of his interview.

Baker’s sudden recollection before congress and the FBI receipt provided to Montgomery confirm that Montgomery turned over the computer hard drives to the FBI in 2015, well before the 2016 presidential election.

Montgomery claims that the evidence he provided to the FBI proves that Brennan and Clapper illegally spied on Donald Trump and that Baker and Comey buried that evidence at the FBI.


This was key because Montgomery was the designer and developer of a super-surveillance system, known as “THE HAMMER,” (HAMR) that was intended for foreign surveillance purposes only.

The WikiLeaks CIA Vault 7 document dump on March 7, 2017, confirmed the existence of “THE HAMMER” (HAMR).

According to military sources, “THE HAMMER” (HAMR) had multiple echelons of safeguards in place to ensure that the foreign super-surveillance system would never be used for illegal domestic surveillance operations against the American people.

Those military sources state that Montgomery’s work was effective. Montgomery’s foreign surveillance system not only worked, but it also saved American lives.

According to Montgomery, the Obama administration turned that super-surveillance system against the American people, including FISA court judges, U.S. Supreme Court justices, and Donald J. Trump, among many others.

The Obama administration used data harvested by the illegal super-surveillance system for “leverage” and “blackmail,” according to Montgomery.

William Binney, who served as NSA Technical Director of the World Geopolitical and Military Analysis Reporting Group before becoming a whistleblower, stated during a May 25, 2019 interview on the SGT Report:

THE HAMMER program, as far as I can see, was run by CIA. And the point was, that the NSA already had their massive collection on everybody anyway. That was called the Stellar Wind program and it had the tapping points for the upstream collection of everything on the fiber networks. Everything. So they didn’t have to do a hammer because they already had all of the data.

But, if CIA wanted to do it and have it separately and not be … because … anybody querying the NSA data goes through a system where they get reported. Where queries go right in there and they are registered. They know they made this query on this date and got this data. So NSA’s got that information.

But, if CIA wanted to do it but not let NSA or anybody else in the government know about it, they could set up a separate, secret program like HAMMER and do a subset of tapping in the critical points around Washington and decision-making centers and then take in that data and have it scanned and sessionized and locally examined by members of CIA only so that nobody knew they were doing it.

During day one of Baker’s interview, Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-MD) asked Baker “To your knowledge, did the FBI or DOJ ever investigate the Trump campaign, quote, ‘for political purposes?’”

“No” replied Baker.

“To your knowledge, did President Obama or anyone in his White House ever, quote, ‘demand or request’ that the DOJ or FBI, quote, ‘infiltrate or surveil’ the Trump campaign for, quote,‘political purposes?’” Raskin then asked Baker.

“No” Baker again replied.

It is notable that the line of questioning from Representative Raskin was very narrowly stated.  

Representative Raskin’s use of the wording “political purposes” is key.

Raskin was creating the narrative that the surveillance of Trump was not being done for “political purposes.”

Raskin’s Soviet Legacy

It is also notable that Representative Raskin’s father Marcus Raskin (i) co-founded the Institute for Policy Studies (IPS) and (ii) reportedly had ties to Soviet spies including Alger Hiss.

IPS has been tied to Soviet intelligence, Fidel Castro, Bernie Sanders, the Clintons, and Obama administration officials.

In his book The KGB and Soviet Disinformation:  An Insider’s View, Lawrence Martin-Bittman asserts that the IPS was a component of the Soviet Union’s intelligence network. Lawrence Martin-Bittman, formerly known as Ladislav Bittman, served as an Eastern Bloc intelligence officer specializing in disinformation for the Czechoslovak Intelligence Service.

Citizen Trump Under Surveillance

Donald Trump was under surveillance by the U.S. government and had been for years according to the “Whistleblower Tapes,” secretly-recorded audio released in 2015 by U.S. District Judge G. Murray Snow.

Montgomery asserts that the CIA feared Trump. Both Donald Trump and his late father Fred Trump were known for their strong anti-communist sentiments.

On March 19, 2017, it became widely understood that illegal surveillance of Donald Trump had taken place for years under the direction of President Obama’s intelligence chiefs, CIA Director John Brennan and Director of National Intelligence James Clapper. Brennan and Clapper together operated “THE HAMMER” (HAMR) super-surveillance system.

As we previously reported, John Brennan voted for Communist Party USA (CPUSA) candidate Gus Hall in the 1976 presidential elections.

We also reported that Baker’s former boss, FBI Director James Comey, once told “New York Magazine ”I’d moved from Communist to whatever I am now. I’m not even sure how to characterize myself politically. Maybe at some point, I’ll have to figure it out.”

On Sunday, March 19, 2017, U.S. Air Force Lieutenant General Thomas G. McInerney (Ret.) and U.S. Navy Four-Star Admiral James A. “Ace” Lyons (Ret.) brought our “Whistleblower Tapes” exclusive exposé to America’s airwaves on Dr. Dave Janda’s terrestrial radio show “Operation Freedom” on WAAM 1600.



During that live broadcast, General McInerney read our March 17, 2017 feature investigation “Whistleblower Tapes: Trump Wiretapped “A Zillion Times” By ‘The Hammer,’ Brennan’s and Clapper’s Secret Computer System.”

Within minutes of General McInerney’s radio interview, there was blowback from the Deep State.



Twenty-six minutes after General McInerney discussed “THE HAMMER” (HAMR) on terrestrial radio, FBI Deputy Assistant Director of the Counterintelligence Division Peter Strzok and his supposed lover, FBI attorney Lisa Page exchanged a cryptic text message. Later that evening, they exchanged a second text message that specifically mentioned Dennis Montgomery.

“I’m not going to respond to the whole group. The Klayman/Montgomery stuff in the email Jim just sent is utter BS. Best to say nothing and brief later if necessary” read Strzok and Pages’s second text message following General McInerney’s Sunday, March 19th radio interview.

It remains unclear if Strzok and Page were referring to FBI Director Jim Comey or to Page’s direct boss FBI General Counsel Jim Baker.

The following morning, March 20, 2017, seventeen hours after General McInerney went on air to discuss THE HAMMER, FBI Director James Comey lied to Congress, insisting that the FBI had no evidence that Donald Trump had been under surveillance.

During that same appearance before the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, Director Comey launched the FBI’s Trump/Russia collusion investigation.




Representative Raskin, by posing his questions to Baker so narrowly, cleverly referencing only surveillance for “political purposes,” was working to maintain the Deep State narrative that illegal surveillance of Donald Trump was in fact legal and only conducted for national security purposes.

The objectives of this “narrative” appear to be not only the avoidance of perjury charges against Jim Baker, but also the furtherance of the fictitious Operation Crossfire Hurricane agenda. Crossfire Hurricane smeared Donald Trump by falsely portraying him as an “agent” in league with Russia who was required to be under legal surveillance for national security reasons.

The Trump/Russia collusion investigation was subsequently proven to have been created out of the Hillary Clinton campaign by Clinton operatives working with the FBI.

Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia collusion investigation final report entirely cleared President Trump.

Notwithstanding the clear statements in the Mueller report that there was no collusion between the President or his campaign and Russia, The Washington Post reported on May 19, 2019 that “‘Baker said he viewed Mueller’s findings as showing ‘a pattern of corruption.’”

“‘Even if it’s not criminal, it should be unacceptable in America today” Baker said, according to the Washington Post Story.

According to Montgomery and Klayman, Baker and Comey buried Montgomery’s whistleblower case and the revelation of illegal U.S. government surveillance targeting Donald Trump.

Brennan and Clapper are now working overtime in an attempt to push this same false narrative regarding their illegal surveillance of Donald Trump.

To avoid going to prison for illegal surveillance of Donald Trump, Brennan and Clapper are desperate to continue to paint Trump as a Russian intelligence agent instead of a mere American political opponent.

Operation Crossfire Hurricane, FBI Director Comey’s Trump Russia collusion investigation, and Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s Trump Russia collusion investigation, were all part of the cover-up operation predicated on the stunning  revelation of illegal surveillance by Obama and his henchmen, Brennan and Clapper with “THE HAMMER” (HAMR).

The powerful foreign surveillance tool, “THE HAMMER” (HAMR) was illegally turned against Donald Trump, the Trump campaign, seventeen Trump businesses, and the entire Trump family, according to Montgomery.

The real “pattern of corruption” is that Baker, with Obama administration officials, buried Whistleblower Montgomery’s information on illegal surveillance and on the use of the illegal domestic super-surveillance system “THE HAMMER” (HAMR).

Now it is time to reinstitute the rule of law and to bring the hammer of justice down on all the conspirators.

Copyright 2019 Mary Fanning and Alan Jones


Executive Session

Joint Hearing

House Judiciary Committee

House Government of Oversight Committee




Mr. Raskin — Representative Jamie Raskin (D-MD)

Mr. Baker — James A. Baker, former FBI general counsel

Mr. Raskin. Okay. On May 20, 2018, President Trump tweeted,

and I quote, “I hereby demand, and will do so officially tomorrow, that

the Department of Justice look into whether or not the FBI, DOJ

infiltrated or surveilled the Trump campaign for political purposes

and if any such demands or requests were made by people within the Obama

Administration!” exclamation point, unquote.

At a political rally on May 29th, 2018, the President again stated

quote, “so how do you like the fact that they had people infiltrating

our campaign?”

To your knowledge, did the FBI or DOJ ever investigate the Trump campaign, quote, “for political purposes?”

Mr. Baker. No.

Mr. Raskin. To your knowledge, did President Obama or anyone in

his White House ever, quote, “demand or request” that the DOJ or FBI,

quote, “infiltrate or surveil” the Trump campaign for, quote,

“political purposes?”

Mr. Baker. No.

Mr. Raskin. And how would you or the FBI leadership have handled

any requests of this nature to launch an inquiry for political purposes

or to infiltrate for political purposes?

Mr. Baker. We would have rejected it out of hand and would have

resigned, if compelled to do it.

Mr. Raskin. Okay. Good. I just have a few more questions here.

In March of 2017, Director Comey disclosed in public testimony

that the FBI had begun an investigation into, quote, “the Russian

Government’s efforts to interfere in the 2016 presidential election,”

including, quote, “the nature of any links between individuals

associated with the Trump campaign and the Russian Government and

whether there was any coordination between the campaign and Russia’s

efforts,” unquote.

When you first learned about a tip that the Russian Government

could be coordinating with the Trump campaign, what was your reaction

to that? Were you concerned or alarmed by it?

Mr. Baker. I was alarmed by that, yes.



Executive Session

Joint Hearing

House Judiciary Committee

House Government of Oversight Committee




Mr. Jordan — Representative Jim Jordan (R-OH)

Mr. Baker — James A. Baker, former FBI general counsel

Mr. [REDACTED]         

Mr. Breitenbach — Ryan Breitenbach, senior counsel for the majority staff on the House Judiciary Committee.

Mr. Jordan. Okay. I’ll do it again.

So, when we left off a few weeks ago, we were talking about a meeting you had with Andy McCabe and Lisa Page shortly after the meeting they had with Deputy Attorney General Rosenstein where Mr. Rosenstein indicated he was looking at the possibility of recording the President of the United States.

Tell me when that meeting that you had with — when was the meeting you had again with Ms. Page and Mr. McCabe?

Mr. Baker. Okay. First of all, if I can just say, at some point in time, there’s something I remembered from last time I’d like to — that I didn’t remember when we were sitting here together. I’d look to talk about that at some point and put that on the record. I don’t want to interrupt your flow of questions.

Mr. Jordan. Go do that. If there’s something you want to clarify from last time, do that upfront, and then we’ll go right back to my question.

Mr. Baker. Okay. Sure. It’s not directly related to this, and I’m happy to answer your question that you just asked me.

Mr. Jordan. Okay.

Mr. Baker. So I recalled after — just actually a few days ago — that another incident when a — this time an attorney on behalf of a client came to me and wanted — came specifically to me and wanted to make information available to the FBI in the form of electronic media that he wanted to get into the —

Mr. Jordan. Different case or same case?

Mr. Baker. Different case.

Mr. Jordan. Okay.

Mr. Baker. Well, a completely different case. Different attorney, different client, but insistent on meeting only with me or the Director. And then he did not have the material with him at the time. We had to actually dispatch FBI agents to go to a — from a field office to go collect this material. It was in the — to the best of my recollection, it was roughly in the late summer, fall of 2016 timeframe.

Mr. Jordan. Can you tell us the case?

Mr. Baker. It was Larry —

Mr. [REDACTED]  Mr. Baker, please do answer the question, but if it’s in a — if it’s a matter that’s totally unrelated to what’s being discussed here, I’d ask you not to discuss any specific investigative details. Can you answer the question?

Mr. Baker. Can I give the name of the attorney?

Mr. [REDACTED] The name of the — absolutely. Yes, sir.

Mr. Baker. Okay. The name of the attorney was Larry Klayman, and he also brought one of his associates with him whose name I don’t recall at this point in time, and it was on behalf of a particular client. Anyway, that’s what I recalled. And we were talking about that last time, and I did not remember that incident. Now I do.

Mr. Jordan. Okay. Thank you. Let’s go back to Mr. McCabe, Ms. Page, and —

Mr. Breitenbach. I’m sorry, Mr. Jordan. Can I just follow up?

Mr. Jordan. Sure.

Mr. Breitenbach. With regard to Mr. Klayman coming to visit you, was it with regard at all to surveillance concerns that he had concerning the general fact pattern that we’re here to discuss today?

Mr. Baker. Well, it had to do with surveillance. It had to do with an allegation about unlawful surveillance, but it was — I believe it was different from any fact pattern that we talked about last time here.

Mr. Breitenbach. Unlawful surveillance of whom?

Mr. Baker. Of Americans, including government officials. Yeah. I can go — I mean —

Mr. Jordan. Who was his client?

Mr. Baker. Can I just — I’m turning to the Bureau to describe this. So his client was an individual named Dennis Montgomery, who I believe, to the best of my recollection, he said that he had been a U.S. Government contractor and, in the course of that work, had come across evidence of unlawful surveillance by the government of Americans — and including government officials — and wanted to give that information to the Bureau, which eventually did take place.

Mr. Jordan. And was this — I’m sorry. Go ahead.

Mr. Sommers. During what time period?

Mr. Jordan. Yeah. That’s what I was going to ask.

Mr. Baker. To the best of my recollection, it’s in the late summer, early fall 2016.

Mr. Sommers. And the surveillance, what time period was that?

Mr. Baker. I’m not entirely sure what the timeframe was. It was a significant — it was — one of the issues in the case was it was a large amount of data that he had that he wanted to provide, that these — these disks or other media had a lot of data on them about this, allegedly.

Mr. Sommers. Surveillance by whom?

Mr. Baker. By the U.S. Government itself of Americans, unlawfully.

Mr. Jordan. Interesting. All right. Thank you. All right. Let’s go back to the McCabe-Page-Rosenstein meeting. When did you talk to Lisa Page and Andy McCabe about the meeting they had with Mr. Rosenstein?

Dennis Montgomery


By Mary Fanning and Alan Jones | May 22, 2019

Remember, do not kill a mockingbird. When a whistleblower is singing for America’s protection, we embrace and celebrate him.

Inventor and software designer Dennis Montgomery, a CIA/DOD/DHS/NSA/FBI  contractor-turned-whistleblower, alerted FBI Director James Comey’s office in 2015 that President Obama’s CIA Director John Brennan and Obama’s Director of National Intelligence James Clapper had turned the super-surveillance system that Montgomery designed for foreign surveillance, known as THE HAMMER, into a domestic surveillance system.

Montgomery became alarmed when Obama and his intelligence chiefs Brennan and Clapper turned the super-surveillance system against the American people.

Montgomery asserts that Obama, Brennan, and Clapper used THE HAMMER in a diabolically intrusive manner in order to spy on the American people and collect massive amounts of surveillance data for “leverage” and “blackmail.”

THE HAMMER was only to be used for foreign surveillance, not to be weaponized for domestic surveillance against the American people, according to Montgomery and to U.S. military sources.  

According to those U.S. military sources, Montgomery’s surveillance technology not only saved American lives as America’s “War on Terror” broadened, but also featured built-in safeguards to prevent the system from ever being used for domestic surveillance.

“Multiple echelons” of government, including the FISA court, had to sign off on each and every foreign surveillance operation conducted with the use of THE HAMMER, those sources say.

Montgomery claims that Brennan and Clapper used the super-surveillance system Montgomery designed to spy on Article III federal judges, including the onetime head of the FISA court Judge Reggie Walton, Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, and Chief Justice of U.S. Supreme Court John Roberts.

Montgomery’s revelations about his super-surveillance system THE HAMMER call into question Chief Justice Robert’s strange and inexplicable 2012 decision that stood in direct opposition to his own stated legal argument. At the eleventh hour, Roberts flipped and supported the individual mandate for President Obama’s highly unpopular Affordable Care Act.

Montgomery, who is constrained by non-disclosure agreements, has spoken about the system but has not publicly identified the system by name. The secretly-recorded “Whistleblower Tapes” identify the name of the system as “THE HAMMER,” as we first reported in our March 17, 2017 exclusive exposé. The March 2017 WikiLeaks CIA Vault 7 document dump confirms the name of the system as THE HAMMER (HAMR).

Military sources, we can now report exclusively, confirm the existence of the super-surveillance system known as THE HAMMER. Those sources caution that the super-surveillance system was only to be used for foreign surveillance.

Comey Knew

In August 2015, Montgomery turned over to FBI General Counsel James Baker, who represented the office of FBI Director Comey, physical evidence, in the form of 47 computer hard drives containing 600 million pages of documents.

Montgomery maintains that the data on the hard drives prove the existence of THE HAMMER and prove that Brennan and Clapper engaged in illegal domestic surveillance, despite the existence of safeguards that were already in place.

In August 19, 2015, Montgomery turned over the hard drives under two immunity agreements struck with the U.S. Department of Justice. The 600 million pages of documents stored on those hard drives, when stacked one upon another, would measure a stunning thirty miles high, says Montgomery.

The FBI provided Montgomery with a detailed receipt for the 47 hard drives, including handwritten descriptions of each and every hard drive.

FBI Director Jim Comey took Montgomery’s evidence and buried it.

Montgomery’s claim that Obama, Brennan, and Clapper illegally spied on millions of Americans is by itself explosive.

Montgomery’s identification, by name, of one particular U.S. citizen that Montgomery insists was under constant surveillance “for years” by Obama, Brennan, and Clapper via THE HAMMER has led Obama’s inner circle to take desperate measures.

The name of that U.S. citizen targeted by THE HAMMER is Donald J. Trump.

Whistleblower Tapes: Trump Wiretapped “A Zillion Times” By ‘The Hammer,’ Brennan’s and Clapper’s Secret Computer System – The American Report

The Whistleblower Tapes released by U.S. District Judge G. Murray Snow reveal that Donald Trump was wiretapped a “zillion times.”

The CIA feared Trump, maintains Montgomery.

Donald Trump and his late father Fred Trump are both known for their lifelong aversion to communism.

President Obama’s CIA Director, admitted communist John Brennan, feared Trump.

As we previously reported, Brennan and Comey both affirmed their belief in communism.

We noted in our May 12, 2019 exlusive exposé connecting “THE HAMMER” to FBI Director Comey’s launch of the Trump Russia Collusion investigation that John Brennan admitted  during his initial CIA polygraph test that he voted for Communist Party USA (CPUSA) candidate Gus Hall in the 1976 presidential election.

Comey, we simultaneously reported, told New York Magazine “I’d moved from Communist to whatever I am now.”

Frank Marshall Davis, President Barack Obama’s mentor during Obama’s formative years in Hawaii, was a card-carrying Communist Party USA member (CPUSA member #47544) and suspected KGB agent who was listed on the FBI’s Security Index, Davis’s lengthy FBI file reveals. According to Paul Kengor, “Davis hailed Joe Stalin’s state for its alleged freedom and democracy.”

Stalin could only have dreamed of a Soviet surveillance system with capabilities approaching those of THE HAMMER. Russian historian Alexander Solzhenitsyn says that Stalin murdered 60 million of his own countrymen during his reign of terror.

With THE HAMMER, Brennan, Clapper, and Obama were implementing a political system — communism — that is antithetical to America’s system of justice and to the U.S. Constitution.  

Under the U.S. Constitution, the purpose of American government is to secure the rights of each American to life, liberty, and private property.

Brennan, Clapper, and Obama illegally used THE HAMMER as a technological instrument of tyranny in order to take away Americans’ inalienable rights as outlined under the U.S. Constitution.

These conspirators transformed a high technology tool designed to protect the American people from foreign threats into a tool of tyranny.

During a 2017 radio interview with his attorney Larry Klayman, Montgomery explained:

I provided to the FBI seventeen businesses of Donald Trump, including the Trump Tower, the Trump leasing programs, all of these different programs, and including Trump himself and the various family members that had been wiretapped under these programs. There has been a wiretap on Trump for years…

…I was a CIA contractor both under John Brennan and under James Clapper and these individuals were running domestic surveillance programs in the United States collecting information on Americans…they collected everything they could find. Bank accounts, phone numbers, chats, emails, and they collected a massive amount of it under the Obama administration.

According to sources, Comey was the general counsel and senior vice president of Lockheed Martin when Montgomery was paid $8,000 to use a supercomputer at a Lockheed facility in the Los Angeles area to collate the tranche of data harvested by The Hammer into individual files for each of the individuals being targeted.

“The proof of Donald Trump being wiretapped is in the documents that were handed over to the FBI” Attorney Klayman told reporter Fanning.

Brennan and Clapper covertly operated THE HAMMER out of a U.S. government facility in the Washington, D.C. suburb of Fort Washington, Maryland, according to the secretly-recorded audio tapes released by a U.S. District Judge G. Murray Snow in 2015.

From September 13, 2001 until June 2006, Clapper was the director of the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA), known until 2003 as the National Imagery and Mapping Agency (NIMA).  Clapper’s previous post as NGA director is an important detail because NGA is known to operate out of Fort Washington.

Obama and his henchmen were using THE HAMMER to create a tyrannical police state in America worthy of the East German Stasi or Hitler’s Gestapo.

According to Montgomery, the FBI, under Director Robert Mueller’s leadership, provided the computers for THE HAMMER super-surveillance system.

Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia collusion investigation entirely cleared President Donald Trump of collusion with the Russians.

Regardless of the evidence and the $35 million dollar two-year investigation, many, including John Brennan and James Clapper and, according to Democrats’ spin, Robert Mueller himself, continue to smear and characterize President Trump as guilty of collusion and treason.


THE HAMMER Was Ground Zero Of the Trump Russia Collusion Hoax; Obama Administration Insiders Are Panicking

As Department of Justice investigators begin the hunt for the true origins of the Russia collusion investigation, Democrat insiders are beginning to unravel. Blood is in the water. And it is their own.

Brennan, Clapper, and Comey are maintaining and even ramping up their relentless tempo of frenetic television appearances as they struggle to keep their stories straight.  The conspirators are turning on one another.


Many of these insiders appear to be well aware of THE HAMMER and of the Obama administration’s illegal surveillance of Donald Trump.

Evelyn Farkas, a former Obama administration Defense Department official and Russia specialist, blurted out during a March 2, 2017 television appearance on MSNBC “the Trump folks if they found out how we knew what we knew about the Trump staff dealing with Russians that they would try to compromise the sources and methods meaning that we would no longer have access to that intelligence.”

The unravelling of the Russia collusion scheme and the coup d’etat will lead to the trial of the century that will make the Rosenbergs look like small-time crooks.

Our May 12, 2019 exclusive feature investigation “Comey Launched Trump Russia Investigation Day After General Exposed ‘The Hammer’” first identified THE HAMMER as ground zero of the Trump Russia collusion investigation.

The Russia Collusion investigation was a coup launched in response to the exposure of THE HAMMER.

When two four-star flag officers of sterling reputation brought THE HAMMER to America’s airwaves the Deep State panicked.

U.S. Air Force General Thomas McInerney (Ret.), U.S. Navy Admiral James A. “Ace” Lyons (Ret.), and Dr. Dave Janda, during the March 19, 2017 broadcast of Janda’s “Operation Freedom” terrestrial radio program, dared to bring the truth to the American people.

Within a matter of hours, the Deep State jumped into action.


Fanning and Jones revealed on May 12, 2019 at The American Report:

FBI Deputy Assistant Director of the Counterintelligence Division Peter Strzok and his supposed paramour, FBI lawyer Lisa Page, exchanged a cryptic, indeed coded, text message on Sunday, March 19, 2017, twenty-six minutes after retired U.S. Air Force Four Star General Thomas McInerney read our exclusive “Whistleblower Tapes” exposé over America’s airwaves, revealing “The Hammer”…

…Late that Sunday evening, just hours after General McInerney’s radio appearance, Strzok and Page exchanged a text message that explicitly referenced Dennis Montgomery and Montgomery’s attorney Larry E. Klayman.

General McInerney appeared on Dr. Dave Janda’s “Operation Freedom” that broadcasts from terrestrial radio station WAAM 1600.

The next morning, the Russian Collusion investigation was born.

Early the following morning, Monday, March 20, 2017, FBI Director Jim Comey announced before the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence that the FBI Counterintelligence Division, where Strzok served as Deputy Assistant Director, was investigating Trump’s connections to the Kremlin, and that the FBI had “no information” to support Trump’s tweet claiming that President Obama wiretapped Trump.

Montgomery’s Journey From Computer Genius To Enemy Of The Deep State

Dennis Montgomery was celebrated and hailed from many quarters as a “computer genius.”

Montgomery was later reduced from whistleblower to enemy number one of the Deep State, with purpose and forethought. Those holding and abusing positions of power within the intelligence community who had previously hired Dennis Montgomery as a national security contractor for classified projects could not afford to have him expose their duplicitous and treasonous actions.


Montgomery claims that the FBI buried its investigation into his federal whistleblower claims about illegal domestic surveillance and that U.S. intelligence agencies, several years earlier, attempted to destroy his reputation.

According to Montgomery, the same intelligence agencies, after they had finished smearing his reputation, quietly rehired him.

In 2011, James Risen and Eric Lichtblau authored a New York Times article in which they painted Montgomery as a fraud, citing CIA sources.

In 2016, Montgomery sued Risen and the publisher of Risen’s book Pay any Price: Greed, Power, and Endless War for defamation over a chapter that portrayed Montgomery’s work for the U.S. government as a hoax.

Lichtblau has been exposed. Lichtblau, who was working as CNN editor, and two other reporters resigned from CNN in June 2017 after CNN retracted their discredited story linking the Trump transition team to a Russian investment fund. Only two months earlier, CNN had recruited Lichtblau to its investigative unit.

Montgomery stated:

They [the intelligence agencies] leaked false information about me in 2009 and 2011 to the press to discredit me in case their domestic surveillance programs ever became public. Somebody leaked my name to [New York Times reporter James Risen] saying that my work for the government didn’t work and so forth, which is ridiculous.

My work saved lives…he knew that I could not respond to his [Risen’s] articles because I was under U.S. protective gag order on me saying I could not respond to anything, and I had the state secrets privilege filed against me that if I would have violated I would have been charged with treason under the U.S. Espionage Act…

…Stroke or no stroke, I am going to expose the CIA and NSA misdeeds until the American people know the truth. I have put my family for years at great risk by coming forward. This is my last stand for America.


  • November, 2015

U.S. District Judge G. Murray Snow releases the “Whistleblower Tapes.”

  • August 19, 2015

Dennis Montgomery, under a limited immunity agreement, turns over to Comey’s FBI 47 hard drives that he says prove the existence of Brennan’s and Clapper’s super surveillance system.

  • March 4, 2017

President Trump tweets that Obama wiretapped him.

  • March 7, 2017

WikiLeaks dumps CIA Vault 7, confirming the existence of The Hammer (HAMR).

  • March 17, 2017

Whistleblower Tapes: Trump Wiretapped ‘A Zillion Times’ By ‘The Hammer,’ Brennan’s And Clapper’s Secret Computer System” by Mary Fanning and Alan Jones published at

  • March 19, 2017 3:30 pm

General Thomas McInerney exposes The Hammer on America’s airwaves with Dr. Dave Janda during Operation Freedom on WAAM 1600.

  • March 19, 2017 4:26 pm

Strzok and Page exchange cryptic text.

  • March 19, 2017 11:00 pm

Strzok and Page exchange text referencing Montgomery and Klayman hours after General McInerney’s radio interview about The Hammer

  • March 20, 2017

Comey announces Russia collusion investigation.

  • April 24, 2017

FISA court lets Brennan, Clapper and others amend their statements and orders destruction of criminal case records.

  • May 12, 2019

Comey Launched Trump Russia Investigation Day After General Exposed ‘The Hammer’” by Mary Fanning and Alan Jones published at

  • May 13, 2019

U.S. Attorney General William Barr appoints John Durham, the U.S. attorney in Connecticut, to explore the origins of the Trump Russia collusion investigation.



By Mary Fanning and Alan Jones | May 12, 2019

FBI Deputy Assistant Director of the Counterintelligence Division Peter Strzok and his supposed paramour, FBI lawyer Lisa Page, exchanged a cryptic, indeed coded, text message on Sunday, March 19, 2017, twenty-six minutes after U.S. Air Force Lieutenant General Thomas McInerney (Ret.) read our exclusive “Whistleblower Tapes” exposé over America’s airwaves, revealing “The Hammer.”

The Hammer is the Stasi-like secret surveillance system created by CIA/NSA/FBI contractor-turned-whistleblower Dennis L. Montgomery for Obama’s intelligence chiefs, CIA Director John Brennan and Director of National Intelligence James Clapper.

The Hammer, under the Obama administration, negated every American’s constitutional rights to privacy, turning the United States into a police state where the federal government was weaponized by the Obama administration against its political enemies.

According to the secretly-recorded audio tapes released by Federal Judge G. Murray Snow, Brennan’s and Clapper’s illicit super surveillance system “The Hammer” wiretapped Trump “a zillion times.”

Late that Sunday evening, just hours after General McInerney’s radio appearance, Strzok and Page exchanged a text message that explicitly referenced Dennis Montgomery and Montgomery’s attorney Larry E. Klayman.

Only a few hours earlier, General McInerney had referenced Montgomery and Klayman on “Operation Freedom,” exactly the same names about which Strzok and Page were now texting.

General McInerney appeared on Dr. Dave Janda’s “Operation Freedom” that broadcasts from terrestrial radio station WAAM 1600.

The next morning, the Russian Collusion investigation was born.

Early the following morning, Monday, March 20, 2017, FBI Director Jim Comey announced before the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence that the FBI Counterintelligence Division, where Strzok served as Deputy Assistant Director, was investigating Trump’s connections to the Kremlin, and that the FBI had “no information” to support Trump’s tweet claiming that President Obama wiretapped Trump.

That morning, FBI Director Jim Comey lied to the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence and to the American people.

Comey was well aware that President Trump was under illegal surveillance because Montgomery had already turned over to Comey’s FBI mountains of evidence confirming the existence of Brennan’s and Clapper’s illegal surveillance system.

On August 19, 2015, Montgomery turned over to FBI Director Jim Comey’s office 47 hard drives that he alleges contain over 600 million pages of documentation from Brennan’s and Clapper’s secret surveillance system.

Receipt for computer hard drives that Dennis Montgomery turned over to the FBI in 2015.

General McInerney’s radio appearance set off a sequence of events leading to, within seventeen hours, Comey’s announcement of the FBI’s Trump Russia collusion investigation.

Many of the FBI and DOJ officials who were involved in the investigation of Dennis Montgomery’s whistleblower claims about Brennan’s and Clapper’s illicit surveillance system are the very same government officials who ended up on Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia collusion investigation team.

Montgomery also claims that the FBI, under Director Robert Mueller, supplied the computers for Brennan’s and Clapper’s illegal surveillance system that spied on Donald Trump.

Montgomery maintains that Mueller’s appointment as Special Counsel was “a huge conflict of interest, a huge conflict of interest.”


General McInerney and Admiral Lyons, two of the highest-ranking retired U.S. military flag officers, men of sterling character and reputation, took the information we exposed on “The Hammer” and President Obama’s illegal spying operations against Donald Trump to a wide audience.

Revered U.S. Air Force Lieutenant General Thomas G. McInerney (Ret.) and U.S. Navy Four-Star Admiral James A. “Ace” Lyons (Ret.) brought our “Whistleblower Tapes” exclusive exposé to America’s airwaves on March 19, 2017.

General McInerney read our March 17, 2017 feature investigation “Whistleblower Tapes: Trump Wiretapped “A Zillion Times” By ‘The Hammer,’ Brennan’s and Clapper’s Secret Computer System” to the American people, exposing the totalitarian surveillance state put in place by President Obama’s intelligence directors.

The cat was out of the bag.

The “Whistleblower Tapes” revealed that “computer genius” Dennis Montgomery, working as a CIA/NSA/FBI contractor, created the illicit surveillance system known as “The Hammer” that “hacked into all of America” for President Obama, John Brennan, and James Clapper.

According to the Whistleblower Tapes, Brennan and Clapper utilized the “The Hammer” to spy on 159 Article III  judges, the head of the secret FISA court, Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts, Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, business leaders, millions of innocent  Americans, and Donald Trump.

Montgomery stated that Trump was wiretapped for years because, he alleges, the CIA feared Trump.

“Whistleblower Tapes: Trump Wiretapped ‘A Zillion Times’ By ‘The Hammer,’

Brennan’s and Clapper’s Secret Computer System”  

By Mary Fanning and Alan Jones | The American Report


On March 4, 2017, two weeks before General McInerney appeared on “Operation Freedom,” President Trump tweeted “Terrible! Just found out that Obama had my ‘wires tapped’ in Trump Tower just before the victory. Nothing found. This is McCarthyism!”

Immediately following President Trump’s tweet, the mainstream media and the Deep State Jackals set to work.

The predators tore into President Trump’s credibility, going so far as to suggest that President Trump was “crazy” for accusing President Obama of spying on him.

Instinctively, the jackals knew that their own survival depended upon covering their own Russia collusion tracks and destroying President Trump.

We published the “Whistleblower Tapes” in response to President Trump’s allegation that President Obama illicitly spied on him. We knew that President Trump’s allegation against President Obama was true.

Our discovery of President Obama’s utilization of “The Hammer” to wiretap Donald Trump began two years earlier in 2015 when we transcribed secretly-recorded audio tapes released in November 2015 by U.S. District Judge G. Murray Snow.

Further raising the stakes, the March 7, 2017 WikiLeaks dump of CIA Vault 7 confirmed the existence of The Hammer (HAMR) in two separate CIA documents (here and here).

WikiLeaks CIA Vault 7

The Hammer (HAMR) appears to be a massive supercomputer system that was used to eavesdrop on phone calls by deploying or “throwing” malicious plugins at targeted computers and smartphones to collect the intercepts and then send the data back to the master supercomputer framework.

Other plugins could presumably hack into online banking, messenger, email and other apps and then transmit the collected data back to the HAMR data center.


Lisa Page and Peter Strzok

On a Sunday afternoon, the FBI took notice of General McInerney’s appearance on “Operation Freedom.”

“I kn�2��#0..!…. ….�G… … ……….. ..” read Strzok and Page’s mysterious text message, sent on Sunday, March 19, 2017, at 4:26 pm, twenty-six minutes after General McInerney went off the air.

Later that Sunday evening, at 11:00 pm, only hours after General McInerney’s radio interview, Strzok and Page exchanged a second text message, far less cryptic, that referenced Montgomery and Montgomery’s attorney Larry Klayman.

“I’m not going to respond to the whole group. The Klayman/Montgomery stuff in the email Jim just sent is utter BS. Best to say nothing and brief later if necessary” read Strzok and Pages’s second text message.

Text messages exchanged between Peter Strzok and Lisa Page.


According to highly-placed sources, General McInerney’s radio appearance “created a veritable sh*t storm in D.C.” and “immediate blowback from the Deep State.”

The same FBI and DOJ officials who investigated Dennis Montgomery’s assertions regarding Brennan’s and Clapper’s illegal super surveillance system and who took possession of Montgomery’s 47 hard drives that Montgomery asserts contained evidence of illegal surveillance then morphed into team members of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia collusion investigation.

FBI Director Jim Comey ‘s FBI General Counsel Jim Baker and DOJ Assistant U.S. Attorney Debra Curtis, who negotiated Montgomery’s immunity agreements, were both deeply involved with Mueller’s Russia collusion investigation.

Comey‘s “right-hand men,” FBI Special Agents William Barnett and Walter Giardina, debriefed Dennis Montgomery in a secure SCIF after Montgomery had handed over the 47 hard drives that Montgomery claims prove that under President Obama Brennan and Clapper were running a massive illegal surveillance operation for “leverage” and blackmail.


By Mary Fanning and Alan Jones | The American Report


The Washington Post reported on Monday, March 20, 2017, the day after General McInerney’s Sunday afternoon interview on “Operation Freedom”:

FBI Director James B. Comey acknowledged Monday that his agency is conducting an investigation into possible coordination between the Kremlin and the Trump campaign in a counterintelligence probe that could reach all the way to the White House and may last for months.

The extraordinary disclosure came near the beginning of a sprawling, 5½ -hour public hearing before the House Intelligence Committee in which Comey also said there is “no information” that supports President Trump’s claims that his predecessor ordered surveillance.

Less than seventeen hours after General McInerney’s “Hammer” revelations, FBI Director Comey announced that the FBI counterintelligence division, where Strzok was Deputy Director, was investigating Trump’s connections to the Kremlin, and that the FBI had “no information” to support Trump’s tweet claiming that President Obama wiretapped Trump.

FBI Director Jim Comey was lying.  Comey had already taken possession of Montgomery’s evidence in 2015 yet Comey proceeded to lie before Congress that there was no illicit surveillance of Trump.

“The proof of Donald Trump being wiretapped is in the documents that were handed over to the FBI” Montgomery’s attorney Larry Klayman told reporters Fanning and Jones.

Montgomery stated during a May 14, 2017 interview on the “Special Prosecutor with Larry Klayman” radio program:

I provided to the FBI seventeen businesses of Donald Trump, including the Trump Tower, the Trump leasing programs, all of these different programs, and including Trump himself and the various family members that had been wiretapped under these programs. There has been a wiretap on Trump for years…

…I produced 600 million pages. If you printed out each page it would be thirty miles high stacked one on top of another. The information is very sensitive information. They collected google searches, credit cards, phone records, images, pictures, anything and everything, and they did it for one reason: leverage. They didn’t know when, but they knew sooner or later they would need that information to use for leverage against a person … The amount of information is mind-boggling, and I gave all of that to FBI Director Comey’s office.


We know that President Trump was not the one with connections to Putin and Russia. Hillary Clinton, however, was deeply involved with Russia through her Uranium One and Port Canaveral Gulftainer scandals and the outrageous Steele dossier that she and her “progressive” comrades had paid for and put into play under the CIA’s and FBI’s “Operation Crossfire Hurricane” scheme.

Peter Strzok led the non-investigation into Hillary Clinton’s illegal server and criminal emails that included Special Access Program (SAP) “above top secret” intelligence. SAP includes missile defense secrets and, according to Politico, “top secret national security information derived from sensitive intelligence sources.”

Chinese military intelligence services operated a front company in Northern Virginia to hack into Clinton’s email server and forward to Chinese agents copies of every email, except for six, stored on Clinton’s illegal home server.

The Daily Caller reported:

Two officials with the [Intelligence Community Inspector General] ICIG, investigator Frank Rucker and attorney Janette McMillan, met repeatedly with FBI officials to warn them of the Chinese intrusion. Among those FBI officials was Peter Strzok, who was then the bureau’s top counterintelligence official…Strzok didn’t act on the information the ICIG provided him, according to [Texas Republican Representative Louie] Gohmert.

Fox News reported:

A source briefed on the matter confirmed to Fox News the details of the Caller’s reporting, and said that the ICIG was so concerned by the revelation that officials drove over to the FBI to inform agents — including anti-Trump agent Peter Strzok — of the development after it was discovered via the emails’ metadata.

The source told Fox News the hack was from a Chinese company, describing it as a front for Chinese intelligence.

After one year of Secretary Hillary Clinton serving in office, while using her secret server to which Chinese military intelligence had access, China wiped out the CIA’s human intelligence assets in China.

The New York Times” reported:

The Chinese government effectively dismantled C.I.A. spying operations in the country starting in 2010, killing or imprisoning more than a dozen sources over two years and crippling intelligence gathering there for years afterward…

…All told, the Chinese killed or imprisoned 18 to 20 of the C.I.A.’s sources in China, according to two former senior American officials, effectively unraveling a network that had taken years to build.

Director Comey chose not to investigate Clinton’s illegal email server. “Regarding the handling of classified information, our judgment is that no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case” “Comey explained during his infamous July 5, 2016 press conference regarding Clinton’s use of a private email server.

Comey shared certain sensibilities with Secretary Hillary Clinton and CIA Director John Brennan. Clinton’s mentor was communist revolutionary Saul Alinsky. In the 1976 presidential election, future CIA Director John Brennan voted for Communist Party USA (CPUSA) candidate Gus Hall.

Comey told “New York Magazine ”I’d moved from Communist to whatever I am now. I’m not even sure how to characterize myself politically. Maybe at some point, I’ll have to figure it out.”

Perhaps Comey’s own statements best explain his reticence to prosecute Hillary Clinton.


Referring to the situation as a “very serious Fourth Amendment issue, ”the FISA court revealed in April 2017 that the NSA, under President Obama, illegally spied on Americans

NPR reported that the NSA indicated its intention to “delete the vast majority of its upstream Internet data to further protect the privacy of U.S. person communications.” Such an action could be characterized as destruction of Federal records, destruction of criminal case evidence, and obstruction of justice. The FISA court let Brennan, Clapper, and others amend their statements and ordered the destruction of criminal case records.

This destruction of evidence happened one month after General McInerney and the Whistleblower Tapes story revealed the illegal super surveillance system known as “The Hammer.”

Comey’s FBI was engaged in illegal surveillance. So was the NSA. So was the CIA. So was the Director of National Intelligence, which oversees these intelligence agencies.

“CIA Whistleblower Speaks:  

‘There Has Been A Wiretap On Trump For Years’”

By Mary Fanning and Alan Jones | Big League Politics


According to the “Washington Examiner,” former FISA court counsel Joe diGenova stated during an April 24, 2019, Fox News panel discussion:

The problem for Brennan and Clapper and Comey and Baker and all of them now is, is that the FISA court has already communicated with the Justice Department about its findings. And their findings are that for more than four years before the election of Donald Trump, there was an illegal spying operation going on by FBI contractors, four of them, to steal personal information, electronic information about Americans, and to use it against the Republican Party.

There are going to be indictments. There’s going to be grand juries. John Brennan isn’t going to need one lawyer. He’s going to need five. . .

. . . The Obama administration, for more than four years before the 2016 election, allowed four contractors working for the FBI to illegally surveil American citizens, illegally. The FISA court has already found that.

“Attorney General William Barr, defending his decision to order a review of the Trump-Russia probe’s origins, told a Senate panel Wednesday that he thinks “spying did occur” by the U.S. government on President Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign” NBC News reported on April 10, 2019.

Continuing, Barr told senators “I think spying is a good English word that, in fact, doesn’t have synonyms because it is the broadest word incorporating really all forms of covert intelligence collection, so I’m not going to back off the word ‘spying.’

“I think spying on a political campaign is a big deal — it’s a big deal,” Barr added.



  • November 2015

U.S. District Judge G. Murray Snow releases the “Whistleblower Tapes.”

  • August 19, 2015

Dennis Montgomery, under a limited immunity agreement, turns over to Comey’s FBI 47 hard drives that he says prove the existence of Brennan’s and Clapper’s super-surveillance system.

  • March 4, 2017

President Trump tweets that Obama wiretapped him.

  • March 7, 2017

WikiLeaks dumps CIA Vault 7, confirming the existence of The Hammer (HAMR).

  • March 17, 2017

“Whistleblower Tapes: Trump wiretapped a “zillion” times by “The Hammer,” Brennan’s and Clapper’s secret computer system” published.

  • March 19, 2017 3:30 pm

U.S. Air Force Lieutenant General Thomas McInerney (Ret.) exposes The Hammer on America’s airwaves with Dr. Dave Janda during Operation Freedom on WAAM 1600.

  • March 19, 2017 4:26 pm

Strzok and Page exchange cryptic text.

  • March 19, 2017 11:00 pm

Strzok and Page exchange text referencing Montgomery and Klayman hours after General McInerney’s radio interview about The Hammer

  • March 20, 2017

Comey announces Russia collusion investigation.

  • April 24, 2017

FISA court lets Brennan, Clapper, and others amend their statements and orders destruction of criminal case records.




Mary Fanning and Alan Jones | January 2, 2019

Senior FBI and DOJ officials involved in Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s Russian collusion investigation were also previously assigned to investigate whistleblower Dennis Montgomery’s claim that Obama administration officials John Brennan and James Clapper spied on Donald Trump.

Montgomery asserts that the FBI, under FBI Director Mueller, supplied the computers used to create a private, illegal, unconstitutional, super surveillance system that President Obama’s intelligence chiefs used to spy on Trump.

FBI Director James B. Comey, FBI General Counsel James A. Baker, and five of Mueller’s hand-picked recruits to his Russian collusion investigation team, including Peter Strzok and Lisa Page, were involved in the “buried” FBI investigation into CIA/DNI/NSA whistleblower Dennis L. Montgomery’s claims.

Montgomery specifically alleges that President Obama’s intelligence chiefs, CIA Director John Brennan and Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, with computers supplied by Robert Mueller, used their newly-created illegal surveillance system to spy on Trump, Trump’s associates, Supreme Court justices, and millions of innocent Americans.

“The proof of Donald Trump being wiretapped is in the documents that were handed over to the FBI” Montgomery’s attorney Larry Klayman told reporters Fanning and Jones.

Federal Judge Richard J. Leon on December 27, 2018 denied a request by the DOJ and Mueller’s Special Counsel Office to delay a court date for author Jerome Corsi’s $350 million lawsuit against Robert Mueller, the DOJ, CIA, FBI, and NSA. Corsi is suing Mueller and those intelligence agencies for targeting him with “illegal and unconstitutional” surveillance and blackmail.

DOJ lawyers argued unsuccessfully that the January 3, 2019 3:00 pm court date should be delayed on the grounds that the federal government is partially shut down.

Corsi is represented in that case by attorney Larry E. Klayman.

In a separate case, whistleblower Montgomery and his attorney Klayman filed a joint lawsuit in 2017 against Barack Obama, Mueller, the CIA, the FBI, the NSA and other federal officials and agencies. Montgomery’s and Klayman’s lawsuit alleged that the defendants ignored and then covered up Montgomery’s whistleblower complaints of illegal domestic surveillance. (HYPERLINK)

In 2015 Klayman helped Montgomery secure limited immunity agreements in exchange for turning over computer hard drives and other physical evidence of that illegal surveillance to FBI Director James Comey’s office.

Montgomery reportedly held a top secret security clearance as well as the rare “above top secret” SAP (Special Access Program) security clearance.


Strzok and Page exchanged text message about Montgomery and Klayman after a retired four star Air Force general discussed Montgomery and secret surveillance system known as “The Hammer” during radio show

Disgraced FBI agent Peter Strzok and his paramour, FBI attorney Lisa Page, who together conspired to bring down Donald Trump, were also involved in the Montgomery whistleblower affair.

Strzok, the FBI’s top counterintelligence official and Page, the FBI attorney who was advising Comey and helping to develop the Trump Russia investigation, exchanged a cryptic text message on Sunday evening, March 19, 2017.

Strzok and Page exchanged the text message moments after the Air Force’s former number three Pentagon official, legendary Cold War combat and spy pilot Lt. General Thomas McInerney, broke the Montgomery story onto America’s radio airwaves.

Later that Sunday night, following McInerney’s detailed on-air interview about whistleblower Montgomery’s claims that Brennan and Clapper used their secret surveillance system known as “The Hammer” to spy on Donald Trump, Strzok and Page exchanged a second text message.

The second Strzok-Page text message specifically mentions, by name, Montgomery and Montgomery’s attorney Larry E. Klayman.

“I’m not going to respond to the whole group. The Klayman/Montgomery stuff in the email Jim just sent is utter BS. Best to say nothing and brief later if necessary.” – March 19, 2017 Strzok/Page text message sent hours after Lt. General Thomas McInerney went on air to discuss Brennan’s and Clapper’s secret surveillance system “The Hammer”

During the radio interview, Lt. General McInerney engaged in a detailed discussion of whistleblower Montgomery’s claims that Brennan and Clapper used their secret surveillance system known as “The Hammer” to spy on Trump “a zillion times.”

“Hammer stunned me…It stunned me Dave. It is something that will exceed anything done before in the U.S. government” McInerney told radio host Dr. Dave Janda.

“When I read it, I actually physically gasped” Janda added.

Secretly-recorded audio tapes released by Federal Judge G. Murray Snow identified the super surveillance system as “The Hammer.”

Subsequently, Wikileaks appeared to confirm this information when it leaked classified CIA documents about a mobile phone hacking tool called HAMR (The Hammer) as part of the “Vault 7” CIA document dump.

McInerney was a guest on the Sunday, March 19, 2017 broadcast of Ann Arbor’s WAAM terrestrial radio program “Operation Freedom,” hosted by Dr. Dave Janda.

McInerney, a Fox News military analyst whom the Washington Post dubbed “THE GENERAL WHO CALLS IN THE BIG GUNS,” read live over the air an article by these authors about Montgomery and the “Hammer” surveillance system.

Retired Four Star Admiral James “Ace” Lyons, former Commander in Chief of the US Navy’s Pacific Fleet had forwarded the article to Lt. General McInerney.

Admiral Lyons, who under President Reagan led the world’s largest single military command, passed away in December 2018.

“This is so far greater than Watergate. Watergate was just nothing compared to, if Hammer is true, and someone needs to verify it…it is very important that this be looked at right now” McInerney said during the interview.

“This is a very serious thing. Everything about the Russians stealing the election is tactical deception.”

Lisa Page is not just some rank and file FBI lawyer.

In the summer of 2016, Page was a principal in the FBI’s investigation into the Trump Russian collusion narrative. By the summer of 2017, Page had migrated with the Russia collusion story onto Mueller’s Special Counsel investigation team.

Additional text messages between Strzok and Page suggest that the FBI was briefing the Obama White House on the status of the Trump Russia investigation.

Recently deceased 26-year-old investigative journalist Bre Payton reported at The Federalist on December 13, 2018 that a newly-released DOJ Office of the Inspector General report reveals that Mueller’s Special Counsel Investigation (SCI) Records Officer deleted text messages that Strzok and Page exchanged while working on the Russian Collusion investigation. Deleting government records is a violation of the Federal Records Act. Destruction of evidence is also considered a crime.

“The 11-page report reveals that almost a month after Strzok was removed from Mueller’s team, his government-issued iPhone was wiped clean and restored to factory settings by another individual working in Mueller’s office” Payton reported. “The special counsel’s Record’s Officer told investigators that ‘she determined it did not contain records that needed to be retained.’” Under the Federal Records Act, all government work product are considered “federal records” and government property.

Before joining Special Counsel Mueller’s Russian collusion investigation, DOJ Assistant U.S. Attorney Deborah Curtis granted whistleblower Montgomery limited immunity in exchange for 47 computer hard drives and additional evidence proving the existence of Brennan’s and Clapper’s illegal surveillance program.

In July 2015, Assistant US Attorney Deborah Curtis, under the guidance of United States District Judge for the District of Columbia Royce C. Lamberth (one-time head of the FISA court), set up two limited immunity agreements with whistleblower Dennis Montgomery for production of physical evidence and for testimony.

On August 19, 2015, Montgomery turned over 47 computer hard drives containing 600 million pages of highly classified data to Assistant U.S. Attorney Deborah Curtis and officials from James Comey’s FBI and FBI General Counsel James Baker.

Montgomery turned over the hard drives at the FBI’s Miami Field Office in Miramar, FL. The FBI provided Montgomery and Klayman with an itemized receipt for the computer hard drives.

Montgomery claims that the data stored on those computer drives prove the existence of an illegal surveillance system run by Obama’s intelligence chiefs -Mueller, Brennan and Clapper.

Richard J. Leon, Senior United States District Judge of the United States District Court for the District of Columbia, in his March 1, 2018 memorandum opinion in the civil case “Montgomery v. Comey,” stated:

According to plaintiffs, the FBI, under Comey’s direction, sought to “cover-up” its wrongdoing by inducing Montgomery to turn over 47 computer hard drives containing evidence of the illegal surveillance. They also claim that the FBI has refused to investigate plaintiffs’ claims or return the incriminating hard drives…

…Montgomery alleges that he only gave the hard drives to the FBI because the FBI expressly promised that it would conduct an investigation of the mass surveillance. Former General Counsel of the FBI, James Baker (“Baker”), allegedly assured plaintiffs that Comey was taking “hands on” supervision of the Montgomery investigation, given its importance. Comey and the FBI, however, never conducted the investigation, and Montgomery alleges that they are concealing the hard drives in order “to ensure that the evidence contained therein is not investigated or revealed to the public and prosecuted.”

Strzok and Page first started exchanging text messages the same week that Montgomery turned over the 47 computer hard drives to the FBI.

Montgomery turned over the 47 hard drives to the FBI’s Miami Field Office on August 19, 2015. The first Strzok-Page text message released by the FBI is date-stamped August 16, 2015.

Before joining Special Counsel Mueller’s Russia Collusion investigation, FBI Special Agents Giardina and Barnett debriefed Montgomery on Brennan’s and Clapper’s illegal surveillance operation against Trump.

Over the course of three hours on December 21, 2015, Comey’s “right hand men” Special Agents Walter Giardina and William Barnett debriefed whistleblower Montgomery inside a SCIF (Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility) at the FBI’s Washington, DC Field Office.

“It was a videotaped deposition and I laid out these private domestic surveillance programs that were being run. I specifically named names. John Brennan and James Clapper.”

After debriefing Montgomery, Special Agents Giardina and Barnett went on to join Mueller’s Special Counsel Russia Collusion investigation team In May of 2018.

FBI General Counsel James Baker: The FBI official who took possession of Montgomery’s 47 computer hard drives then became the FBI’s back channel to the discredited Christopher Steele Trump Russia Dossier and Mother Jones leaker

In August 2015, FBI General Counsel James Baker, who reported directly to FBI Director James Comey, took possession of Dennis Montgomery’s physical evidence.

Montgomery says that the evidence he provided to the FBI proves the existence of an illegal, Orwellian surveillance system weaponized to take down Obama’s political enemies.

FBI General Counsel Baker played one of the most important roles in Mueller’s operation to take down Trump.

It was Baker who met with Mother Jones investigative reporter David Corn weeks before the 2016 election, just before Corn broke the story of the now-discredited Trump Dossier.

The dossier was attributed to former British spy Christopher Steele.

Baker managed Comey’s FBI whistleblower investigation of Montgomery’s claim that Obama’s intelligence chiefs Mueller, Brennan, and Clapper put together a surveillance system that spied on Trump.

Both Baker and Lisa Page worked as FBI legal analysts for Comey.

Lisa Page resigned from the FBI on the same day as FBI General Counsel James Baker according to the New York Times.

Klayman accuses Baker, who handled the day-to-day aspects of the Montgomery whistleblower investigation for Comey, of “burying” the Montgomery case.

The Washington Post called Mueller and Comey friends and “Brothers in Arms.”

Giuliani: Mueller is “the insurance policy”

“All those texts from Strzok and Page — deleted?” President Trump’s personal attorney Rudy Giuliani asked during a December 30, 2018 “Fox & Friends” interview.

“After they find out that Strzok is texting that he hates Trump, that he’s going to get him and stop him — and that if he can’t stop him, he has an ‘insurance policy’ to get him out of office. I believe Mueller is the insurance policy to get him out of office. I’m not just saying that — Strzok was his first investigator.”

“There are no coincidences”

There was collusion. The Trump campaign was not colluding with Russia.

Trump’s opponent former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and her husband, former U.S. President Bill Clinton, were colluding with Russian operatives that worked for the FBI.

The Clintons sold a critical national security asset to Russia under their shady Uranium One deal.

The Clintons sold out their country for $145 million.

“In terms of capability, Russia is the only country on earth that has the capability to destroy the United States of America” said Army Chief of Staff General Mark A. Milley. “It’s an existential threat by definition because of their nuclear capabilities. Other countries have nuclear weapons, but none as many as Russia and none have the capability to literally destroy the United States.”

“Remember: Uranium is a main ingredient in atomic bombs” Deroy Murdock wrote in National Review. “Why would the Obama-Clinton administration let Russia have even a firecracker’s worth of American uranium? This is the $145 million question.”

The Clintons are traitors. The enemy actions of Hillary and Bill Clinton are in the same league as the actions of Cold War Soviet atomic spies Julius and Ethel Rosenberg.

WikiLeaks revealed that Robert Mueller, as President Obama’s FBI Director, personally delivered a sample of highly enriched uranium to Moscow. Weapons grade uranium is a strategic commodity critical to our national security.

Crossfire Hurricane is tactical deception

The FBI’s Operation Crossfire Hurricane is a conspiracy to distract the American people from the Obama administration’s tsunami of treason and sedition.

Mueller’s investigation has turned up no evidence of Trump Russian collusion.

Mueller and his team know there was “there’s no big there there.”

Brennan and Clapper, according to Montgomery, ran their own “private” surveillance system to spy on Supreme Court Justices, 159 Article III judges, elected officials, and 20 million other Americans.

The ultimate objective of these Obama administration illegal domestic surveillance operations, Montgomery says, was to weaponize illegally-collected data and employ it as leverage against their surveillance targets.

For Obama and his intelligence chiefs, the super surveillance system’s number one high value target was Donald Trump.

“The Hammer” and the Obama administration officials who built it, utilized it, and then covered up its existence are part of a seditious cabal.

“Stroke or no stroke, I am going to expose the CIA and NSA misdeeds until the American people know the truth” Montgomery told Klayman during a radio interview.

“I have put my family for years at great risk by coming forward.”

“This is my last stand for America” declared Montgomery.

It used to be considered a fundamental maxim in FBI investigations that “there are no coincidences.”
Mueller, Comey, the Clintons. Obama, Brennan, Clapper, Curtis, Giardina, Barnett, Baker, Strzok, and Page are involved in a conspiracy of treason.

The Hammer, Operation Crossfire Hurricane, and Special Counsel Mueller’s Russian Collusion investigation are not only elements of this conspiracy–but they add up to a coup d’etat.


By Mary Fanning and Alan Jones | September 29, 2018

UPDATE, MAY 29, 2019:

On November 13, 2016, FBI attorney Lisa Page texted her supposed lover Peter Strzok, Deputy Assistant Director of the FBI Counterintelligence Division, writing “I bought all the president’s men. Figure I need to brush up on watergate.”

The following day, November 14, 2016, Page texted Strzok again, writing “God, being here makes me angry. Lots of high fallutin’ national security talk. Meanwhile we have OUR task ahead of us.”


Imagine a replay of Watergate – only worse.  

In both the original and the replay, the same Washington D.C. reporter, whose parents were Communist Party members connected to Soviet atomic spies and who were under FBI surveillance for decades, teamed up with the same second D.C. reporter, who was outed as an “FBI asset,” to take down a sitting Republican President of the United States.

In both instances the “unnamed source” leaking information to these two reporters turned out to be the Deputy Director of the FBI.

This is a remake.

Some of the players have even reprised their old roles.

We have seen this movie before.

Only this time we now know the history of one of the reporters and his connection to the Rosenberg-Sobell Soviet atomic spy ring. We also know the history of the second reporter, who has been identified as an “FBI asset.”

This time around, the FBI Deputy Director is not Mark “Deep Throat” Felt. It is the now-fired FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe.

This is stunning – decades apart in time two separate FBI Deputy Directors leaked information about the then-sitting President of the United States to a pair of reporters, one of whom hails from a family intertwined with the Soviet spy ring that handed America’s nuclear secrets to Joseph Stalin and the other of whom was an “FBI asset.”

Both of these FBI Deputy Directors had to know with whom they were dealing.

Mountains of FBI evidence and now-declassified files as well as archival newspaper reports leave little doubt that both of those FBI Deputy Directors would have known that one of the reporters to whom they were leaking was the son of Communist Party members connected to a Soviet spy ring.

Those Soviet spies were behind one of the worst Cold War espionage disasters in U.S. history. The information gleaned by Stalin from them permanently damaged U.S. nuclear security and military technical superiority and cost 94,000 U.S. troops their lives. Both of those FBI Deputy Directors would have also known that the second reporter to whom they were leaking was an “FBI asset.”

Both cases appear to be operations involving the highest levels of the FBI and operatives with troubling connections to the spy services of the Soviet Union (in the first case) and the Russian Federation.

The underlying alleged crime in the Watergate story was the President’s involvement in a cover-up of the break-in at DNC headquarters at the Watergate Complex.

In the current story the cover-up has been replaced with a “Russian Collusion” narrative and nebulous implications that the President is working with Russian intelligence services.

That evaporating Russia narrative is now being conflated with a new narrative that suggests that President Trump is a lunatic or had a “nervous breakdown.”

Woodward and Bernstein’s Watergate Redux

Watergate reporting partners Carl Bernstein and Bob Woodward are attempting a Deep State maneuver to frame President Trump as a crazed, out-of-control, pro-Russia tyrant who poses an unacceptable risk to U.S. national security.

FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe knew days ahead of time that CNN planned to break a story that U.S. intelligence chiefs briefed President-Elect Trump about the now-discredited dossier. The CNN story written by Carl Bernstein and three other CNN reporters was published on January 10, 2017.

The Federalist reported in a May 21, 2018 story titled “BREAKING: E-mails Show FBI Brass Discussed Dossier Briefing Details With CNN”:

Newly revealed e-mails show that former Federal Bureau Investigation (FBI) deputy director Andrew McCabe was keenly aware of CNN’s internal understanding of a secret briefing about the infamous Steele dossier, days before CNN published any stories on the matter. The e-mails, which were obtained by Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wisc.), also reveal that top officials used coded language to refer to the salacious and unverified allegations made by Steele.

Bruce Ohr testified that McCabe was among the FBI officials with whom “he discussed the anti-Trump dossier and had given some related research” the Washington Examiner reported.

These revelations put McCabe at the top of the production pipeline that manufactured the fake Trump Russia dossier. They also place McCabe squarely in the middle of the cabal’s conspiracy to break their dossier story via CNN reporter Bernstein.

Ultimately, Woodward and Bernstein hope to once again bring down a sitting Republican U.S. President. This is the same fate Richard Nixon met following the dynamic duo’s Watergate exposé. Woodward recently added to the narrative with the release of his anti-Trump book “Fear.”

Woodward conceded, however, that he could find no evidence of Trump collusion with Russia.

Woodward’s previous reporting was based upon a gaggle of anonymous sources. His accusations against President Trump and two upstanding generals in his administration, of sterling reputation, were met with derision and a chorus of “liar.” Woodward has now turned to innuendo of a Presidential “nervous breakdown.”

Woodward has come up with a new “story.”

Without providing evidence, Woodward makes veiled allusions that Trump is a Russian agent. Woodward asserts that the answer to the Trump Russia investigation lies in Moscow. Woodward claims that if he were to travel to Russia to uncover the “truth” about Trump “he would be killed.”

My word! One might think this is a display of Woodward’s own mental illness! Will we soon not be seeing the men in white coats carting away Bob Woodward for a “rest”?  Not likely in the current left-leaning media environment.

Moreover, Mr. Woodward is further protected from attack by the liberal establishment and its media handmaidens. This is evidenced by a U.S. State Department email from Hillary-fixer Sid Blumenthal that exposed Woodward as “an FBI asset” since his Watergate days. Jim Hoft of The Gateway Pundit discovered the 2012 State Department email that was released in 2015.

That is correct: according to Blumenthal’s email, Woodward was not only working with FBI Deputy Director Mark Felt (a.k.a. “Deep Throat” who more accurately should have been called “Deep State”) but was in fact a current “FBI asset” whose career depended upon that arrangement with the FBI.

“One evening that summer, a few weeks after the Watergate break-in, Mr. Woodward, then a neophyte newspaperman, knocked on Mr. Felt’s door in pursuit of the story. Mr. Felt decided to co-operate with him and set up an elaborate system of espionage techniques for clandestine meetings with Mr. Woodward” Politico reported in 2008.

U.S. Navy Lt. Bob Woodward

According to Texas A&M University’s Colodny Collection of Watergate materials:

Bob Woodward lied to conceal his early ties to General Alexander Haig. In 1969 and 1970, Navy Lt. Bob Woodward manned the Pentagon’s secret communications room, which transmitted messages around the world, including the back channel communications for Henry Kissinger and President Richard Nixon. In that duty, Woodward often delivered messages from the world’s top leaders to Gen. Alexander Haig, Kissinger’s deputy at the National Security Council.

“Woodward held a ‘top secret crypto’ security clearance,” Len Colodny and Robert Gettlin wrote in their book “Silent Coup: The Removal of a President.”

The other half of the Watergate “dynamic duo” also had a history that would bring to mind questions regarding his motivations.

Bernstein’s Communist Party family tied to Soviet atomic spies

The upside-down irony of this Watergate 2.0 circus is that Carl Bernstein’s family is connected to the most famous Soviet atomic spies.

Former “Washington Post” reporter and current CNN contributor Bernstein, leading the network’s Trump-Russia collusion hysteria, is the son of Communist Party members who were under FBI surveillance for 35 years.

Bernstein’s parents were deeply connected to the Soviet spies who stole America’s nuclear secrets and other critical classified military intelligence:  Julius and Ethel Rosenberg and Morton Sobell.

Carl Bernstein grew up in a nest of communism.

In his book Loyalties: A Son’s Memoir, Bernstein tells that his parents were atheists. “There was no Hebrew, no Torah, and sparse mention of God.”  Every fall the Bernstein family commemorated the Bolshevik revolution —  “the anniversary of the Russian Revolution — October Division.” The Bernsteins’ religion was, as prescribed by collectivist regimes everywhere, communism.

The FBI monitored the activities of Carl Bernstein’s parents Sylvia Walker Bernstein and Alfred David Bernstein in San Francisco and in Washington D.C. The FBI amassed 2,500 pages of files on Carl Bernstein’s parents, according to Bernstein’s book. A search for Sylvia Bernstein in the FBI Vault returns two pages of links to declassified documents alone.

“Starting in 1942, the Federal Bureau of Investigation put the family under surveillance, which became a full-scale investigation” The New York Times noted in its review of Bernstein’s book.

Frank S. Tavenner, Chief Counsel to the House Un-American Activities Committee, questioned Sylvia Bernstein before the committee on July 12, 1954.

Mary Stalcup Markward was the Director of Party Membership for the Washington, D.C. District Communist Party while secretly working as an FBI informant.

During the hearing, Tavenner told Sylvia Bernstein that Markward had previously testified that Communist Party officials transfer the communist wives of U.S. government officials into the secret underground Communist Party club to protect their husbands’ jobs. Markward testified that Elizabeth Searle, “Chairman of the Communist Party in Washington, D.C, told me to get in touch with Sylvia Bernstein and inform her she was to be transferred to this underground club because it was too dangerous to her husband’s position for her to be in the white collar section of the party.”

When Tavenner asked Sylvia Bernstein if Markward’s testimony was true, Sylvia Bernstein refused to answer, invoking her Fifth Amendment right so as not to incriminate herself.

Carl Bernstein conceded that not only were his parents Communist Party members, but that they also held a meeting at the Bernstein home with accused Soviet spy and fellow communist party member Helen Levitov Sobell, wife of convicted Soviet spy Morton Sobell. The U.S. government also compiled a massive FBI file on Helen and Morton Sobell.

Also attending the meeting at the Bernstein household was communist defense attorney Emanuel “Manny” Bloch. Bloch represented Soviet atomic spies Julius and Ethel Rosenberg and their codefendant, admitted Soviet spy Morton Sobell. Bloch, the Bernstein couple, the Rosenbergs, and the Sobells were all comrades in the Communist Party.
Carl Bernstein wrote in Loyalties:  A Son’s Memoir:

I cannot say precisely how old I was when the Rosenbergs became a presence in our house. Six or seven, maybe eight. At first they were just a name, the subject of dinner-table conversation between my parents. There were a series of names, actually: Emanuel Bloch, Helen Sobell, Ethel Weichbrod, Michael and Robbie, others. Over the next couple of years some of the names became faces and everything became terrifyingly real. Bloch was the Rosenbergs’ lawyer; he and Morton Sobell’s wife Helen, came to visit us. Sobell had been convicted with the Rosenbergs. My mother and her friend Ethel Weichbrod organized the Washington Committee to Secure Justice for Julius and Ethel Rosenberg.

Morton and Helen Sobell had previously fled to Mexico, where the two fugitives sought ocean passage to the Soviet Union. Mexican authorities apprehended the Sobells and turned them over to the FBI. During their capture, Morton Sobell attempted to grab a Mexican agent’s firearm.

Helen Sobell was on the FBI’s Security Index. The Security Index was a list of individuals considered such a high risk to national security that they were to be rounded up were hostilities to break out between the Soviet Union and the United States.

Alfred Bernstein, who obtained a law degree from Columbia University, “defended 500 public employees accused of disloyalty,” the “Los Angeles Times” noted. Alfred Bernstein was also on the Security Index.
Carl Bernstein wrote in Loyalties:  A Son’s Memoir:

In San Francisco the peer pressure to join the Party was incredible,” my mother said by the pool . . .  I picked this moment to ask my mother whether she had wanted a revolution in this country . . . “I always thought by peaceful means . . . public ownership of the means of production . . . what happened to us would have happened anyway, without the CP membership.

“THIS BOOK IS FOR MY PARENTS. I AM PROUD OF THE CHOICES THEY MADE” Bernstein wrote in dedication section of Loyalties, which he also dedicated to Woodward.

The U.S. government accused the Rosenbergs and Morton Sobell of conspiracy to commit atomic espionage on behalf of the Soviet Union, a fact later proven by the secret U.S. Army/NSA Venona Project that decrypted Soviet cable traffic. Venona was so secret that not even President Franklin D. Roosevelt was notified of its existence.

The decrypted cables proved that Julius Rosenberg led the Soviet spy ring that penetrated the Manhattan Project.

The Rosenberg-Sobell atomic espionage trial shocked the nation as Americans came to grip with the fact that U.S. national security had been severely compromised by Soviet spies.

In 2008 Morton Sobell “dramatically reversed himself” and admitted to “The New York Times” that he provided U.S. military secrets to the Soviet Union.

According to “The Weekly Standard

Sobell was a Red Diaper Baby. His parents were both Communists; his mother led party meetings in the family’s apartment when Morton was a toddler . . . It never occurred to Sobell to be anything other than a devoted Communist. In the ’30s and ’40s, that meant dedicating oneself to Stalin and the Soviet Union.

Sobell’s admission removes all doubt that Helen Sobell was married to a Soviet spy. Morton Sobell is not just a convicted Soviet spy, but an admitted Soviet spy who stole America’s most sensitive military technology secrets.

Elizabeth Bentley, a Soviet spy-turned FBI informant, revealed in the 1940s that the Communist Party of the United States (CPUSA) was working directly for the Soviet Union.

Kathryn Olmsted noted in her book Red Spy Queen:  A Biography of Elizabeth Bentley that Bentley, during her testimony at the Rosenbergs’ trial:

obligingly explained that all Communists were potential or actual spies for Moscow. “The Communist Party being part of the Communist International,” she said, “only served the interests of Moscow, whether it be propaganda or espionage or sabotage”. . .

. . . In turning down the Rosenbergs’ appeal, Judge Jerome Frank wrote that she “supplied the missing link connecting the Communist Party with the Soviet Union.”

When Judge Irving R. Kaufman sentenced the Rosenbergs to death on April 5, 1951, he stated:

I consider your crime worse than murder . . . . I believe your conduct in putting into the hands of the Russians the A-bomb years before our best scientists predicted Russia would perfect the bomb has already caused, in my opinion, the Communist aggression in Korea, with the resultant casualties exceeding 50,000 and who knows but that millions more of innocent people may pay the price of your treason. Indeed, by your betrayal you undoubtedly have altered the course of history to the disadvantage of our country. No one can say that we do not live in a constant state of tension. We have evidence of your treachery all around us every day for the civilian defense activities throughout the nation are aimed at preparing us for an atom bomb attack.

Morton Sobell was sentenced to 30 years in prison and sent to Alcatraz.

In 2010, Morton Sobell went further and admitted to journalist Steven Ustin that he and his Rosenberg spy ring comrades stole massive amounts of classified data, as revealed by “The Weekly Standard.”  Sobell, Rosenberg, William Perl, and one other Soviet spy (who Sobell refused to name) stole “all the manuals and secrets from Langley Field from a safe at Columbia” University — a theft of nearly two thousand pages of classified documents. “It was 1948 or 1949 he [Sobell] said,” “The Weekly Standard” reported.

Sobell and Rosenberg spent a weekend, which the FBI suspects included the Fourth of July, photographing the documents with a Leica camera provided by the Soviets that was smuggled into the U.S. through Mexico. The Soviet spies then delivered a heavy box of exposed film rolls to the Soviets during a rendezvous on a Long Island train platform.

The stolen documents included NACA (predecessor of NASA) advanced aeronautical designs that Moscow used to develop the MiG fighter jets flown by communist forces against the U.S. military during the Korean War and the Vietnam War.

“Mr. Sobell passed on thousands of pages of text and drawings of valuable military secrets about sonar, radar, infrared rays and the aiming devices for artillery pieces, along with the first data on missile-guidance systems that could be used for the atomic bomb” “The Wall Street Journal” reported in June 2018, citing the memoir of Sobell’s handler, Alexander Feklisov.

Asked by “The Wall Street Journal” about the terrors of the Soviet Union, Morton Sobell replied  “without batting an eyelash,” “well, that comes with the territory.”

Historian Alexander Solzhenitsyn and others estimate Stalin killed 60 million.

“According to ‘Loyalties,’ . . . Sylvia Walker Bernstein, the daughter of Russian immigrants…did secretarial work at the War Department…During the Clinton administration, she was a White House volunteer and answered the correspondence of first lady Hillary Rodham Clinton” “The Washington Post” reported.

The Clinton White House was known for its lax security and security clearance backlog, which may explain how Sylvia Walker Bernstein gained access to the First Lady’s inner sanctum, or, perhaps not.

“The Washington Post,” Woodward, and Bernstein

Reporters Woodward and Bernstein wrote their serial exposé at “The Washington Post.” Woodward still works at “The Washington Post.”

“The Washington Post” was led by Katherine Meyer Graham for decades. Graham oversaw the Watergate coverage during “The Washington Post’s” heyday.

The Meyer family and “The Washington Post” were patrons of communist Saul Alinsky, the author of Rules for Radicals, who advocated for the overthrow of the United States government. Alinsky had “secured the fervent support of important liberals like Agnes E. Meyer of “The Washington Post” “The New York Times” wrote.

Neither President Richard Nixon nor President Donald Trump are known for being fond of communism.  

Richard “Nixon’s dogged pursuit of [Alger] Hiss, from his seat on the House Committee on Un-American Activities, had helped inspire McCarthy to start his hunt for Reds” The Atlantic noted.

Nixon leveraged the Pumpkin Papers, a trove of copied State Department classified documents and film passed from Hiss to Whittaker Chambers that were concealed inside a hollowed-out pumpkin at Chamber’s farm, as part of Nixon’s larger effort to track down communist spies that had infiltrated the U.S. government.

Donald Trump’s long-time attorney Roy Cohn was Senator Joseph McCarthy’s Chief Counsel. Cohn was also a U.S. Department of Justice prosecutor during the trial of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg and their co-defendant Morton Sobell.

It remains unclear if “The Washington Post,” which now features the phrase “Democracy Dies in Darkness” splashed across its masthead, was aware of Bernstein’s communist parents during the Watergate era, but, if the paper was, its readers were left in the dark.  

Bernstein, Woodward, and CNN

CNN repeatedly sells the false construct that President Trump is colluding with Russia. CNN contributor Carl Bernstein is their leading hitman.

Numerous CNN segments feature Bernstein covering supposed connections between President Trump and the Russian government.

While CNN continues to spout the “Trump – Russian collusion” narrative, the network neglects to mention that its hired gun “progressive” Carl Bernstein is the son of Communist Party members who were under FBI surveillance for 35 years.

These CNN segments never include a disclosure to viewers that Bernstein’s family has FBI-established connections to Soviet atomic spies who severely damaged U.S. national security.

Is this what bald-faced journalistic malpractice looks like? This may explain why President Trump refers to CNN as “fake news.”
During an April 2018 CNN segment with Jake Tapper, Carl Bernstein pronounced:

We may well have not seen such dark days for American democracy and its institutions since the days of Joe McCarthy . . . There is a legitimate investigation into what the Russians did and whether or not the president of the United States and his cohort[s] and aides and families may or may not have been involved in helping the Russians . . . In the whole Cold War the Russians were not able to do what Putin has done through Donald Trump to destabilize the United States and its democratic institutions. It’s stunning. It’s ruinous.

Bernstein’s “analysis” uses a common communist construct of mirroring one’s own activities onto one’s adversary.

During an August 2018 CNN segment with Wolf Blitzer, Bernstein declares that “we are seeing a president who is behaving and acting unhinged.”

In completely upside down logic, Carl Bernstein slams President Trump’s claim that the FBI is conducting a McCarthyite witch hunt against Trump. Bernstein insists that the FBI is carrying out a “legitimate investigation” against Trump.  This is the same Carl Bernstein that claimed almost 30 years ago that the FBI carried out a McCarthyite witch hunt against the Bernstein family. The contrast between the two FBI investigations could not be more stark:  The Bernstein family, in point of fact, was enmeshed with a Soviet espionage network. Members of the leadership of today’s FBI have been carrying out an illegitimate investigation against Trump.

Mockingbird press conducts an operation against the American People and against a duly elected president

“In 1977, Carl Bernstein published an exposé of a CIA program known as Operation Mockingbird, a covert program involving, according to Bernstein, ‘more than 400 American journalists who in the past 25 years have secretly carried out assignments for the Central Intelligence Agency’” The Nation reported.

In his 1977 “Rolling Stone Magazine” article about Operation Mockingbird, Carl Bernstein wrote that “there are perhaps a dozen well known columnists and broadcast commentators whose relationships with the CIA go far beyond those normally maintained between reporters and their sources. They are referred to at the Agency as ‘known assets’ and can be counted on to perform a variety of undercover tasks.”

The objective of Operation Mockingbird was to sell the narrative that the CIA wanted others to believe, regardless of the truth of the matter. Which brings us back to Sidney Blumenthal’s email.

Blumenthal outed Woodward as an “FBI asset.”

Bernstein and Woodward, as two well-known journalists who fit the Mockingbird profile, continue to tell untruths about President Donald Trump and his “out-of-control,”  “crazed,” and “unhinged” behavior. This begs the question: Are Woodward and Bernstein working for the Deep State?

While Sidney Blumenthal outed Woodward as a known “FBI asset” one has to ask, are Woodward and Bernstein “known assets” of the CIA?

The CIA has no legal authority to recruit and/or deploy U.S. citizens domestically versus American citizens.

“The CIA collects information only regarding foreign countries and their citizens. Unlike the FBI, it is prohibited from collecting information regarding ‘U.S. Persons’ according to the FBI.

CIA is constrained legally from operating domestically. Its mandate is abroad. An exception is when international terrorists cross onto US soil, for example, the CIA will work with the Department of Homeland Security and the FBI to share information about those terrorists.

It would be illegal for the CIA to have deployed Woodward and Bernstein as “recruited assets” versus U.S. citizens, including the President.

While Sidney Blumenthal outed Woodward as a known “FBI asset” one has to ask, are Woodward and Bernstein “known assets” of the CIA?

The New York Times” reported on September 21, 2018 that “the deputy attorney general, Rod J. Rosenstein, suggested last year that he secretly record President Trump in the White House to expose the chaos consuming the administration, and he discussed recruiting cabinet members to invoke the 25th Amendment to remove Mr. Trump from office for being unfit.”

Moments after the Constitutional Convention of 1787 a woman in the crowd outside Independence Hall asked:  “Well doctor, what have we got, a republic or a monarchy?” Benjamin Franklin famously replied “a republic, if you can keep it.”

Woodward and Bernstein, both imposters, cannot be allowed to continue to propagate their false narrative. Truth matters. The Deep State cabal is working feverishly to build division and chaos.

The political chaos in the U.S  being ginned up against President Trump is another hobnail boot on the neck of freedom. The communist left “Resistance” drags the nation and our Constitution toward destruction.

In a final bid to complete their transformation of the republic into a Soviet America, the left and their mainstream media “assets” have corrupted the truth, keeping the American people in the dark, where they will remain for the ages should “The Resistance” succeed.


CIA whistleblower: Mueller’s FBI computers spied on Trump and SCOTUS

The FBI, under Director Robert Mueller, now special counsel for Trump Russia collusion investigation, supplied the computers for “The Hammer” surveillance system that Brennan and Clapper used to spy on Donald Trump, according to CIA whistleblower Dennis Montgomery. So why is Mueller leading the investigation?

By Mary Fanning and Alan Jones | July 13, 2017

Former FBI Director Robert Mueller, currently Special Counsel in the Russia investigation, provided FBI computers to a secret CIA/NSA surveillance program that was launched in 2004. That program morphed into a domestic surveillance program that spied on Donald Trump and his associates.

This is according to former CIA/NSA/DIA subcontractor-turned-whistleblower Dennis Montgomery and his attorney Larry Klayman.

According to Montgomery:

“This is very, very, very powerful technology, and it was created under Robert Mueller’s watch. The last person I would think that should be investigating Donald Trump is Robert Mueller, who was collecting information on Donald Trump ten years ago … Mueller has a huge conflict of interest, a huge conflict of interest.” Continue reading

Obama’s Surveillance HAMMER On Trump Worse Than Watergate

“The Hammer,” a secret government surveillance system, was allegedly used to spy on Trump, Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts and millions of other Americans during the Obama administration.

By Marry Fanning and Alan Jones

On June 5, whistleblower and former CIA/NSA contractor Dennis Montgomery filed a federal lawsuit [Dennis Montgomery, et. al, vs. James Comey,] against former President Barack Obama, former CIA Director John Brennan, former FBI director James Comey, former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, the NSA, the CIA and other former and current government officials.

The suit claims that the defendants failed to investigate Montgomery’s whistleblower reports of illegal surveillance on Donald Trump and millions of other Americans.

Montgomery alleges that the U.S. government wiretapped 17 Trump businesses including Trump Tower, Trump leasing programs, Donald Trump himself and various Trump family members. All were wiretapped under the Obama administration. There has been a wiretap on Trump for years, according to Montgomery.

“The proof of Donald Trump being wiretapped is in the documents that were handed over to the FBI” Montgomery’s attorney Larry Klayman told reporters Fanning and Jones today. Continue reading


By Mary Fanning and Alan Jones  |  May 17, 2017

CIA and NSA contractor-turned-whistleblower Dennis Montgomery speaks out about the surveillance on President Donald Trump in an interview with his attorney Larry Klayman, the founder of Judicial Watch and Freedom Watch, on the premiere episode of the new talk radio program “Special Prosecutor with Larry Klayman.” The program, which debuted on Sunday, May 14, is carried by Radio America, an Arlington, Virginia-based network.


Montgomery has been in the public eye recently following the bombshell Big League Politics report, “Whistleblowers: James Comey Seized and Buried Information Showing Donald Trump’s Phone Calls Were Spied On (AUDIO).” The article featured interviews with Sherriff Joe Arpaio that were released by a federal judge in Arizona as part of a civil case, and are now preserved on our whistleblower Soundcloud page. Now, with President Trump locked at war with the Deep State, Montgomery is speaking out in public.

“I provided to the FBI seventeen businesses of Donald Trump, including the Trump Tower, the Trump leasing programs, all of these different programs, and including Trump himself and the various family members that had been wiretapped under these programs,” Montgomery said in the interview. “There has been a wiretap on Trump for years.”

“I started by going to Maricopa County and showing that Sheriff Arpaio himself was wiretapped under the Obama administration,” the whistleblower said.

“I was a CIA contractor both under John Brennan and under James Clapper and these individuals were running domestic surveillance programs in the United States collecting information on Americans. This isn’t political. They were collecting information on Republicans and Democrats. But they collected everything they could find. Bank accounts, phone numbers, chats, emails, and they collected a massive amount of it under the Obama administration,” Montgomery said.

Montgomery went to the FBI under James Comey, gave information to general counsel James Baker, and was interviewed by two FBI special agents for two to three hours.

“They not only interviewed me. I was given, as you know, no questions in advance. I answered all of their questions. I never took the Fifth at any time. I never left the room and said let me talk to my attorney about the questions. You were there. I answered every single question that they asked me without hesitation. I have put my family for years at great risk by coming forward,” Montgomery said.

Montgomery provided the proof of the surveillance program to Judge Royce Lamberth in Washington, D.C. in a videotaped deposition. Montgomery named names–specifically John Brennan and James Clapper at that interview in December of 2015. Montgomery turned over 600 million pages of documentation.

Montgomery spoke of “Massive domestic surveillance, specifically of Article III judges, which seemed to be a primary target of the domestic surveillance because they were looking for information on judges to be able to use it against them as leverage.”

“I specifically named names. James Clapper and John Brennan,” Montgomery said. “They know I had the data.”

“On the data that I provided them, it shows that the FBI servers were breached by the CIA at least seven times over six years. Why would the CIA be breaching the FBI computers? I’ll tell you why. Because they were interested in finding out if there were ongoing criminal investigations going on into their own actions,” Montgomery said.

Montgomery said that he contacted and spoke to House Intelligence Committee chairman Rep. Devin Nunes, who initially supported President Trump’s claim that Trump Tower was wiretapped, but later said under pressure that there was not enough evidence to prove the claim. Nunes’ resignation from the House investigation into alleged Trump-Russia collusion was supported by House Speaker Paul Ryan.

“They (the intelligence agencies) leaked false information about me in 2009 and 2011 to the press to discredit me in case their domestic surveillance programs ever became public,” Montgomery said. “Somebody leaked my name to (New York Times reporter James Risen) saying that my work for the government didn’t work and so forth, which is ridiculous. My work saved lives…He just wanted to hurt the Bush administration, so he was spinning this tale, and he knew that I could bot respond to his articles because I was under U.S. protective gag order on me saying I could not respond to anything, and I had the state secrets privilege filed against me that if I would have violated I would have been charged with treason under the U.S. Espionage Act.”

“I am going to expose the CIA and NSA misdeeds until the American people know the truth,” Montgomery vowed.


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