COUP CONFIRMED: Notes From March 6, 2017 FBI Meeting Reveal Panic; By 2015 James Baker, After Receiving Hard Drives, Testimony From Montgomery, Knew Trump Had Been Spied Upon For A Long Time

By Mary Fanning and Alan Jones | May 14, 2022

Special Counsel John Durham’s first trial in his multi-year investigation into the origins of the hoax Trump Russian collusion investigation begins on Monday, May 16, with defendant Michael Sussman on trial for one count of lying to the FBI.

Sussman is the former partner at law firm Perkins Coie who in September 2016 met with FBI General Counsel James Baker.  Both the Hillary Clinton 2016 presidential campaign and the DNC retained Perkins Coie for the 2016 presidential election season. During his meeting, Sussman presented so-called ‘evidence’ to Baker and the FBI that supposedly proved the existence of communications between the Trump Organization and Russia’s Alfa Bank.

Later, the FBI determined that there was no evidence that Trump was communicating with Alfa Bank.

The question before the court is whether or not Sussman lied to Baker by claiming that he did not represent a client when in fact he was representing the Clinton campaign.

How did the FBI not know that Sussman was working on behalf of the Clinton campaign when he met with Baker?

The Sussman trial took on a new and more expansive dimension earlier this week after U.S. District Judge Christopher Cooper of the United States District Court for the District of Columbia allowed Sussman’s attorneys to submit as exhibits hand-written notes taken during a March 6, 2017 meeting at FBI headquarters. Senior officials from the FBI and the DOJ attended that meeting, including FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, Deputy Director of the FBI Counterintelligence Division Peter Strzok, FBI General Counsel James Baker, Assistant Director of the FBI Counterintelligence Division Bill Priestap, James Rybicki, chief of staff to then-director of the FBI James Comey, and U.S. Deputy Attorney General Dana Boente.

According to the March 6, 2017 FBI meeting notes, that were taken on the Monday morning following President Trump’s now-infamous Saturday, March 4, 2017 tweet accusing Obama of wiretapping Trump Tower, “FBI trying to determine what is behind POTUS tweets.”

On the morning of Saturday, March 4, 2017, The American Report, in response to President Trump’s “Obama had my ‘wires tapped’ tweet three hours earlier, sent a tweet to President Trump and Trump’s son Eric Trump, alerting President Trump that “Brennan/Clapper ‘tapped Trump a Zillion times’ says CIA contractor Dennis Montgomery.”

Also the morning of Saturday, March 4, 2017, in response to President Trump’s “Obama had my ‘wires tapped’”tweet, The American Report posted detailed information to The American Report’s official Facebook page about “THE HAMMER” wiretapping Donald Trump “a zillion times.”

CIA Contractor-turned-whistleblower Dennis Montgomery Sued James Comey

In June, 2017, CIA contractor-turned-whistleblower Dennis Montgomery sued James Comey, Barack Obama, John Brennan, the FBI, the CIA, and various other U.S. government intelligence officials and agencies.

According to Montgomery’s lawsuit:

On August 19, 2015 Plaintiff Montgomery was induced by Defendants Comey and the FBI and made to turn over 47 hard drives of evidence of the aforementioned illegal, unconstitutional activity, which hard drives alone are valued in excess of $50,000 dollars. Indeed, counsel for Montgomery, Plaintiff Klayman, was told and assured by the former General Counsel of the FBI, James Baker, that Defendant Comey was taking “hands on” supervision and conducting the FBI’s Montgomery investigation, given its importance…

…On or about December 21, 2015, Plaintiff Montgomery was interviewed under oath at the FBI Field Office in the District of Columbia. There,over the course of an over three-hour interview, recorded on video, with Special Agents Walter Giardina and William Barnett, Plaintiff Montgomery meticulously laid out the NSA, CIA, DNI’s, and the other Defendants’ – particularly Defendants Clapper and Brennan’s – pattern and practice of conducting illegal, unconstitutional surveillance against millions of Americans, including prominent Americans such as the chief justice of the U.S. Supreme Court, other justices, 156 judges, prominent businessmen, and others such as Donald J. Trump, as well as Plaintiffs themselves. Plaintiffs were assured that the FBI, under Defendant Comey, would conduct a full investigation into the grave instances of illegal and unconstitutional activity set forth by Montgomery. However, the FBI, on Defendant Comey’s orders, buried the FBI’s investigation because the FBI itself is involved in an ongoing conspiracy to not only conduct the aforementioned illegal, unconstitutional surveillance, but to cover it up as well. Plaintiff Klayman has contacted FBI General Counsel James Baker numerous times to obtain an update on the Montgomery investigation, but has been ignored each time.

ICIG Took Possession Of Montgomery’s Hard Drives And Testimony

We exclusively reported at The American Report on December 18, 2020 that U.S. District Court Judge Richard Leon confirmed that Intelligence Community Inspector General (ICIG), former FBI agent Irvin Charles “Chuck” McCullough III, took possession of Montgomery’s recorded testimony and hard drives:

According to a March 3, 2018 opinion by U.S. District Judge Richard J. Leon in the case DENNIS MONTGOMERY, et al., Plaintiffs, v. JAMES COMEY, Defendants:

At the status conference in this case, counsel for the Government defendants represented to this Court that the “hard drives are in a secure facility with the [I]ntelligence [C]ommunity’s Office of Inspector General” and that there was “no risk” that they were “going to be destroyed anytime soon…

…Plaintiffs’ primary argument on this point is that, without preservation of the hard drives and the interview tapes, they “will lose the material evidence in this case.” Pls.’ Mot. 18. But as I have already explained, the Government has represented to this Court that there is a litigation hold preventing the destruction of either the hard drives or the interview tapes.

In October 2018, about sixteen months after Montgomery sued Comey, James Baker testified before a joint congressional committee. Approximately two weeks later, during his second day of testimony, Baker suddenly interrupted Representative Jim Jordan (R-OH) and asked to amend his testimony. Baker had suddenly “remembered” that in 2015 Montgomery had provided to the FBI with electronic storage devices containing evidence of illegal US government surveillance targeting US citizens.

James Baker Amended 2018 CongressionalTestimony, Suddenly ‘Remembered’ That Montgomery Turned Evidence Over To FBI

We previously reported at The American Report in “HAMMERTIME: Baker Buried Whistleblower Montgomery’s Trump Surveillance Evidence Then Suddenly “Remembered” FBI Had It”:

Former FBI General Counsel James A. Baker is the second current or former senior FBI official to have misled Congress about the FBI’s receipt of evidence from CIA/NSA whistleblower Dennis Montgomery that Montgomery maintains proves President Obama’s intelligence chiefs, CIA Director John Brennan and Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, illegally surveilled Donald Trump with “THE HAMMER” (HAMR) super-surveillance system.

Former FBI counsel Baker, who was interviewed by a joint committee of the U.S. House of Representatives just weeks before the 2018 midterm election, stated during day one of his interview, conducted on October 3, 2018, that the FBI and the DOJ did not “infiltrate or surveil” the Trump campaign for “political purposes.”

Baker simultaneously denied on day one that Obama administration officials made “demands or requests” of the FBI and the DOJ to “infiltrate or surveil” the Trump campaign.

At the beginning of Baker’s day two testimony, conducted on October 18, 2018, Baker interrupted Representative Jim Jordan (R-OH) stating he wanted to amend the record of his day one testimony, thereby sidestepping a potential perjury charge.

Between day one of his interview two weeks earlier and day two, Baker suddenly “remembered” that U.S. government contractor Dennis Montgomery had turned over to the FBI evidence in 2015 in the form of digital storage devices that, Montgomery asserted, proved that the U.S. government illegally surveilled American citizens and government officials…

…Baker’s two-day interview, carried out on October 3 and October 18, 2018, was “part of a joint investigation by the House Committee on the Judiciary and the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform into decisions made and not made by the DOJ and the FBI regarding the 2016 Presidential election.”

Notably, Baker stated the wrong year when disclosing that Montgomery had turned over evidence to the FBI. Baker transposed the year by one digit, stating that Montgomery had provided the evidence to the FBI in 2016, instead of the actual year it occurred, 2016:

Baker carefully stated: “To the best of my recollection, it’s in the late summer, early fall 2016.”  Baker misstated the year the FBI took possession of Montgomery’s evidence during day two of his interview. By carefully reciting that it was to the “best of his recollection” Baker neatly sidestepped a potential perjury charge.

Did Baker intentionally misstate the year. Was there an intent to deceive?

Judge Christopher Cooper Who Is Presiding Over The Sussman Trial Is Married To Amy Jeffress, Lisa Page’s Attorney; Page And Strzok Were Central To The Hoax Russian Collusion Coup D’etat Against President Donald Trump

On Sunday, March 20, 2017, just hours after US Air Force General Thomas McInerney (Ret) and Admiral James A. Ace Lyons (Ret) presented the American Report’s March 19, 2017 exclusive “Whistleblower Tapes” exposé over America’s airwaves, revealing “The Hammer,” Strzok and Page exchanged a text message that specifically mentioned “Montgomery.”

Judge Christopher Cooper, who is presiding over Sussman trial, is married to Amy Jeffress, Lisa Page’s attorney. Page and Strzok were central to the hoax Russian collusion coup d’etat against President Donald Trump.

Does Judge Cooper’s connection to former FBI attorney Lisa Page present a clear conflict of interest in the Sussman trial?

Tom Fitton of Judicial Watch stated during a recent interview, “If a spouse has a substantial interest in the outcome of a proceeding, then a judge should consider recusal…That is a question Judge Cooper will have to ask himself.”

Americans can hope that Judge Christopher  Cooper is up to the task and is a man for all seasons.

According to a May 2, 1999 wedding announcement published by the New York Times, “Dorothy Ames Jeffress, a Federal prosecutor, and Christopher Reid Cooper, a lawyer, were married yesterday afternoon at the Meridian House, a historic mansion in Washington. Judge Merrick Garland of the Federal Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit officiated…”

Durham Has Obtained 22 Emails From Fusion GPS

Judge Cooper ordered Fusion GPS to turn over to Special Counsel Durham 22 emails that the research firm had withheld by claiming that they were protected under attorney-client privilege. Although Durham cannot use those emails in Sussman’s trial, Durham may use them in a future case related to his ongoing investigation into the origins of the hoax Trump Russian collusion investigation.

Let’s hope that Special Counsel Durham has another bite at the apple, and that more revelations are forthcoming.


HAMMER? FBI Panicked After Trump Accused Obama Of Wiretapping Trump And The American Report Tweeted “Brennan/Clapper ‘tapped Trump a Zillion times’ says CIA contractor Dennis Montgomery”

By Mary Fanning and Alan Jones | May 11, 2022

Special Counsel John Durham’s investigation into the origins of the hoax Trump Russian collusion investigation, code-named Crossfire Hurricane, has revealed that senior FBI officials, during a March 6, 2017 meeting, were in a panic two days after after President Trump, in a March 4, 2017 tweet, accused President Obama of wiretapping Trump Tower.

On the morning of Saturday, March 4, 2017, The American Report, in response to the President’s own tweet three hours earlier, sent a tweet to President Trump and his son Eric Trump, warning President Trump that “Brennan/Clapper ‘tapped Trump a Zillion times’ says CIA contractor Dennis Montgomery.”

Also the morning of Saturday, March 4, 2017, in further response to President Trump’s tweet, The American Report posted information to The American Report’s official Facebook page about “THE HAMMER” wiretapping Donald Trump “a zillion times.”

John Brennan and James Clapper, who worked for Barack Obama, commandeered THE HAMMER and moved it to Fort Washington, Maryland, according to CIA contractor-turned whistleblower Dennis Montgomery.

March 6, 2017 Meeting At FBI Headquarters Was Attended By Senior FBI And DOJ Officials, Including FBI General Counsel James Baker; In 2015, Baker Granted Dennis Montgomery Limited Immunity Agreements For Production And Testimony; Baker Buried Whistleblower Montgomery’s Trump Surveillance Evidence Then Suddenly “Remembered” FBI Had It

During the March 6, 2017 meeting, FBI officials desperately wanted to know how President Trump knew that he had been wiretapped, hand-written notes taken during the meeting reveal.

FBI officials at the meeting were also desperate to know how much more President Trump knew about the extent of the illegal surveillance that had covertly targeted Trump and his campaign.

The March 6, 2017 meeting was held at FBI headquarters, and attendees included senior officials from both the FBI and the DOJ.

Imagine the FBI’s surprise when on March 7, 2017, WikiLeaks dropped CIA Vault 7, proving the existence of THE HAMMER.

THE HAMMER is the super surveillance system while HAMR are the exploits, including SCORECARD that work off THE HAMMER. SCORECARD is a prismatic scoring algorithm that steals votes at the transfer point as the vote is Byers the Internet.

In 2015, the FBI and DOJ granted CIA contractor-turned-whistleblower Dennis Montgomery two limited immunity agreements in exchange for production and testimony. In 2015, Montgomery turned over to the FBI’s Miami field office 47 computer hard drives of evidence regarding THE HAMMER. Also in 2015, Montgomery provided sworn testimony to FBI and DOJ officials during a classified debriefing held inside a sensitive compartmented information facility (SCIF) at the FBI’s Washington, DC field office.

FBI General Counsel James Baker was one of the senior FBI officials who attended the March 6, 2017 meeting, during which FBI officials expressed alarm over President Trump’s knowledge that he had been wiretapped. During that meeting, FBI officials also began to cover their tracks.

Baker was not only involved in Montgomery’s immunity deals, Baker also suddenly “remembered” during his second day of testimony in 2018 before a joint Congressional committee that Montgomery, through his attorney, had turned over to the FBI evidence of illegal domestic surveillance by the government against U.S. citizens.

Those meeting notes have emerged in the form of exhibits in Durham’s grand jury trial against Michael Sussman, a former Hillary Clinton campaign attorney who was a partner at the law firm Perkins Coie.

“Best to say nothing and brief later if necessary”: Peter Strzok Was Scheduled To Attend The March 6, 2017 Meeting; Strzok Shared A Text Message With Lover/FBI Attorney Lisa Page About “Montgomery” On March 19, 2017, Just Hours After General McInerney Read Over America’s Airwaves The American Report’s March 17 Exposé “Whistleblower Tapes: Trump Wiretapped “A Zillion Times” By ‘The Hammer,’ Brennan’s and Clapper’s Secret Computer System”

FBI official Peter Strzok was quite familiar with the name Montgomery, as we revealed at The American Report in our March 30, 2019 report “COUP D’ÉTAT: DOJ, FBI OFFICIALS ON MUELLER’S RUSSIA TEAM IN COVER UP OF MUELLER’S, CLAPPER’S, AND BRENNAN’S SURVEILLANCE ‘HAMMER’ THAT SPIED ON TRUMP, STRZOK-PAGE TEXT SHOWS”:

Disgraced FBI agent Peter Strzok and his paramour, FBI attorney Lisa Page, who together conspired to bring down Donald Trump, were also involved in the Montgomery whistleblower affair.

Strzok, the FBI’s top counterintelligence official and Page, the FBI attorney who was advising Comey and helping to develop the Trump Russia investigation, exchanged a cryptic text message on Sunday evening, March 19, 2017.

Strzok and Page exchanged the text message moments after the Air Force’s former number three Pentagon official, legendary Cold War combat and spy pilot Lt. General Thomas McInerney, broke the Montgomery story onto America’s radio airwaves.

Later that Sunday night, following McInerney’s detailed on-air interview about whistleblower Montgomery’s claims that Brennan and Clapper used their secret surveillance system known as “The Hammer” to spy on Donald Trump, Strzok and Page exchanged a second text message.

The second Strzok-Page text message specifically mentions, by name, Montgomery and Montgomery’s attorney Larry E. Klayman.

“I’m not going to respond to the whole group. The Klayman/Montgomery stuff in the email Jim just sent is utter BS. Best to say nothing and brief later if necessary.” – March 19, 2017 Strzok/Page text message sent hours after Lt. General Thomas McInerney went on air to discuss Brennan’s and Clapper’s secret surveillance system “The Hammer”

Who’s Product Was It? Acting DNI Richard Grennell Tweeted That Flynn Kislyak Wiretap Transcript ‘Wasn’t Our Product’

We previously reported in our article “So Whose “Product” Is It? Exploring The Origin Of The Flynn-Kislyak Wiretap: Was It THE HAMMER?

Acting Director of Intelligence Richard Grenell, replying to a tweet from The Federalist’s Mollie Hemmingway about “declassifying the Kislyak-Flynn transcript and/or summaries,” tweeted:

The IC doesn’t have all the transcripts/summaries….it wasn’t our product. It’s odd that @AdamSchiff doesn’t know this.

So, whose product was it?

Was it the “product” of the illegally-commandeered foreign surveillance system known as THE HAMMER? President Obama, James Clapper, and John Brennan had transformed THE HAMMER into an illegally-privatized domestic surveillance system to spy on the American people. They ran THE HAMMER outside of legally-mandated Congressional and FISA court oversight.

The Handwritten Notes About The March 6, 2017 At FBI Headquarters Are Now Exhibits In Durham’s Grand Jury Trial Of Michael Sussman

The Epoch Times reported on May 10, 2022:

Newly released notes taken by high-level Department of Justice (DOJ) officials during a March 6, 2017, meeting with FBI leadership expose some of the lengths the FBI went to, to cover up its spying on the 2016 campaign of President Donald Trump.

The notes were released on May 8 by lawyers representing former Hillary Clinton campaign lawyer Michael Sussmann as part of an effort to clear him on charges of having lied to the FBI. The notes, in reality, appear to do little to exonerate Sussmann but do provide quite a bit of information on the FBI.

The meeting at which the notes were taken took place just two days after Trump’s March 4, 2017, tweet in which he accused former President Barack Obama of having wiretapped Trump Tower. Trump’s tweet panicked FBI leadership, who were unsure exactly how much Trump knew about their efforts to tie him up with Russia collusion allegations.

What the notes reveal is that in response to the tweet, they tried to cover their tracks.

Was The American Report’s GULFTAINER Story The Origin Of The Trump Russia Collusion Conspiracy Theory? One Day After Fanning / Jones Broke Story That Linked Gulftainer To Dr. Jafar, Saddam Hussein, Obama, Clintons, And ‘Russia’s Darth Vader’ Igor Sechin, Michael Isikoff Broke Story Linking Carter Page To Igor Sechin

We previously reported in our April, 2022 article “Launching The Trump Russia Collusion Conspiracy Theory: One Day After Fanning/Jones Broke Story That Linked Gulftainer To Dr. Jafar And Igor Sechin, Michael Isikoff Broke Story Linking Carter Page To Igor Sechin”:

In the course of any investigation, assembling a timeline and fact pattern is critical.

When timelines of Crossfire Hurricane and The American Report’s exposure of Gulftainer and the Obama/Clinton ‘Project Pelican’ operation are assembled, they intersect in September 2016 with a reporter named Michael Isikoff.

On September 22, 2016, The American Report broke the story of Gulftainer’s connections to Saddam’s nuclear scientist Dr. Jafar Dhia Jafar and former KGB agents Vladimir Putin and Igor Sechin, known as “Russia’s Darth Vader” and “the scariest person on earth.”

On the following day, September 23, 2016, Yahoo News Chief Investigative Correspondent Michael Isikoff reported in his now-infamous Yahoo News story “U.S. intel officials probe ties between Trump adviser and Kremlin” that “U.S. intelligence officials are seeking to determine whether an American businessman [Carter Page] identified by Donald Trump as one of his foreign policy advisers has opened up private communications with senior Russian officials.”

Just sometimes, the truth will out.


Absolute Proof: THE HAMMER Exists

By Mary Fanning and Alan Jones | April 23, 2022

Updated | April 25, 2022

Former CIA analyst and Hillary Clinton operative Larry C. Johnson had the temerity to participate in a hit piece called “Sunday With Charles – Bad Lieutenant General With Special Guest Larry Johnson.”

Johnson is conducting a disinformation operation to discredit Patriots and the information about the super surveillance system known as THE HAMMER.

Within 36 hours of The American Report breaking the story about THE HAMMER that Brennan and Clapper illegally commandeered to spy on President Trump ‘A Zillion Times,” WikiLeaks dropped CIA Vault 7, which confirmed the existence of THE HAMMER.

Yet, Larry C. Johnson had the gall to attempt to discredit the well-respected Lieutenant General Thomas McInerney.

On March 19, 2017, two men of stellar reputations, General Thomas McInerney, with Admiral James A. “Ace” Lyons, brought the American Report’s March 17, 2017 article “Whistleblower Tapes: Trump Wiretapped “A Zillion Times” By ‘The Hammer,’ Brennan’s and Clapper’s Secret Computer System,” to America’s terrestrial radio airwaves.

One can imagine Washington D.C. breaking into a cold sweat.

The very next morning, March 20, 2017, FBI Director James Comey launched the hoax Trump Russian collusion investigation.

Peter Strzok was put in charge of that investigation by James Comey.

Text messages later proved that within minutes of General Thomas McInerney going on the airwaves, Peter Strzok and his lover Lisa Page were exchanging text messages that specifically mentioned Dennis Montgomery.

CIA whistleblower Dennis Montgomery designed and built the super surveillance system known as THE HAMMER.

Larry Johnson has been relentlessly attacking Dennis Montgomery.  Montgomery had a State Secrets Privilege (SSP) and a Government Protective Order (GPO) – a government muzzle, invoked against him so that he cannot speak up.

Johnson, who admittedly worked for Hillary Clinton and passed disinformation from Sidney Blumenthal, claimed the HAMMER does not exist. HAMMER is a Special Access Program (SAP) that few were read into.

Apparently, Larry Johnson was not read into this SAP program.

Johnson is an admitted disinformation agent, a Hillary pit bull. THE HAMMER exists.

This email was sent the day that THE HAMMER went live in Fort Washington, Maryland.

The email’s header indicates that it was sent on February 6, 2009 from a Department of Defense email account to email recipient “Dennis.”

The subject line of the email reads “RE: Data.”

The body of the email reads:

Did you get a flight yet, just let me know which and when. The Hammer is ready to go.

The Obama White House had an encrypted VPN in order to access THE HAMMER at will.

Investigative journalist Mary Fanning, together with Alan Jones, exposed THE HAMMER and the actions of John Brennan and James Clapper.

Politico reported on March 18, 2017:

The former CIA analyst who helped launch the claim that the U.K. spied on Donald Trump is a longtime critic of U.S. intelligence and defender of Russia…

…Larry Johnson, a former CIA analyst and blogger, acknowledges he was one of the sources for Fox News commentator Andrew Napolitano’s claim — later repeated by the White House — that British intelligence services spied on Trump during the election…

…Johnson, a key source for the report that was roundly denied by U.K. and U.S. officials, told POLITICO on Saturday that he received his initial tip from a Democrat who is not in the intelligence community but has ties there…

…He called his original source someone “with a history of having access to national security information.”

Washington Post Wrote About “The former pro-Clinton blogger Larry Johnson”

The Washington Post reported in a September 19, 2016 article titled “Digging deep on the latest Clintonworld birtherism story”:

Blumenthal’s unhelpful surrogate work for Clinton has been exposed many times since, most infamously in emails revealed during the various Freedom of Information Act requests of Clinton’s State Department. But in eight years, the only suggestion that Blumenthal pushed the “birther” story came this weekend. After Asher’s tweets went up, the former pro-Clinton blogger Larry Johnson published his own take, insisting that “Sidney was the conduit who fed damaging material to me” and that “in writing or through a verbal briefing,” Blumenthal had passed on allegations about Obama’s citizenship.

Timelines Matter

March 4, 2017

MARCH 5, 2017

  • March 5, 2017: Larry C. Johnson appeared on Russia’s RT channel and stated “In this case I understand from very good friends that what happened was both Jim Clapper and John Brennan at CIA were intimately involved in trying to derail the candidacy of Donald Trump. That there was some collusion overseas with Britain’s own GHCQ [sic] … My understanding, though, is Obama did give the green light when he was briefed on information that had come from British GHCQ [sic] to US intelligence officials, that he gave a green light to go and to start distributing and using that in an improper way.”

MARCH 17, 2017

On the same day we published the Whistleblower Tapes story at The American Report, Larry Johnson scrambled to get on the airwaves via Russia propaganda channel RT, and redirected the American people’s attention to the British GCHQ, although has referred to it as the GHCQ:

Johnson stated on the Infowars Show with Alex Jones, broadcast on March 17, 2017:

The real fundamental thing that ought to alarm all Americans, regardless of their political party or political affiliation, is what has been going on with former leaders of the Central Intelligence Agency and in the Director of National Intelligence agency’s office, is direct interference in domestic politics.  If we are going to talk about Russian meddling in U.S. politics, it needs to be acknowledged that these intelligence agencies, the principals at the top, were involved with meddling.

Now, do I have first-hand knowledge that John Brennan was doing this? No, I do not. I have been told, though, by someone who is in a position to know, who is still within the intelligence community, that absolutely, that’s what was going on. That Brennan, and that there were shenanigans going on between the GHCQ [sic] and U.S. intelligence.

We previously reported at The American Report that CIA contractor-turned-whistleblower Dennis Montgomery’s 47  hard drives and sworn testimony were turned over to the the Intelligence Community Inspector General (ICIG Charles Irving McCullough III for safe-keeping:

According to a March 3, 2018 opinion by U.S. District Judge Richard J. Leon in the case DENNIS MONTGOMERY, et al., Plaintiffs, v. JAMES COMEY, Defendants, Montgomery’s hard drives and sworn testimony were turned over to Irvin Charles “Chuck” McCullough III, who served as the Intelligence Community Inspector General from 2010 to 2018.

It Wasn’t Just THE HAMMER

The source code for THE HAMMER framework’s election monitoring and election engineering exploit application known as SCORECARD, according to Montgomery, was turned over to James Comey and subsequently fell into the hands of China.

Mary Fanning produced the documentary film Absolute Proof with Mike Lindell, during which she presented evidence that China conducted a cyberwarfare attack on U.S. election systems during the 2020 presidential election.

In one of their followup documentaries that Mary Fanning produced with Lindell, titled Absolute Interference, Fanning brought in cyber evidence collected by cyber experts who used Raspberry Pi Zero W (wireless) small single-board computers to collect evidence.

We previously reported in The American Report in the April 26, 2021 article titled “ABSOLUTE INTERFERENCE Cybersecurity Experts: Chinese Cyberwarfare Attacks Flipped U.S. Election From Trump To Biden; Chinese-Made TCL / Alcatel Phones Distributed To Georgia Poll Managers Secretly Connected Election To Internet”:

In the new documentary ABSOLUTE INTERFERENCE, which debuted on April 20, 2021, cybersecurity experts came forward and verified that a Chinese-led foreign cyberwarfare attack targeted the 2020 U.S. election…

…a whistleblower featured in ABSOLUTE INTERFERENCE revealed that numerous Chinese-made TCL / Alcatel model 40440 flip phones covertly functioned as heavily-encrypted Trojan Horse 4G WiFi hotspots. The TCL / Alcatel phones were distributed to Georgia poll managers with written instructions. According to sworn affidavits of multiple poll managers, they were instructed to carry the TCL / Alcatel flip phones into polling sites and were to keep them powered up at all times. The TCL / Alcatel flip phones were utilized in Georgia during both the November 3, 2020 U.S. election and the January 5, 2021 Senate runoff election…

…When powered up, the Chinese TCL / Alcatel flip phones connected electronic vote tabulators inside election precinct polling sites across multiple Georgia counties to the internet.

The KNOWiNK brand electronic poll pads, which have their own cellular connection, track which registered voters have voted and which have not. The real-time poll pad data is critical to the artificial intelligence (AI) algorithm that inserts phantom voters into the election.

…These multiple election whistleblowers explained that the key technical detail of the operation was the TCL / Alcatel flip phone’s capability to covertly connect the precinct-level local area network (LAN) intranet to the internet…

…One whistleblower stated during ABSOLUTE INTERFERENCE:

…we have verified connection to the polling pads [and the  election vote tabulators] with China by this TCL flip phone. We also have the absolute proof of interference by the fact that we have transmissions that go back to this Chinese state-owned company TCL.

Sworn affidavits regarding the TCL Alcatel flip phones were provided to attorneys.

In Cobb County, Georgia, Fanning found that tabulator tapes were missing and memory cards were written over. The memory cards were written over a sufficient number of times so that the original data could not be recovered.

After the tabulator tapes went missing, a Cobb county official called the electronic voting machine company to obtain election results, according to a source. Why is the electronic voting machine company controlling the election results?

Fanning also discovered that, according to a U.S. military veteran who ran for sheriff, Stacy Abrams’ “Happy Face” crew members were stuffing backpacks full of ballots from nursing homes into different Georgia ballot boxes from other counties located over forty miles away. A cyber expert extrapolated that if this happened frequently enough, just the backpack ballot box stuffing operation alone would have sufficiently altered the vote count to successfully steal the election.

However, the HAMMER/SCORECARD cyberwarfare attack conducted by China was the primary technique used to steal the 2020 presidential election for the benefit of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.

Someone within the U.S. government transferred the HAMMER/SCORECARD technology to China because Dennis Montgomery was required under his immunity agreement  to provide James Comey with the HAMMER/SCORECARD source code, and an electronic marker added to that source code later emerged in China, according to Montgomery.

Patriotic Georgia citizens, including a U.S. military veteran who was running for sheriff, provided testimony and video recordings.

Montgomery, THE HAMMER, An SSP And GPO — A  Government-Invoked Muzzle

Montgomery held a TS/SCI (Top Secret / Sensitive Compartmented Information) security clearance and was read into SAP programs (above-top-secret Special Access Programs).

It is imperative that Dennis Montgomery be released from the State Secrets Privilege (SSP) and Government Protective Order (GPO) that were invoked against him so that he can speak freely to the American People about what has taken place in America.

The truth matters. Too many are under the mistaken notion that the rule of law is dead. Members of the Intelligence Community were involved in a criminal conspiracy.

Sedition and a coup d’etat still amount to the high crime of treason in America.


The truth about THE HAMMER must be made known to the American people.

Decisions are destiny.




Lt Col Steve Murray Calls Cyber Attack By Foreign Actors On 2020 US Election An ‘Act Of War’: Rep Biggs (R-AZ) Grills Maricopa County On Deleted 2020 Election Server Files

By Mary Fanning and Alan Jones | The American Report | October 16, 2021

U.S. Army Lt. Col. Steve Murray (Ret.), who previously commanded a Cyber Defense Battalion providing defensive cyber operations for the United States Pacific Command and US Army Pacific Forces, called the cyber attack by foreign actors against the 2020 U.S. Election an ‘Act Of War.’

Lt. Col. Murray stated, in reference to the 2020 US Election in Maricopa County, Arizona:

By 3 am, they realized that the vote was so overwhelming for Trump that they went back into the machines and actually did, they moved votes, they deleted votes, they shifted votes, you name it. And all of the forensic pieces that go into that, especially the pieces with the [Maricopa County] routers and why those are so important is that it shows that foreign powers reached into those machines using anonymous connections — that’s what the anonymous connections mean — the “type 3” remote connections in Windows, that means somebody outside your domain logged into that machine, and that’s critical that they identify where those source IPs came from, who those actors were, and I think when they get to the bottom of that you’re going to see number one, an Act of War, because that is an Act of War, and number two, you are going to see that our allies and our enemies were both involved in this.

So, it’s important that we, number one, put pressure on Karen Fann to rip up that agreement, and number two, on [Arizona Attorney General Mark[ Brnovich, to make sure he is doing his job and doing an investigation and allowing access to those routers. Why he hasn’t confiscated those routers by now, I have no idea. But there is no good excuse for it.

And here is the topper for all of it: [Arizona Governor] Doug Ducey certified an election he knew was fraudulent. So, do with that what you may, but the truth of the matter is Dominion was the source of cheating, and when they couldn’t obfuscate that enough, that’s when they pulled out the paper ballots. That’s where we are sitting right now.”

Rep. Andy Biggs (R-AZ) Grilled Maricopa County About Deleted Election Server Files

While being interrogated on October 7, 2021 by U.S. Rep. Andy Biggs (R-AZ) of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, Bill Gates of the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors admitted that Maricopa County deleted files off the Maricopa County server after the 2020 election. Bill Gates’ laughable excuse was that Maricopa County “archived” the deleted files and was therefore not required to turn those files over to auditors since “archived” files were not specified in the subpoena.


Is it standard practice to delete files off a server after an election, Mr. Bennet?


I hope not.


So, Mr. Gates, will you agree with that?


I would say that it is appropriate to maintain files, and that’s exactly what we did — we deleted — the deleted files have been discussed — they were archived.


So, you admit that you guys did delete, Maricopa County did delete files off the server after the election?


That are archived.


So, when you released these servers and this information to the auditors to begin with, they didn’t have access to those archived files at first, is that fair to say?


They did not subpoena those, that’s correct.


(Laughter) So, you didn’t feel obligated to turn that over to them.


We responded to the subpoena.


Mr. Bennet, your response to that?


I find it frankly laughable to suggest that a county, in response to a subpoena, could say “we will delete files from the hard drives and materials that we give to the auditors because we have those files archived on data that we did not give to the auditors when the subpoena said turn over all the records related to the election.”

Three Days Before The 2020 U.S. Election, The American Report Predicted A Massive Cyberwarfare Attack Against The 2020 U.S. Election Across Battleground States

On October 31, 2021, three days before the 2020 U.S. Election, we accurately predicted at The American Report in an article titled “Biden Using SCORECARD and THE HAMMER To Steal Another U.S. Presidential Election  — Just Like Obama And Biden Did In 2012,” that a cyberwarfare attack would target the 2020 U.S. election battleground states.

We subsequently broke the story that presented forensic proof of that cyberwarfare attack in a January 11, 2021 article at The American Report titled “EXCLUSIVE: Proof China, Russia Hacked 2020 Election: IP Addresses In China, Russia, Hong Kong, Germany, Canada, Czech Republic Hacked PA, NV, MI, GA Battleground States Raw Data Analytics Show.”


The documentary ABSOLUTE PROOF, produced by Mike Lindell, Mary Fanning, and Brannon Howse that debuted on February 5, 2021, featured forensic evidence presented by Mary Fanning and originally published by The American Report demonstrating how the Chinese-led foreign cyberwafare attack targeted the 2020 U.S. election and stole the vote from President Donald J. Trump.

The subsequent documentary ABSOLUTE INTERFERENCE, which debuted on April 20, 2021 and was also produced by Mike Lindell, Mary Fanning, and Brannon Howse, presented additional forensic evidence of the foreign cyberwarafe attack against the 2020 U.S. election.

The August 2020 book THE HAMMER is the Key to the Coup “The Political Crime of the Century”: How Obama, Brennan, Clapper, and the CIA spied on President Trump, General Flynn … and everyone else, by Mary Fanning and Alan Jones, presents the complete history of THE HAMMER, the surveillance supercomputer upon which the SCORECARD application runs.

This cyberwarafare attack on the 2020 U.S. election could have only taken place because domestic traitors worked in concert with foreign adversaries.


WATCH VIDEO: The Maricopa County Election Audits And The Intelligence Community: The Untold Story

Intelligence Community Tied To CISA And CISA’s Partner EAC, U.S. Government Agency That Accredited Maricopa Election ‘Auditors’ Pro V&V And SLI Compliance

Cyber Ninjas Expose Massive 2020 US Election Cyber

By Mary Fanning and Alan Jones | October 2, 2021

Cyber Ninjas proved that the entire narrative of a ‘perfect election’ presented by Maricopa County, Arizona election officials and Maricopa’s two Election Assistance Commission (EAC)-accredited’ auditing labs were more propaganda than science.

Maricopa County contracted with two EAC – accredited ‘auditors,’ Pro V&V and SLI Compliance.

The Election Assistance Commission, part of the U.S. Government, is closely integrated with and routinely coordinates with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s Cybersecurity Infrastructure and Security Agency (CISA).

CISA, formerly under the control of CISA Director Christopher Krebs, has connections to the U.S. intelligence community through Krebs and Krebs’ associate Kevin O’Prey, and with private intelligence contracting firm DFI International. President Trump fired Krebs after Krebs insisted that the 2020 elections were secure.

Although EAC granted accreditation to Pro V&V and SLI Compliance, U.S. election laws do not actually require that election auditors receive EAC accreditation.

The badge of EAC ‘accreditation’ carries no legal authority and is simply window dressing that creates the illusion of authority.

The two ‘auditing firms contracted by Maricopa County, Pro V&V, and SLI Compliance, provided a clean bill of health to Maricopa County’s election systems.

By contrast, Cyber Ninjas, the election auditing experts brought in by Arizona Senate Republicans, uncovered massive cybersecurity deficiencies, including shared passwords, deleted election data and logs, and evidence of internet connectivity.

During Cyber Ninjas’ audit process, Maricopa County refused to turn over routers and administrative passwords that had been requested under subpoena.

Chris Krebs’ former CISA Election Security Lead Matt Masterson actually said “the routers aren’t needed to audit election results,” the Arizona Republic reported on May 11, 2021.

According to the Washington Examiner and other news outlets, Dominion Voting Systems released a statement regarding the Arizona State Senate Republicans’ Maricopa County Election Audit and Cyber Ninjas:

“If Cyber Ninjas went through the process of successfully obtaining EAC accreditation, Dominion would of course cooperate, as we do with all federally accredited auditors.

However, not only is Cyber Ninjas unaccredited, but they have also already demonstrated bias and incompetence, including committing a serious breach of the secure chain of custody that protects voting equipment, which has been deemed by the U.S government as critical infrastructure.”

Why were the results presented by the EAC-accredited firms Pro V&V and SLI Compliance, completely contrary to the results presented by Cyber Ninjas?

The connections between Chris Krebs and the Intelligence Community and James Clapper are troubling.

Christopher Krebs worked closely with intelligence contractor Kevin O’Prey at Obsidian Analysis.

O’Prey hired and worked closely with U.S. Air Force Lt. Gen. James Clapper (Ret.) at intelligence consulting firm DFI International.

Clapper received a $50,000 exit bonus from DFI then awarded O’Prey’s DFI branch a contract with Clapper’s Pentagon office that oversaw THE HAMMER and SCORECARD.

Clapper and John Brennan illegally commandeered the super-surveillance system THE HAMMER, according to CIA contractor-turned-whistleblower Dennis Montgomery.

SCORECARD was one of the exploits that ran on THE HAMMER framework and that secretly stole elections.

On November 7, 2020, CISA Director Chris Krebs took to Twitter to call HAMMER and SCORECARD “nonsense” and “not a real thing.”


“After the Maricopa Board of Supervisors voted on January 27, 2021 to conduct a forensic audit of the Dominion Voting Systems tabulation equipment and software that Maricopa County used in the November 2020 General Election…The Maricopa County Elections Department contracted with Pro V&V and SLI Compliance to perform an audit of the Maricopa County’s Tabulation System and Equipment (Dominion Democracy Suite 5.5b),” according to a February 23, 2021 letter from the Maricopa County Elections Department.

Only three voting system test laboratories are currently listed by the U.S. Election Assistance Commission (EAC) as “accredited by EAC to test voting systems”:

  • NTS Huntsville

(formally Wyle Laboratories)

(Status: Expired Accreditation)

  • Pro V&V
  • SLI Compliance, a Division of Gaming Laboratories International, LLC

The Maricopa County Elections Department contracted with two out of the three EAC Voting System Testing Laboratories (VSTL):

  • Pro V&V
  • SLI Compliance

According to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS), members of the DHS Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) Election Infrastructure Sector Coordinating Council (SCC) include, among other election industry private contractors:

  • Pro V&V Testing Lab

(contracted by Maricopa County in the spring of 2021 to conduct 2020 election audit)

  • SLI Compliance Testing Lab

(contracted by Maricopa County in the spring of 2021 to conduct 2020 election audit)

  • Dominion Voting Systems

(contracted by Maricopa County to provide Election Management Systems and Tabulators)

  • Smartmatic
  • Election Systems & Software (ES&S)
  • Hart InterCivic

On November 12, 2020, members of the Election Infrastructure Government Coordinating Council (GCC) Executive Committee, including Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) Assistant Director Bob Kolasky, U.S. Election Assistance Commission (EAC) Chair Benjamin Hovland, and several members of CISA’s Election Infrastructure Sector Coordinating Council (SCC) released the following statement:

“The November 3rd election was the most secure in American history…

…There is no evidence that any voting system deleted or lost votes, changed votes, or was in any way compromised.”

Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) Assistant Director Bob Kolasky’ boss was CISA Director Christopher Krebs.

On November 7, 2020, CISA Director Chris Krebs took to Twitter to call HAMMER and SCORECARD “nonsense” and “not a real thing.”

Krebs also warned Twitter users:

“think 2X before you share.”

On November 17, 2020, President Donald Trump posted the following personnel announcement on Twitter:

“The recent statement by Chris Krebs on the security of the 2020 Election was highly inaccurate, in that there were massive improprieties and fraud – including dead people voting, Poll Watchers not allowed into polling locations, “glitches” in the voting machines which changed votes from Trump to Biden, late voting, and many more.

Therefore, effective immediately, Chris Krebs has been terminated as Director of the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency.”

Former CISA Director Christopher Krebs CBS 60 Minutes Interview November 29, 2020

The Whistleblower Tapes:

The voice heard on The Whistleblower Tapes is Tim Blixseth.

Blixseth’s wife Edna Blixseth was in a business partnership with Dennis Montgomery.

Montgomery and Edna Blixseth owned BLXWARE, a company contracted by the CIA and the U.S. Department of Defense to work on classified national security projects.

Blixseth’s voice was secretly recorded by Mike Zullo, according to Blixseth’s own account.

Blixseth contends that he did not provide to Zullo consent for audio recording.

Edited for time.

Original Unedited Whistleblower Tapes Audio:

Christopher Krebs has deep ties to the U.S. Intelligence Community (IC) and to James Clapper.

There may be a reason why CISA Director Chris Krebs denied the existence of THE HAMMER and SCORECARD.

Christopher Krebs worked closely with intelligence contractor Kevin O’Prey at Obsidian Analysis.

O’Prey hired and worked closely with U.S. Air Force Lt. Gen. James Clapper (Ret.) at intelligence consulting firm DFI International.

As of November 2020, DFI International’s Board of Directors included:

Jeffrey H. Smith,

DFI International Counsel and

Former CIA General Counsel for

President Bill Clinton’s Director of Central Intelligence John M. Deutch.

Jeffrey Smith also chaired the Joint Security Commission established in 1993 by Secretary of Defense Les Aspin and CIA Director James Woolsey.

Mike Zullo, who, according to Blixseth and Montgomery, secretly recorded the audio heard on The Whistleblower Tapes, worked for the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office Cold Case Posse that investigated Barack Obama’s birth certificate.

Zullo stated that those audio recordings were never intended for release to the public.

Zullo previously stated that he worked under the direction of James Woolsey, and has also demonstrated non-public knowledge of Woolsey’s activities.

Clapper received a $50,000 exit bonus from DFI then awarded O’Prey’s DFI branch a contract with Clapper’s Pentagon office that oversaw THE HAMMER and SCORECARD.

CISA Deputy Director Matthew Travis, who reported to CISA Director Christopher Krebs, previously worked as Vice President of Intelligence and Homeland Security, DFI Government Services, the same intelligence contracting firm that had also employed Kevin O’Prey and James Clapper.

Clapper and Brennan illegally commandeered the super-surveillance system THE HAMMER, according to CIA contractor-turned-whistleblower Dennis Montgomery.

SCORECARD was one of the exploits that ran on THE HAMMER framework and that secretly stole elections.

Clapper was previously caught lying to the Senate Intelligence Committee about unlawful U.S. government surveillance of Americans.

Brennan and Clapper illegally commandeered THE HAMMER and SCORECARD less than two weeks after the 2009 Inauguration of President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden.

Clapper and Brennan then transformed THE HAMMER from a foreign surveillance system into an illegal domestic surveillance system, turning America into a communist-style police state and a Stasi-style surveillance state.

Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin famously stated:

“I consider it completely unimportant who in the party will vote, or how; but what is extraordinarily important is this — who will count the votes, and how.”


Fired CISA Director Chris Krebs and Krebs’ Former CISA Election Security Lead Matt Masterson opposed the Arizona Senate 2020 Election Audit and subpoena for the Maricopa County election routers and administrative passwords.

Chris Krebs’ former CISA Election Security Lead Matt Masterson actually said “the routers aren’t needed to audit election results,” the Arizona Republic reported on May 11, 2021.

What is Matt Masterson attempting to hide?

Chris Krebs tweeted, “I’m assuming the demand [for the Maricopa County physical routers] is based on lack of understanding of how AZ state/county systems work. I’m hoping they’ll withdraw [the subpoena].”

What is Chris Krebs attempting to hide?

Before joining CISA, part of the Department of Homeland Security, Masterson was the Commissioner of the federal government’s U.S. Election Assistance Commission (EAC).

Masterson oversaw the agency’s certification of election systems from election system vendors.

EAC’s Masterson had election systems tested at private contractor “laboratories” in Huntsville, Alabama and in the Denver, Colorado area.

Election security activists and the mainstream media have criticized some of the laboratories used by EAC for operating in secrecy.

According to the Washington Examiner and other news outlets, Dominion Voting Systems released a statement regarding the Arizona State Senate Republicans’ Maricopa County Election Audit and Cyber Ninjas:

“If Cyber Ninjas went through the process of successfully obtaining EAC accreditation, Dominion would of course cooperate, as we do with all federally accredited auditors.

However, not only is Cyber Ninjas unaccredited, but they have also already demonstrated bias and incompetence, including committing a serious breach of the secure chain of custody that protects voting equipment, which has been deemed by the U.S government as critical infrastructure.”

Matt Masterson retweeted a May 14, 2021 tweet by Maricopa County that stated “The 2020 elections were run w/ integrity, the results certified by the county & state were accurate, & the 2 independent audits conducted by the County are the true final word on the subject. We know auditing. The Senate Cyber Ninja audit is not a real audit.”


The following four short reports about election systems and software used in the 2020 U.S. Election in Maricopa County , Arizona, as well as time-lapse video showing laboratory technicians purportedly conducting tests, were the result of ‘audits’ commissioned by the

Maricopa County Board of Supervisors in 2021 and conducted by two U.S. Election Assistance Commission (EAC)-‘accredited’ Voting System Testing Laboratories:

  • Pro V&V
  • SLI Compliance

Chris Krebs’ former CISA colleague Matthew Masterson is the former EAC Commissioner and as an EAC executive previously interfaced with EAC’s accredited testing laboratories.

Cyber Ninjas subsequently discovered severe cybersecurity issues with Maricopa County’s election systems, including shared passwords, a lack of security patch updates since 2019, anonymous logins, missing election data, election data from other states on the system, including South Carolina and Washington, and internet connectivity.

1. Source Code Test (according to Maricopa County’s website):


Pro V&V and SLI Compliance found that all software and equipment inspected was using certified software and was not modified.”


2. Malicious Software and Hardware Tests (according to Maricopa County’s website):


Pro V&V And SLI Compliance found no instances of malicious software or hardware installed on the tabulators or system.”


3. Network and Internet Connectivity Tests (according to the Maricopa County website):


Pro V&V and SLI Compliance found no evidence of internet connectivity.”


4. Accuracy Tests (Only in Pro V&V Scope of Work) (according to the Maricopa County website):


Pro V&V found no evidence of vote switching and concluded that the equipment tabulated and adjudicated ballots accurately.”


Maricopa County uploaded a video to YouTube purporting to demonstrate the Arizona county’s so-called “forensic audit of ballot tabulation equipment used in the 2020 elections” conducted by “two United States Elections Assistance Commission Voting System Testing Laboratories”:

  • Pro V&V
  • SLI Compliance

NBC News Investigation: Election Systems In Multiple States Connected To Internet

NBC News reported in a January 10, 2020 article titled “’Online and vulnerable’: Experts find nearly three dozen U.S. voting systems connected to internet”:

“The three largest voting manufacturing companies — Election Systems & Software, Dominion Voting Systems and Hart InterCivic — have acknowledged they all put modems in some of their tabulators and scanners.

The reason?

So that unofficial election results can more quickly be relayed to the public.

Those modems connect to cell phone networks, which, in turn, are connected to the internet.”

Voting Equipment Expo

Dominion Voting Systems executive Eric Coomer was asked “what is the vehicle for the transmission from the ICP [ImageCast® Precinct Ballot Box], is it cellular modem versus VPN?”

Mr. Coomer replied, “It is a cellular modem that can be configured in a VPN, right, and we currently in Chicago, Cook County we work with Verizon to secure that network.”

Chris Krebs Interviewed By Axios On HBO:

Maricopa County’s EAC-Accredited ‘Auditors’ Pro V&V, SLI Compliance:

  • “Software Was Not Modified”
  • “No Evidence Of Internet Connectivity”

Cyber Ninjas Uncovered:

  • Shared Passwords
  • Anonymous Logins
  • New And Modified .EXE Files
  • Deleted Election Data
  • Missing Security Logs
  • Internet Connectivity

Maricopa County And Its EAC-Accredited Auditors, The Election System Vendor, Krebs, Masterson, Brennan, Clapper, Obama, and Biden Claim That The 2020 Election Was Secure

Cyber Ninjas Concluded Maricopa County’s Election Systems And Software


  • Insecure

  • Out Of Date,

  • Were Anonymously And Remotely Accessed

  • Data And Security Logs Deleted

Corrupt Operatives Inside The Intelligence Community Who Brought Forward

Conspiracy Theories:

  • Trump Russia Collusion


  • 1/6 ‘Insurrection’ Narratives

Are Engaged In A Coverup Of The Cyberwarfare Attack Against The 2020 US Election Carried Out By Foreign Adversaries And Domestic Traitors

Maricopa County Arizona 2020 US Election Audit Presentation Before TheArizona State Senate, September 24, 2021

Cyber Ninjas Cyber Expert Ben Cotton:

  • Former US Army Special Forces Cyber Expert
  • Developed Cyber Capabilities For US Special Forces Command (USSOCOM)
  • President & CEO CyFIR
  • Cyber Ninjas Subcontractor

Ben Cotton Presented Cyber Ninjas’ Digital Findings: Massive Cybersecurity Breaches In Maricopa County, Including File Deletions, Shared Credentials, And Atypical Anonymous Logins



AT&T’s CNN Dismisses China’s Hack Of 2020 Election As ‘BIG LIE’, Attacks Mike Lindell, Yet CNN’s ‘Expert’ Harri Hursti In AT&T’s HBO 2020 ‘Kill Chain’ Documentary Proved US Voting Machines Hackable, Connected To Internet

“Axios On HBO” With Chris Krebs Labeled President Trump A “Domestic Threat” For Pushing “Election Disinformation”

By Mary Fanning and Alan Jones | The American Report | August 9, 2021

AT&T / WarnerMedia’s CNN unit is attacking My Pillow CEO Mike Lindell’s claim that communist China hacked into the 2020 U.S. election via the internet and flipped the election outcome to steal the presidency from Donald Trump and install Beijing’s preferred candidate Joe Biden.

“AT&T has been in China for more than 30 years,” according to AT&T’s own website. “AT&T China has strong technical expertise with branch offices in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Tianjin and Shenzhen.” AT&T’s deep and long-term business ties to the CCP and Chinese telecom units puts tremendous pressure on CNN to bury Lindell’s assertions that China hacked the 2020 election and to discredit Lindell’s upcoming ‘Cyber Symposium.’

CNN’s And HBO’s Parent Company AT&T Is In Bed With The Chinese Communist Party And Xi Jinping

CNN’s parent company AT&T and the CCP’s state-owned China Telecom established a joint venture in 2000 and renewed that joint venture in 2017, the same year President Trump was inaugurated.

  • CNN’s parent company AT&T Has Operated In China For Over 30 Years 

  • CNN’s parent company AT&T In Joint Venture With CCP’s State-Owned China Telecom

  • Cybersecurity Experts Linked China Telecom, CNN’s and HBO’s parent company AT&T’s joint venture partner, To Cyberwarfare Attack Targeting 2020 U.S. Election

CNN’s parent company AT&T and the CCP’s state-owned enterprise China Telecom established a profitable cooperation agreement.

Cyber security experts uncovered forensic data showing that some of the cyberwarfare attacks targeting the 2020 U.S. election originated with internet protocol (IP) addresses owned by China Telecom.

CNN dismissed the idea that China hacked into the 2020 election as “complete nonsense,” despite the fact that CNN’s affiliate, AT&T / WarnerMedia’s HBO unit produced documentaries showing that U.S. voting machines can be hacked by foreign adversaries and are connected to the internet.

One would have to believe their lying eyes as they watched votes flip in real time from Trump to Biden on CNN’s live broadcast of the 2020 U.S. election returns.

CNN And HBO, In Concert With Obama’s Former CIA Director John Brennan, Aggressively Pushed Discredited Trump Russian Collusion Conspiracy Theory That Putin And Russian Intelligence Services Helped Trump Win 2016 Election

U.S. media and telecommunication conglomerate AT&T’s WarnerMedia, and WarnerMedia’s CNN and HBO units, used CNN’s cable channels and HBO’s cable and streaming platforms to propel the now-discredited and wildly-false narrative that Russia engaged in election hacking during the 2016 election in order to successfully install so-called “Russian agent” Donald Trump. Across wall-to-wall coverage spanning several years, CNN pushed that false Trump Russian collusion narrative. Perhaps “Russia, Russia, Russia” should have been “China, China, China and CNN.”

The eight-minute CNN segment aired on Anderson Cooper 360 on August 6, 2021 and featured discredited CNN reporter Drew Griffin interviewing Lindell.

One of the “experts” whom CNN and Drew Griffin referenced is Harri Hursti, which was completely ridiculous considering that Hursti was featured in two documentaries broadcast by CNN’s affiliate, AT&T subsidiary HBO, in which Hursti exposes that election machines are connected to the internet and can be hacked.

A 2017 CNN report featured a former Obama administration Department of Homeland Security adviser warning that “the 2020 election will be hacked no matter what we do.”

HBO’s 2020 Documentary “Kill Chain: The Cyber War On America’s Elections” Exposed That U.S. Election Computers Can Be Hacked By Foreign Adversaries And Demonstrating How Voting Machines Connect To The Internet 

In 2020, CNN’s affiliate, AT&T subsidiary HBO, released two election-related documentaries during the run-up to the November election. Both documentaries attempted to make the case that Russia hacked the 2016 election.

The HBO documentary, “Kill Chain: The Cyber War On America’s Elections,” featuring Harri Hursti, laid out how election machines were hacked, suggesting that the 2016 election was stolen, all while often alluding to the fake news conspiracy theory that Russia helped Trump win the 2016 election.

HBO’s March 2020 documentary “Kill Chain: The Cyber War On America’s Elections” confirmed in detail the many ways, including via the internet and WiFi, by which U.S. voting machines and election systems are vulnerable to hacking by foreign governments.

Husti proclaimed in a “Kill Chain” bonus clip that “America has been very successful at exporting everything, including exporting election technology, which is broken. So, U.S. actually, by their actions, or the actions of the companies, have made their allies vulnerable. And that scares the living shit out of me.”

HBO’s Kill chain also featured Minnesota Democratic Senator Amy Klobuchar, who ran for U.S. president in 2020,  expressing concern that the voting machines are susceptible to hacking attacks.

The theme of the entire “Kill Chain” documentary appeared to be designed to convince HBO’s viewers that Russia hacked the 2016 election to help Donald Trump win — a conspiracy theory which of course would serve the additional purpose of compelling Joe Biden supporters to vote in greater numbers in an effort to stop Russia from supposedly “helping Trump win” again in 2020.

This is propaganda at its worst.

Hursti stated during a March 2020 interview that he worked on “Kill Chain” for three years, which suggests that production began in 2017, President Trump’s first year in office.

On March 26, 2020, just about six months before the 2020 election, HBO released the documentary “Kill Chain: The Cyber War On America’s Elections.”

Kill Chain heavily features cyber security expert Harri Hursti. At the very least, Hursti appeared to be  trying to push the narrative that the Russians stole the 2016 election for Donald Trump.

This is the same Harri Hursti that CNN mentioned as one of CNN’s “experts” who determined that Mike Lindell’s assertion that China hacked the 2020 U.S. election is “complete nonsense.”

Yet, CNN’s assertions are nonsensical.

Of note, the Kill Chain producers claim to have reached out to Dominion Voting Systems yet never heard back. Dominion never sued HBO, though Dominion filed a lawsuit against Mike Lindell for over one billion dollars.

American election technology is “broken” and nations using it are “vulnerable”, according to Harri Hursti in a bonus clip from HBO’s Kill Chain documentary released in 2020 by CNN’s corporate affiliate HBO. Yes, this is the same Harri Hursti whom HBO’s affiliate, AT&T subsidiary CNN, just consulted with for their hit piece targeting Mike Lindell.

Either America’s election systems are “broken” as Hursti said in 2020, or “the November election was the most secure in United States history” as the abruptly-terminated CISA Director Chris Krebs’ Election Infrastructure Government Coordinating Council attempted to sell to the American people.

“Axios On HBO” Teamed Up With Chris Krebs, The Former CISA Director Who Had Just Been Fired By President Trump, To Designate President Trump As “A Domestic Threat” Spreading Election Disinformation



So which is it? CNN and HBO can not have it both ways. The U.S. election system is not both “broken” and “the most secure in United States history.”

One might think that a coordinated disinformation campaign of this magnitude might be considered sedition.

Appearing on “Axios on HBO” in December 2020, Chris Krebs stated:


So certainly, the president [President Trump] is a big part of the disinformation that’s coming out there about the rigged election…Republican leadership needs to stand up and say this is not — this is just not what we need to be telling the American people right now. We need to be restoring confidence in the election. We need to be restoring confidence in democracy…

…what would we do if the Russians were doing this?


So is Donald Trump a domestic threat?


There is disinformation that he is spreading. I mean, disinformation is one type of threat.

Disinformation is a threat to America, and Chris Krebs is a known disinformation agent.

Once again, Krebs is functioning as a purveyor of the discredited Trump Russian collusion narrative. At what point does Krebs’ disinformation and propaganda become sedition?

Last summer, four months before the 2020 election, FBI Director Christopher Wray publicly warned Americans and U.S. businesses about the dangers presented by the Chinese government’s ongoing  cyberattacks against the United States.

CNBC reported on July 7, 2020:

In blistering remarks Tuesday, FBI Director Christopher Wray slammed the Chinese government for its use of espionage and cyberattacks against the United States which has amounted to what he called “one of the largest transfers of wealth in human history.”

“The stakes could not be higher, and the potential economic harm to American businesses and the economy as a whole almost defies calculation,” Wray said of the Chinese government during an address at the Hudson Institute.

The democrats and CNN, when it’s convenient for them, argue that U.S. election systems are vulnerable to hacking by Russia that, they falsely claim, helped Trump win the 2016 election.

When confronted with evidence that China hacked the 2020 election to help Joe Biden win, democrats and AT&T’s subsidiary CNN suddenly claim that the entire concept of foreign adversaries hacking U.S. elections is a conspiracy theory, and that even talking about it must  be banned across all media, including social media. Stalin would have been proud, as Stalin did the same thing —Stalin controlled the narrative.

Print is the sharpest and the strongest weapon of our party,” Joseph Stalin famously declared.

HBO attempted this, despite the fact that Joe Biden rarely emerged from his basement and though Biden could only attract a handful of supporters to his rare public appearances, including campaign events during which Biden was accompanied by Barack Obama.

Biden’s running mate Kamala Harris, of course, had such anemic voter support that she ended up dropping out of the Democratic primary race in December 2019. Harris is today most known for her failure to address the crisis along the open U.S.-Mexico border.

HBO’s 2020 Documentary Miniseries “Agents Of Chaos” Featured Former CIA Director John Brennan Declaring That Russia Influenced The 2016 Election And “Helped Mr. Trump become president”

On September 23 and 24, 2020, six weeks before the election, CNN affiliate, AT&T subsidiary HBO, broadcast a two-part documentary called Agents of Chaos. In Agents of Chaos, HBO collaborated with former CIA Director John Brennan to push the narrative that Vladimir Putin and Russia’s intelligence services interfered in the 2016 election and successfully installed Russia’s so-called preferred candidate, Donald Trump. It is important to note that CNN affiliate, AT&T subsidiary HBO, released “Agents of Chaos” in September, 2020, eighteen months after Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s report was released in March 2019. Special Counsel Mueller’s detailed report found no evidence that Donald Trump colluded with Russia. Yet, democratic operatives continue to push the demonstrably false “Russia, Russia, Russia” Trump-collusion narrative.


…That’s why something of that scope and scale and gravity requires the Russian president, Vladimir Putin, to authorize it and to direct his security services to do it…

…I think their primary objectives, uh, undermine the integrity of the election, hurt the incoming president, and, uh, if possible, get somebody into the Oval Office who’d be more amenable to Russian overtures…

…Yes, they did succeed. Absolutely they succeeded…They certainly, I think, helped Mr. Trump become president.

HBO’s 2006 Documentary “Hacking Democracy”

For fifteen years, CNN’s affiliate, AT&T subsidiary HBO has been exposing the reality that electronic voting machines in the United States are vulnerable to hacking.

It is worth mentioning  once again that AT&T is in bed with the CCP and Chairman Xi.

In 2006, CNN’s affiliate, AT&T subsidiary HBO, broadcast “Hacking Democracy,” an early documentary that presented evidence that voting machines are hackable. Now, however, CNN dismisses election hacking as “THE BIG LIE.”

CNN’s Lou Dobbs program broadcast a feature story about “Hacking Democracy.”

In 2019, CNN Affiliate, AT&T’s Subsidiary HBO’s Political Satire Program “Last Weekend With John Oliver” Exposed The Weak Condition Of U.S. Election Cybersecurity And The Fact That Voting Machines Use Modems To Connect To The Internet

As reported by Real Clear Politics, HBO’s political satire program “Last Weekend with John Oliver” in 2019 mocked U. S. electronic voting machines’ poor cybersecurity record and made the case that voting machines are connected to the internet via modems.

Now, in 2021, only eight months later, HBO’s affiliate, AT&T subsidiary CNN, while hoping their viewers have short memories, is awkwardly trying to reverse the narrative on CNN’s and HBO’s previous reporting, in a thinly veiled all-hands-on-deck effort to save the collapsing communist Biden-Obama regime.

CNN, more than most, participated in the fake Russia Collusion false narrative against President Trump. CNN’s hands are not clean. As the whole country is well aware, CNN anti-Trumper legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin’s hands are also unclean.The globalist network is obviously biased, anti-American and anti-Trump.

Perhaps AT&T’s defense contracts with the Pentagon and the NSA should be reviewed. “AT&T was awarded one of the National Security Agency’s most coveted classified tech contracts despite a bid that was $750 million higher than the other competitor’s bid,” NEXTGOV reported in 2018.

During a 1923 speech, Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin stated that “Print is the sharpest and the strongest weapon in our party.”

When it is convenient to tell one story, HBO’s affiliate, AT&T subsidiary CNN will tell it.

When HBO’s affiliate, AT&T subsidiary CNN wants another outcome, CNN will completely reverse themselves, only showing that CNN, “the most trusted name in news,” can not be trusted as purveyors of truth.

Results-oriented journalism is no journalism at all – it is propaganda worthy of Stalin, Hitler, and Mao, and CNN.

Query: “Is CNN is an anti-America news outlet?”



The Atlantic Attacks 2020 Election Whistleblower Melissa Carone In Exposé Of Bill Barr’s Trump Betrayal; Carone Strikes Back With Statement

“This entire [Atlantic Magazine] article is filled with lies, clearly Bill Barr has been working against America for a very long time.” — Election Whistleblower Melissa Carone

By Mary Fanning and Alan Jones | The American Report | June 29, 2021

Left-leaning magazine The Atlantic, in a new article that reveals how U.S. Attorney General William Barr betrayed President Trump by denying that widespread election fraud took place during the 2020 U.S. election, took a swipe at Melissa Carone, a conservative whistleblower who testified before Michigan state lawmakers that she observed “massive election fraud” in Detroit, Michigan on November 3 and 4, 2020.

According to The Atlantic’s June 27, 2021 article “Inside William Barr’s Breakup With Trump,” written by mockingbird media tool and former ABC News White House correspondent Jonathan Karl, Barr went behind President Trump’s back by outrageously telling an Associated Press reporter that the Justice Department had concluded that there was no evidence of widespread voter fraud in the 2020 U.S. election that could change the outcome — when in fact there was, and is, a preponderance of evidence that the 2020 U.S. election was stolen from President Trump and handed over to Joe Biden.

Carrone was “a contractor for Dominion Voting Systems,” according to the Washington Post. “On Election Day, Carone said, she worked a nonstop, 24-hour shift at Detroit’s vote-counting operation at TCF Center, tasked with IT support for Dominion’s machines,” the Post reported on December 3, 2020.

Carone appears in the election documentary ABSOLUTE PROOF, produced by Mike Lindell, Mary Fanning, and Brannon Howse. The two-hour film was released on February 5, 2021.

ABSOLUTE PROOF  includes interviews with subject-matter experts and witnesses who present proof positive that the 2020 U.S. election was stolen in a coordinated operation that deployed a variety of election fraud techniques across multiple states.

ABSOLUTE PROOF also presents digital forensic evidence that shows how foreign adversaries, led by communist China, conducted an asymmetrical cyberwafare attack against the 2020 election to ensure that Joe Biden stole the election from President Trump.

The follow-up documentaries SCIENTIFIC PROOF and ABSOLUTE INTERFERENCE present evidence that the 2020 election fraud was driven by an algorithm.

In his piece for The Atlantic, Karl described Barr’s tense White House meeting with President Trump that took place sometime during the afternoon following a rapid-fire succession of mid-day seismic political events. That sequence of events consisted of Barr’s lunch meeting with Associated Press reporter Michael Balsamo, the AP’s nearly-instantaneous publication of Barr’s claim that the DOJ found no evidence of significant election fraud that could change the outcome of the election, and the ensuing after-lunch media explosion that propelled the left’s coordinated false narrative that Joe Biden won the election fair and square. Nothing could be farther from the truth.

According to Karl, when a visibly-angry President Trump summoned and confronted Barr at the White House later that afternoon, a television in the room that President Trump was watching was tuned to conservative cable news channel One America News (OAN). The OAN broadcast President Trump was watching was a hearing during which Melissa Carone was testifying before Michigan state lawmakers about the election fraud she observed at Detroit’s TCF Center during the 2020 U.S. election.

“Everything that happened at the TCF Center was fraud. Every single thing,” Carone testified.

The Atlantic’s Karl followed up with a calculated low-blow intended to discredit Carone. “The next day, Carone would testify again, next to Rudy Giuliani, during which time she slurred her words and appeared to be drunk. (Carone later denied that she had been drunk),” Karl wrote.

It is important to note that Jonathan Karl was not in the room when President Trump confronted Barr about the Attorney General’s lunch meeting with the AP reporter. Karl made this clear when he explained in his article that “In a series of interviews with me this spring, Barr spoke, for the first time, about the events surrounding his break with Trump. I have also spoken with other senior officials in the Trump White House and Justice Department, who provided additional details about Barr’s actions and the former president’s explosive response.”

Carone Strikes Back

In an exclusive statement to The American Report, Carone struck back at The Atlantic and Bill Barr in order to correct the record:

It isn’t only completely untrue, this is our former Attorney General making false claims about a whistleblower/ witness/ candidate/ mother/ and someone that’s on the front lines exposing this election fraud everyday in Michigan.

At the time of the December 2nd hearing with Rudy Giuliani, my daughter was almost five months old, my son was four. I had received a call from Rudy Giuliani at 9:00 pm on December 1st asking me to be in Lansing at 9:00 am the next day after being in Lansing nearly six hours that day.

The media was attacking me daily, I knew my career was over, I was receiving threats to myself and my family, I was completely disgusted with our legislators.

In other words, I was extremely overwhelmed. I had tons of documents and preparation to do. I may have gotten one hour of sleep the night before the hearing with Rudy Giuliani, as I had a newborn.

I and about seven other witnesses sat in a room for about four hours before the hearing. We had issues getting one witness to testify because she knew what was going to happen to her afterward. When I started giving my testimony I realized our Republican legislators were not interested in hearing the evidence and had no idea how the ballot counting process works.

I was not drunk. I was overwhelmed, exhausted, and disgusted by the lack of interest.

When someone goes this far to discredit a witness, it is obvious that Bill Barr is personally threatened by my testimony. I am recommending that he be investigated for his involvement in the theft of the election.

Carone has formed an election committee to run as a Republican for a seat in the Michigan State House of Representatives, according to state records.

Barr Received Briefing From “Cybersecurity experts at the Department of Homeland Security,” Parent Agency Of The Now-Discredited CISA

Jonathan Karl also wrote in his piece about Barr at The Atlantic:

Barr also looked into allegations that voting machines across the country were rigged to switch Trump votes to Biden votes. He received two briefings from cybersecurity experts at the Department of Homeland Security and the FBI. “We realized from the beginning it was just bullshit,” Barr told me, noting that even if the machines somehow changed the count, it would show up when they were recounted by hand. “It’s a counting machine, and they save everything that was counted. So you just reconcile the two. There had been no discrepancy reported anywhere, and I’m still not aware of any discrepancy.”

DHS’s election cybersecurity “experts” work out of DHS’s Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Agency (CISA).

The American Report exposed long-time CISA operatives Chris Krebs and Matt Masterson, and in the process discredited the entirety of CISA.

William Barr Betrayed President Trump

According to The Atlantic, Barr leaked the Justice Department’s conclusion that no significant election fraud had taken place during a December 1, 2020 lunch meeting attended by an Associated Press reporter named Michael Balsamo and several other government officials. Moments after Barr’s lunch meeting, the AP ran the story, setting off a political firestorm inside the beltway and across the nation. Following the lunch meeting during which Barr betrayed President Trump and the AP’s almost instantaneous publication of the story, President Trump summoned Barr at the White House for a dressing down. President Trump had been ambushed by Barr and his left-wing media contacts.

Barr’s scheme is reminiscent of the hoax Trump Russian collusion conspiracy theory operation, during which corrupt deep state officials leaked the now-debunked Steele Dossier to left-wing publications in an attempt to destroy the Trump presidency.

The Russian Collusion conspiracy theory was not just a hoax.

It was sedition. It was treason. It was committed at the highest levels of the federal government. That includes the intelligence community, particularly the CIA, the Department of Justice, and the FBI involved in a coup d’etat against a duly-elected sitting President of the United States.

Karl described Barr’s tense White House meeting with President Trump following Barr’s lunch with the AP and the subsequent after-lunch media explosion:

Trump brought up Barr’s AP interview.

“Did you say that?”

“Yes,” Barr responded.

“How the fuck could you do this to me? Why did you say it?”

“Because it’s true.”

The president, livid, responded by referring to himself in the third person: “You must hate Trump. You must hate Trump.”

Barr thought that the president was trying to control himself, but he seemed angrier than he had ever seen him. His face was red. Barr’s AP interview was dominating every cable news channel except the one Trump was watching. The television in the room was tuned to the right-wing, pro-Trump network One America News, which was broadcasting a committee hearing of the Michigan legislature. The hearing featured disproven allegations of massive election fraud, including the testimony of a woman named Melissa Carone, who had worked at the counting location in Detroit and told the committee, “Everything that happened at the TCF Center was fraud. Every single thing.” The next day, Carone would testify again, next to Rudy Giuliani, during which time she slurred her words and appeared to be drunk. (Carone later denied that she had been drunk.)

“They saw the boxes going in!” Trump yelled, referring to the stories about boxes of illegal ballots being counted.

Melissa Carone Issues Statement:

I would like to point out that in this article it states that Bill Barr had already concluded before the election that Trump wouldn’t win. Trump had more support in 2020 than he did in 2016 and that is a fact. Why would the Attorney General assume Trump would lose?

On December 1, 2020 Michael Balsamo said, “Disputing Donald Trump’s persistent baseless claims, Attorney General William Barr declared Tuesday the U.S. Justice Department had uncovered no evidence of widespread voter fraud that could change the outcome of the 2020 election.” This was the day of the Senate Oversight Committee hearing in Lansing Michigan where the witnesses (including myself) testified about the countless counts of fraud they observed at the TCF Center in Detroit Michigan. December 2, 2020 we sat alongside Rudy Giuliani and gave the same testimony to Michigan State Representatives. How could Bill Barr make an accurate determination before hearing this evidence? He couldn’t.

I’d like to touch on a part of the article:

As proof of fraud, Trump’s allies had pointed to videos showing boxes filled with ballots arriving at the TCF Center, in Detroit, to be counted after the 8 p.m. deadline for votes to be cast. But Barr quickly found that there was a logical explanation. It had to do with how the 662 precincts in Wayne County, home to Detroit, tabulate their votes. “In every other county, they count the ballots at the precinct, but in Wayne County, they bring them into one central counting place. So [Barr’s claims that] the boxes are coming in all night. The fact that boxes are coming in—well, that’s what they do” [is not true].

This is not true. In fact it is very far from the truth. Trump is referring to the white vans that dropped off ballots at the TCF Center at 4:30 am (not only once but three times and with police escort). These ballots had absolutely no chain of custody and were all marked straight Biden.

In my testimony, I mention Samuel being sent to the “Chicago Warehouse” to “assist with ballots”. This was when the Dominion Voting employees found out Trump was ahead by over 150,000 votes in Michigan and resorted to their “back-up plan”.

Bill Barr claiming there’s a “central counting place” and ballots are brought in all night makes absolutely no sense nor is it accurate. Several witnesses have testified to seeing ballots flying out of these boxes- by no means was this a legal operation nor is it “what we do”.

Lastly, I’d like to point out this paragraph of the article:

The Department of Justice ended up conducting no formal investigations of voter fraud, but as part of Barr’s informal review, he asked the U.S. Attorney in Michigan about Trump’s claim that mysterious “ballot dumps” in Detroit had secured Biden’s victory in the state.

Michigan’s Attorney General Dana Nessel is not only a communist but she is very good friends with Whitmer and Benson.  Jocelyn Benson (Michigan Secretary of State) pulled the archived voter file and applied it to the active voter file in the 2020 Presidential Election. All 3 of them were directly involved in this fraud, Bill Barr asking Dana Nessel anything about fraud in the election is laughable and completely inappropriate.

This entire article is filled with lies, clearly Bill Barr has been working against America for a very long time.

When someone tells you who they are, believe them.

Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY) made it clear exactly who he is.

“Let me tell you, you take on the intelligence community, they have six ways from Sunday at getting back at you,” Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY) told MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow on January 3, 2017.

The U.S. government has forgotten who they work for. They work for We The People. If the 2020 election is not properly audited, there will never be another fair election in the United States of America.

Former Acting Director of National Intelligence Richard Grenell was spot on when he warned that what we are witnessing is Washington DC versus the American People.


National Security Info Provided To FBI Was Sold To Enemies By Traitors; Info Was Used To Hack SolarWinds, Colonial Pipeline; US Electric Grid, Nuclear Power Stations At High Risk, Says CIA Contractor-Turned-Whistleblower Who Exposed HAMMER

By Mary Fanning and Alan Jones | The American Report | May 17, 2021 

A CIA contractor-turned-whistleblower who in 2015 during the Obama administration met with James Comey’s FBI officials, including FBI General Counsel James Baker, in a classified debriefing and alerted those FBI officials of critical infrastructure cyber vulnerabilities, says that the information he provided to the FBI was subsequently transferred by rogue FBI officials or other rogue US officials to enemies of the United States. The information was released today at the website BLXWARE.ORG.

The information was originally collected by Obama White House Homeland Security Adviser and future CIA Director John Brennan along with Director of National Intelligence James Clapper after the two rogue intelligence illegally commandeered a U.S. government foreign surveillance tool known as THE HAMMER.

The whistleblower brought the information to the FBI in 2015.

The FBI did not prosecute Brennan or Clapper for turning THE HAMMER foreign surveillance tool against America.

James Comey’s FBI demanded to be provided with a copy of the SCORECARD source code, according to the whistleblower. SCORECARD is the election and voting exploit that works off of THE HAMMER framework.

James Comey is the same FBI official who once told New York Magazine that he used to be a communist and isn’t sure what he is now.

The FBI took possession of the critical information provided by the whistleblower, including the SCORECARD source code that monitors elections and runs off of THE HAMMER, and buried it — or did they?

The CIA contractor-turned-whistleblower implanted a unique digital signature within the source code. That source code with the embedded unique digital signature subsequently emerged in China and was used in China’s cyberwarfare attack on the 2020 U.S. federal election. The Chinese cyberwarfare attack stole the election from President Trump and handed it over to Joe Biden.

PLAUSIBLE DENIABILITY: Biden Rescinded Trump Order That Banned Use Of Chinese Transformers In US National Electric Power Grid, Leaving US Grid Vulnerable To Chinese Cyberware Attack 

Biden provided a potential “cover story” for any future cyberwafare attack by China against the U.S. power grid, a.k.a. “plausible deniability.”

President Biden rescinded President Trump’s order that had banned the use of Chinese transformers and other Chinese equipment in the U.S. national power grid. Biden’s action leaves the U.S. power grid vulnerable to a Chinese cyberwarfare attack, beyond the vulnerability already created when rogue U.S. officials handed over the critical infrastructure cyber access points to America’s adversaries.

Why else would Biden override President Trump’s order that protected the U.S. power grid from China?

The Institute for Energy Research reported:

Issued on December 17, 2020, Trump’s Secretary of Energy Dan Brouillette issued a “prohibition order designed to reduce the risks that entities associated with the People’s Republic of China pose to the Nation’s Bulk Power System” to be effective on January 16, 2021. “The order prohibits utilities that supply critical defense facilities (CDF) from procuring from the People’s Republic of China, specific bulk power electric equipment that poses an undue risk to the bulk power system, the security or resilience of critical infrastructure, the economy, national security, or safety and security of Americans”…

…For Biden to revoke President Trump’s order means that he is not concerned about potential threats to the U.S. electric grid by China.

Did Hunter Biden’s $1.5 billion deal with Chinese companies influence his father’s decision to once again make the U.S. power grid vulnerable to a Chinese cyberwafare attack? Could Hunter Biden’s $1.5 billion Chinese deal have been an influence operation?

Whistleblower: Info Turned Over To FBI Under 2015 Immunity Agreements Now Being Used To Hack US Critical Infrastructure; Info Was Used In SolarWinds Hack And Colonial Pipeline Hack; Nuclear Power Stations And US Electric Grid Now At High Risk 

The domestic surveillance information that was illegally collected with THE HAMMER by John Brennan and James Clapper and subsequently turned over to the FBI and DOJ under immunity agreements is now being used to hack U.S. critical infrastructure, according to the whistleblower.

First, access was achieved to Solar Winds which is access to all U.S. National Security information that protects the United States. Someone was provided with those passwords that were collected by Brennan and Clapper and given to the FBI and DOJ.

Second, access was achieved into the Colonial Pipeline.

This information was all turned over to the FBI, including the access points that were vulnerable to hacking.

The information that was turned over to the FBI in 2015 and eventually ended up in the hands of U.S. adversaries included the stolen login credentials for 92 Colonial Pipeline employees and for five Colonial Pipeline network administrators.

Bad actors within the U.S. government used THE HAMMER to steal login credentials from the following list of Colonial Pipeline offices, according to the whistleblower:

Meetings were held at the Pentagon explaining these vulnerabilities to U.S. critical infrastructure, according to the whistleblower.

The website BLXWARE.ORG is now warning that U.S. adversaries to whom bad actors within the U.S. government provided details about specific cyber access points to U.S. critical infrastructure, are probably moving on to their next likely targets: U.S.  nuclear power plants and the U.S. national electric power grid.

Whoever has their hands on this information now are going line by line through the information that was handed over by the whistleblowers to the FBI and the DOJ..

Someone is selling the SAP (Special Access Program) information to the enemy.

At the bottom of the page at BLXWARE.ORG it shows the former officials that had access to the information. The whistleblower, for the record, states they have an accuracy record of 14 for 14 in predicting what the traitorous moles will do next.

“For the record we are 14 for 14 predicting [the] last major cyber attacks against US companies. We put all of this on the record, videotaped at FBI DC headquarters with millions of documents to support our predictions 2015,” according to the BLXWARE.ORG webpage.

The BLXWARE.ORG website posed the question “Why didn’t these US GOV employees expose the truth about illegal FBI/CIA/NSA domestic surveillance programs spying on Americans without probable cause since they have known about them since 2003?”

The architects of HAMMER operation officials were named:

  • Former FBI Director Robert Mueller, Former Special Counsel
  • Former Director of National James Clapper
  • Former CIA Director John Brennan

Officials at DOD, DOJ, FBI and CIA had the information about the vulnerabilities to U.S. national security critical infrastructure, as did Joe Biden.

US Electric Grid


According to BLXWARE.ORG:

If the the same USGOV  bad actors that stole and sold the Colonial Pipeline employees’ and network administrators’ login credentials obtained in illegal US GOV FBI/CIA/NSA domestic surveillance programs we worked in go to the next companies on the vulnerable US power companies list we provided the US GOV expect:

Ransomware attack

Nuclear power plants and US Grid July 4 – Sept. 4

For the record we are 14 for 14 predicting the last major cyber attacks against US companies. We put all of this on the record, videotaped at FBI DC field office headquarters with millions of documents to support our predictions 2015.

Want to stop the cyber attacks against US companies find the US GOV bad actors that have been selling the data we collected in FBI/CIA/Domestic surveillance programs.

James Jesus Angleton, the former CIA Chief of Counterintelligence from1954 to 1975, warned that the CIA had been infiltrated by traitors who became double agents and went to work for America’s enemies. For example, CIA officer Aldrich Ames turned double agent and began working for the KGB.

Like the CIA, the FBI has also been infiltrated by officials who betrayed the United States and committed espionage on behalf of America’s adversaries. FBI agent Robert Hanssen, whose case was described by the DOJ as “possibly the worst intelligence disaster in U.S. history,” went to work for the Soviet Union and Russia, proving that FBI agents, unfortunately, can turn against their own country and inflict tremendous damage.



CLAPPER CONNECTION: Fired CISA Director Chris Krebs And Krebs’ Former CISA Election Security Lead Matt Masterson Oppose AZ Senate 2020 Election Audit And Subpoena For Maricopa Routers

By Mary Fanning and Alan Jones | The American Report | May 17, 2021

In response to the Arizona Senate’s subpoena of Maricopa County routers during the Arizona 2020 election audit, former Cybersecurity Infrastructure and Security Agency (CISA) Election Security Lead Matt Masterson said that “The routers aren’t needed to audit election results.”  At CISA, Masterson worked with now-fired CISA Director Christopher Krebs and now-resigned CISA Deputy Director Matt Travis.

Christopher Krebs is the disgraced former DHS CISA director whom President Trump fired via Twitter on November 17, 2020 after Krebs and CISA falsely proclaimed that the 2020 U.S. election was “the most secure in American history.”

The ever-growing mountain of forensic evidence about the 2020 U.S. election has subsequently proven Krebs’ statement to be false.

Masterson criticized the Arizona Senate’s subpoena of the routers and questioned why the Arizona Senate’s election audit contractor Cyber Ninjas would need the routers.

Masterson, however, like Krebs and Travis, is no longer employed by CISA. Masterson is also no longer employed by his previous employer, the Election Assistance Commision (EAC).

Further, even if Masterson were still employed by CISA or EAC, Masterson would have no legal authority to compel the Arizona Senate or Cyber Ninjas to conduct the Arizona Senate’s audit in a manner preferable to Masterson and his former CISA colleague Krebs.

For a former federal bureaucrat no longer employed by EAC or CISA, Masterson appears particularly worried about the prospect of the Arizona Senate and Cyber Ninjas getting their hands on the Maricopa County routers. Maricopa County’s routers are not federal government property.

For the sake of emphasis, it is worth repeating that the “Arizona Republic” reported in a May 11, 2021 article titled “Election experts say giving Maricopa County routers to election auditors could be security threat” that:  “The routers aren’t needed to audit election results, and the lack of clear answers about why the Senate’s contractors want them raises questions, said Matt Masterson.”

The fact that Masterson actually said “the routers aren’t needed to audit election results” raises a more profound question: What is Matt Masterson hoping to hide?

Masterson and his former CISA associate Chris Krebs appear to be a tag team.

Krebs also does not want information revealed from the Maricopa County routers. Krebs tweeted, “I’m assuming the demand [for the Maricopa County physical routers] is based on lack of understanding of how AZ state/county systems work. I’m hoping they’ll withdraw [the subpoena]. If not, its [sic] the equivalent of ransomware or denial of service attack. It’ll be a tell that they’re seeking to disrupt ops & have no idea what they’re doing.”

Masterson routinely retweets Chris Krebs.

The Arizona Senate and Cyber Ninjas are attempting to obtain and forensically audit evidence that they have every right to review — evidence that former CISA bureaucrats have no jurisdiction over.

Before Joining Krebs At CISA, Masterson Was Commissioner Of The Election Assistance Commission (EAC)

Before joining CISA, part of the Department of Homeland Security, Masterson was the Commissioner of the federal government’s EAC, where he oversaw its certification of election systems from election system vendors.

EAC’s Masterson had election systems tested at private contractor “laboratories” in Huntsville, Alabama and in the Denver, Colorado area. Election security activists and the mainstream media have criticized some of the laboratories used by EAC for operating in secrecy.

The routers aren’t needed to audit election results, and the lack of clear answers about why the Senate’s contractors want them raises questions, said Matt Masterson, former head of election security at the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency,” the “Arizona Republic” reported in a May 11, 2021 article titled “Election experts say giving Maricopa County routers to election auditors could be security threat.”

According to the “Arizona Republic”:

[Masterson] said when voting systems are tested at the federal level, there is typically:

    • Full transparency about the standards used to test the equipment.
    • Details about how the equipment will be tested.
    • Information about what will be included in the final report.

The private contractors haven’t provided that clarity.

“The request leaves those who understand these systems and processes with their hand up in the air saying, ‘What are you doing? What are you trying to do?” Masterson said.

Masterson is correct about one thing — the lack of transparency does raise questions — and those questions are about Matt Masterson.

Dominion Voting Systems, using EAC as a gatekeeper under the pretense that EAC hold authority to , demanded that only EAC-accredited auditors be allowed to audit the election.

While election system vendors provide local governments with election systems and technology,  the vendors do not operate or oversee the elections themselves. That responsibility falls on local election officials such as state and county leaders.

According to a May 13, 2021 tweet by Brahm Resnik, a reporter for NBC affiliate KPNX, and subsequently reported by the Washington Examiner,  one of the election system vendors, Dominion Voting Systems, released a statement regarding the Maricopa County Audit and Cyber Ninjas:

Dominion voluntarily provides access to voting machine equipment and information to auditors who have been accredited by the U.S. Election Assistance Commission. We happily did so with the independent EAC-accredited providers that Maricopa County hired for system auditing earlier this year.

If Cyber Ninjas went through the process of successfully obtaining EAC accreditation, Dominion would of course cooperate, as we do with all federally accredited auditors.

However, not only is Cyber Ninjas unaccredited, but they have also already demonstrated bias and incompetence, including committing a serious breach of the secure chain of custody that protects voting equipment, which has been deemed by the U.S government as critical infrastructure.

Releasing Dominion’s intellectual property to an unaccredited, biased, and plainly unreliable actor such as Cyber Ninjas would be reckless, causing irreperable damage to the commercial interests of the company and the election security interests of the country. No company should be compelled to participate in such an irresponsible act.

— Dominion Voting Systems Statement

Masterson appears to be a “biased” actor.

Masterson retweeted Representative Liz Cheney (R-WY) proclaiming “The 2020 presidential election was not stolen. Anyone who claims it was is spreading THE BIG LIE, turning their back on the rule of law, and poisoning our democratic system.”

The Arizona Senate-ordered audit reported via Twitter that “Maricopa County deleted a directory full of election databases from the 2020 election cycle days before the election equipment was delivered to the audit. This is spoliation of evidence!”

Masterson retweeted a May 14, 2021 tweet by Maricopa County that stated “The 2020 elections were run w/ integrity, the results certified by the county & state were accurate, & the 2 independent audits conducted by the County are the true final word on the subject. We know auditing. The Senate Cyber Ninja audit is not a real audit.”

Masterson: Russia, Russia, Russia

Masterson is also still trotting out the tired argument that anyone who questions the integrity of the 2020 U.S. election is only helping Vladimir Putin — a variation on the Trump Russia collusion hoax pushed by Joe Biden, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, John Brennan, James Clapper, Robert Mueller, James Comey, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, Adam Schiff, Jerry Nadler, Nancy Pelosi, Carl Bernstein, Rachel Maddow, CNN, MSNBC, the New York Times, the Washington Post, and the Daily Beast, among countless others.

Masterson said during a Zoom conference:

I think you have hit at the crux of the problem. What we know is that this was already part as I said of our adversaries’ playbook to undermine confidence in our democracy and now they are watching us do it to ourselves and amplifying that and so this is now for election officials that I talk to everyday this is now part of their reality is struggling with doing everything correctly by the book — canvassing, auditing, litigating — and still being presented with outlandish theories, lies, whatever to undermine confidence in the democratic process and the only people that benefit are as Tammy said those who are raising money of off this and more directly ah, you know, Vladimir Putin and Russia, who get to watch us undermine our own democracy.

Matt Masterson’s Former CISA Colleagues Christopher Krebs And Matt Travis Are Connected To James Clapper, Whom A CIA Contractor-Turned-Whistleblower Says Commandeered With John Brennan A Foreign Surveillance Tool Known As HAMMER / SCORECARD

DNI James Clapper, CISA Director Christopher Krebs, CISA Deputy Director Matthew Travis, CISA Election Security Lead Matthew Masterson

The American Report stated in a November 13, 2020 article titled “DHS Cyber Director Chris Krebs And Deputy Director Matt Travis Tied To Clapper Who Commandeered HAMMER / SCORECARD”:

Director Krebs claims that HAMMER and SCORECARD are a “hoax,” a talking point with which the mainstream media and the “fact checkers” are now running.

Krebs worked closely with intelligence contractor Kevin P. O’Prey at Obsidian Analysis. O’Prey hired and worked closely with U.S. Air Force Lt. Gen. James Clapper (Ret.) at DFI International. Clapper received a $50,000 exit bonus from DFI then awarded O’Prey’s DFI branch a contract with Clapper’s Pentagon office that oversaw THE HAMMER and SCORECARD.

Clapper illegally commandeered the super-survillance system THE HAMMER. SCORECARD was one of exploits that ran on THE HAMMER framework and that secretly stole elections.

Clapper was previously caught lying to the Senate Intelligence Committee about unlawful U.S. government surveillance of Americans.

James Clapper and John Brennan illegally commandeered THE HAMMER and SCORECARD less than two weeks after President Obama’s 2009 inauguration.

…Christopher Krebs, the DHS Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) Director who claims that HAMMER and SCORECARD are a hoax and reportedly expects to be fired by President Trump, was a principal at Obsidian Analysis, a Washington D.C. intelligence consulting firm co-founded in 2010 by Kevin P. O’Prey and Matthew K. Travis.

Both Obsidian Analysis co-founders O’Prey and Travis have been executives at intelligence contracting firm DFI International, where O’Prey hired retired U.S. Air Force Lt. Gen. James Clapper.

There is no law that requires a state Senate to use only an EAC-accredited auditor. In fact, states are not required to use EAC certified election systems.

What would propel Masterson to insinuate such a demand?

Official EAC Document “6 Tips For Conducting Election Audits”: “There is no single national auditing standard,” Yet Masterson Is Acting Like Arizona Senate Contractor Cyber Ninjas Is Somehow Required To Use Standards And Transparency “Typically” Used At The Federal Level

According to an EAC “QUICK TIPS” document titled “6 Tips For Conducting Election Audits,” posted on August 3, 2017 and currently available at EAC’s official website”:

The U.S. Election Assistance Commission has collaborated with local election officials to develop a series of helpful tips for election management. This series provides tips and suggests best practices that help you to run efficient and effective elections.

There is no single national auditing standard and methods can vary from risk limiting, fixed percentage, tiered audits, or a combination of one or more types. The best audits use statistical techniques to determine the amount of auditing required to limit the possibility that an election is incorrectly decided…

[TIP #] 6. Conducting Your Post-Election Audit…

…Create…A rigorous security and chain of custody procedure including sign in/out logs and a security video…

Notably, these are “tips,” not rules, not the rule of law, and not regulations. EAC has no jurisdiction over the state audit process.

The cozy relationship between EAC and election equipment vendors resembles the tight-knit relationship between the FDA and pharmaceutical companies, or the FAA and aircraft manufacturers and airlines. However, unlike those federal regulators, EAC has no authority over state and local elections and their officials.

At EAC, Masterson Oversaw Voting System Testing

Of note, according to former EAC Commissioner Masterson’s biography at EAC’s official website:

…Mr. Masterson held multiple roles at the Election Assistance Commission from 2006 to 2011. Mr. Masterson was the Deputy Director for the EAC’s Voting System Testing and Certification Program… Mr. Masterson managed the day to day business of the EAC’s laboratory accreditation program including the creation of the EAC’s Voting System Test Laboratory Program Manual.





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