Watch “YOUR WAKEUP CALL,” the new movie about the threat the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) presents to the United States, featuring U.S. Army Colonel Phil Waldron (Retired).
Executive producer of Absolute Proof, Mary Fanning, rejoins the program to discuss her documentaries and what those messages are for Americans and the world. She also discusses the current state of affairs today and where we are headed if we do not fight back immediately. Lastly we discuss what Trump meant when he said he was returning in August. You can learn more about Mary Fanning and her great work at
By Mary Fanning and Alan Jones | The American Report | July 16, 2021
In 2009, President Barack Obama refused to help the Iranian student-led Green Movement protesters who demanded the removal of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who was fraudulently ‘elected’ president of Iran as a result of election fraud carried out by Tehran’s theocratic Islamic regime. The Green Movement demanded an end to the Iranian Islamic regime’s dictatorship.
Obama didn’t lift a finger.
In 2021, Joe Biden waited more than 24 hours to acknowledge the Cuban people’s historic uprising against Havana’s communist dictatorship, despite a vociferous backlash by Cuban Americans in Florida and across six other states against the Biden Administration’s silence. By the time ‘slow Joe’ Biden finally got around to reading a lukewarm prepared statement feigning “support” for the Cuban protesters, the Biden administration had made it crystal clear to Havana that Cuba’s communist regime would suffer no consequences or face a U.S. military intervention.
In what amounted to a “look over here” distraction, Biden, who was receiving heavy flack for his floundering non-action response to the fast-moving Cuba crisis, suddenly announced a new socialist policy known as ‘Cash for Kids.’
Biden’s Cash for Kids tax credit announcement not only momentarily turned attention away from his tepid response to pro-freedom protests in Cuba and Florida, it came off looking as another desperate ploy to buy votes from his dwindling Democrat base, including from Cuban-Americans and Vezuelan-Americans exacerbated by Biden’s refusal to take a hard line against Cuba’s brutal communist regime. Far-left CNN touted Biden’s Cash for Kids as “the biggest government benefit since Social Security.”
In the cases of both Iran and Cuba, the Obama-Biden Regime, now well into its third term, squandered precious opportunities to rid the planet of these evil tyrannical regimes.
The Cuban people have been living under oppressive communist slavery for over six decades.
Cuba is an openly communist regime located only 90 miles from Florida. Cuba’s communist government poses a security threat to the United States and to the entire Western Hemisphere, a situation that became only too apparent during the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis.
The American Enterprise Institute noted in 2012 that evidence suggests that Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei is a graduate of the USSR’s Patrice Lumumba People’s Friendship University in Moscow and was recruited as a spy by the Soviet KGB.
The ideological foundations of the brutal regimes in Cuba and Iran align with the Marxist ideology of the Obama-Biden regime that is now overtaking schools, university campuses, the medical establishment, and corporate board rooms across the United States. From defunding the police to calling law abiding citizens ‘domestic terrorists,’ it is now patently clear what communism’s strategy of ‘upside down, inside out’ looks like.
The merger of the state with corporations is known as fascism. Fascism is now on full display within the Biden administration, as Team Biden showcases its fascist alliance with the technocrats by working closely with Facebook to censor the free speech of Americans related to COVID-19. Biden’s press secretary Jen Psaki had the temerity to actually boast that the White House has begun “flagging content” for Facebook. “”We’re flagging problematic posts for Facebook that spread disinformation,” Psaki announced, according to Newsweek. The new fascist Biden White House/Facebook cooperation arrangement sparked immediate backlash from conservatives.
Mirroring the totalitarian systems of Cuba and Iran, Biden government officials are increasingly exerting control over the media, control over the flow of information, and are limiting Americans’ constitutional rights to free speech.
In Biden and Obama’s America, the hardening of the Red-Green (Marxist-Radical Islamic) alliance is well underway. This is the transformation that Obama called for. The Biden-Obama transformation of America is about reversing the God-given constitutional rights of the citizenry that the United States of America is founded upon and instead embracing satanic communism
Black Lives Matter (BLM), the violent Marxist revolutionary movement supported by Biden and Obama, revealed on Twitter that it does not support the Cuban anti-communist protesters, many of whom are black, but instead openly supports the 1959 Cuban communist revolution. In the tradition of the Weather Underground, BLM has been lighting “Prairie Fires” across America.
BLM also naturally supports cop-killer and radical revolutionary communist terrorist Joanne Chesimard, a.k.a. Assata Shakur. After Shakur murdered New Jersey State Trooper Werner Foerster, several of her communist comrades helped her escape from a New Jersey women’s prison in 1979. Shakur then fled to Cuba, where Fidel Castro’s regime received her with open arms and granted her political asylum.
BLM has the audacity to call the U.S. federal government’s treatment of Cubans “cruel and inhumane” when in fact it is the Cuban communist government that has enslaved the Cuban people for over six decades.
Predictably, in Iran, once Obama gave his tacit approval to the regime’s thugocracy, the Iranian Mullahs unleashed onto the streets of Tehran riot police and black-clad Basij goons, riding motorbikes and dressed like Antifa, where they beat, tortured, and killed the pro-democracy protesters.
The starkest symbol of the Obama-Biden administration’s failure to support Iran’s pro-democracy and freedom Green Movement is a gruesome video of 26-year old Iranian student Neda Agha Sultan dying on a Tehran street after a Basij government goon on a motorbike shot her for watching the Green Movement protest she was en route to join.
Obama eventually rewarded the Iranian regime with a generous ‘nuclear deal’ and planeloads of cash and gold.
Miami’s Republican Mayor Francis Suarez is calling for U.S. intervention in Cuba, including humanitarian and possibly military intervention. Suarez told Fox News anchor Martha MacCallum that U.S. airstrikes, such as those conducted in Kosovo in 1999, are an “option … that has to be explored and cannot be just simply discarded as an option that is not on the table.”
Florida’s Republican Governor Ron DeSantis and U.S. Representative Maria Elvira Salazar (R-FL) are calling on President Biden to leverage U.S. technological capabilities and U.S. defense contractors to restore internet access to the Cuban people after Cuba’s communist regime shut down the island’s access to the internet.
U.S. Representative Salazar (R-FL), whose congressional district represents Miami’s Cuban-American community, stated during a July 15, 2021 news conference:
Five days ago, Cuban people took to the streets to rally for freedom. The dream of every Cuban is to see the island break free from the shackles of oppression. They want to end the Castro regime’s Satanic nightmare, but they need help. In the streets of Havana they wave American flags and chant “Libertas!”
Here in Miami, our community is boiling over with frustration and support. Yet, when we look to the White House, we only see tepid statements, a lack of resolve.
President Biden’s lukewarm response is unacceptable. He cannot say he supports the Cuban people in Cuba, the Cuban American community that I represent in the City of Miami, without clear actions. While the Cuban people protest [for] freedom, the regime has cut off the internet. They don’t want the world to see the atrocities of socialism and communism. We must restore internet [access] on the island, information is power. America invented the internet and we know how to amplify it. The solutions are out there and he has them. We need President Biden to have the will to act and give the green light to implement these technologies.
Cubans need VPNs so they can avoid their regime’s Chinese surveillance equipment. Cubans need the technical capabilities to boost internet access now. It’s one hundred percent possible. That’s why we are here. There are emerging technologies like the deployment of high-altitude stratospheric balloons to create aerial wireless networks that the Cubans can link to. We have companies in America with that capability…
…Now it is up to the President [Biden] to unlock this capability. The administration can do this now and must do it now.
Three years ago Secretary [of State Mike] Pompeo created a secure channel in Iran so protesters could upload videos showing the evils of the Ayatollah, right? Well, now we need that same channel so the world can see the evils of the brutal Castro regime. This can be done in minutes. What are we waiting for?
Obama’s ‘third term’ under Biden is a continuation of the evil Obama foreign policy doctrine that rewards the communist and Islamic terror-supporting regimes of adversaries Iran and Cuba, and which snubs and snuffs out pro-freedom youth movements that desperately need political encouragement and military intervention from the so-called “leader of the free world,” the United States of America.
However, Joe Biden’s political career was launched by the communist Council for a Livable World, a Soviet front group littered with Soviet spies. Asking Biden to support pro-democracy Cuban protesters who want to topple Havana’s Marxist regime just might be a bridge too far for a career politician who himself is steeped in communism.
“Jewish Agency chairman and former Soviet dissident Natan Sharansky…called it [President Obama’s refusal to help Iran’s Green Protest Movement] the biggest failure to help human rights in modern history, the Jerusalem Post reported on January 1, 2018.
We previously wrote at The American Report in a July 11, 2021 article titled “Cubans Rise Up Against Obama-Biden Supported Communist Regime”:
Barack Obama’s Hawaii ‘mentor’ Frank Marshall Davis was Communist Party USA (CPUSA) member #47544, according to Davis’ extensive FBI file. Davis was also a suspected KGB agent and was listed on the FBI’s Security Index of Americans to be arrested in the event of an outbreak of hostilities between the United States and the Soviet Union.
According to Paul Kengor, author of the book The Communist: Frank Marshall Davis, The Untold Story Of Barack Obama’s Mentor:
Frank Marshall Davis (1905-87) was a hardcore communist, an actual card-carrying member of Communist Party USA (CPUSA), who spent time with a young Barack Obama throughout the 1970s, right up until the moment Obama left Hawaii for Occidental College in 1979.
Davis joined the Communist Party in Chicago in the early 1940s. CPUSA members swore an oath to “ensure the triumph of Soviet power in the United States.” They were dedicated to what CPUSA leader William Z. Foster had openly called “Soviet America.” Notably, Davis joined CPUSA after the Hitler-Stalin Pact, a time when many American communists (especially Jewish communists) had bolted the Party in disgust that their Soviet Union had allied with Hitler.
During his January 10, 2017 farewell address, President Obama chuckled as he told a large crowd in Chicago “Some of you here tonight or watching at home, you were there with us in 2004 and 2008, 2012. Maybe you still can’t believe we pulled this whole thing off. Let me tell you, you’re not the only ones.”
By Mary Fanning and Alan Jones | The American Report | July 11, 2021
Cubans have taken to the streets of Havana and other parts of the island to rise up against the communist regime that for more than six decades has ruled with an iron fist over the so-called socialist paradise, according to photos and videos flooding Twitter and media reports. On Twitter, #Cuba, #CubaLibre, and #SOSCuba are trending.
President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden were staunch supporters of Cuban communist revolutionary brothers Fidel and Raúl Castro who pillaged the country in order to enrich themselves and who tortured and killed freedom-loving Cubans who challenged their brutal Marxist-Leninist regime.
“Democratic Socialist” Bernie Sanders, who is actually a communist, has also spent his lifetime supporting Cuba’s communist regime.
Both Barack Obama and Joe Biden have political and personal backgrounds steeped in connections to communist Soviet agents and to the Soviet Union, Cuba’s long-time sponsor and America’s adversary.
Barack Obama’s Hawaii ‘mentor’ Frank Marshall Davis was Communist Party USA (CPUSA) member #47544, according to Davis’ extensive FBI file. Davis was also a suspected KGB agent and was listed on the FBI’s Security Index of Americans to be arrested in the event of an outbreak of hostilities between the United States and the Soviet Union.
Joe Biden’s political career was sponsored by the Council for a Livable World, a suspected Soviet front group that targeted and recruited up-and-coming Members of the U.S. Congress. The Council for a Livable World was founded by suspected Soviet Spy Leo Szilard and supported by Soviet agent Armand Hammer, son of Soviet agent Julius Hammer, co-founder of the Communist Party of the United States. Former KGB agent Pavel Sudoplatov claimed in his 1994 autobiography Special Tasks that Szilard, a nuclear physicist who helped lead the Manhattan Project, passed American atomic bomb secrets to the Soviets.
Communist revolutionary and Weather Underground domestic terrorist Bill Ayers, a long-time close friend of Barack and Michelle Obama, worked closely with Cuba’s communist regime’s intelligence agency the DGI [General Directorate of Intelligence] and with Cuba’s violent Venceremos Brigades.
The New York Times reported:
It said the ultimate objective of the D.G.I.’s participation in setting up the Venceremos Brigades “is the recruitment of individuals who are politically oriented and who someday may obtain a position, elective or appointive, somewhere in the U.S. Government, which would provide the Cuban Government with access to political, economic and military intelligence.”
The report said this conclusion was based on information from former officials of the D.G.I.
The Cuban intelligence officers were described as particularly eager to recruit Americans who had political contacts or who were related to United States government officials.
“A very limited number of VB members have been trained in guerrilla warfare techniques, including use of arms and explosives,” the report said. “This type training is given only to individuals who specifically request it and only then to persons whom the Cubans feel sure are not penetration agents of American intelligence”…
…“In February 1970, leading WUO member Bill Ayers told fellow underground WUO member Larry Grathwohl that if communication could not be made through these Canadian numbers, an individual should get in touch with the Cuban Embassy in Canada in order to establish contact with other members of the WUO,” the report said.
“To do this an individual should use the code name ‘Delgado’ when referring to himself and the person with whom he desired to make contact,” it said.
In another incident, the report said, four Weathermen who had been in Cuba with the Venceremos Brigades were sent back to the United States through Czechoslovakia. rather than through Canada with other brigade members, to lessen their chances of being arrested by the United States authorities. The four wanted to get back to the United States safely after the explosion of a house in Greenwich Village killed two members of the Weather group, Diana Oughton and Ted Gold, and the Cubans “obliged” them by making the European travel arrangements, the report said.
“Cuban espionage agents operating in the United States and Canada supplied limited aid to the Weather Underground, a militant antiwar organization, in the late 1960’s and early 1970’s, according to a top‐secret report of the Federal Bureau of Investigation,” the New York Times reported on October 9, 1977.
From The American Report: THE BETRAYAL PAPERS part V — Who Is Barack Hussein Obama?
Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn (Ohrnstein)
Of all the nefarious personal relationships of Barack Hussein Obama, the bloodthirsty couple of Bill Ayers and wife Bernadine Dohrn (Ohrnstein) are the most unsettling. In the 1960s, Ayers and Dohrn were notorious radicals, anarchists, and terrorists – declared enemies of American society.
Ayers and Dohrn hosted a meet-and-greet and fundraiser for candidate Obama when he first ran for public office. Indeed, Obama’s political career was launched from the couple’s living room in Hyde Park.
Bill Ayers’ father was Tom Ayers, President of Commonwealth Edison (the power company of Chicago) from 1964-1980, and Chairman from 1973-1980. The Ayers family was close to the corrupt Daley political machine and involved in various philanthropic causes, and Bill was a son of considerable privilege. The Ayers family connection to power production is important to note in connection with the Chicago Climate Exchange, which will be detailed in Part VI.
Despite his mainstream upbringing, Ayers gravitated to terrorism and revolution. In 1969, he, Dohrn, and other radicals founded the Weather Underground. From its inception until the early 1980s, this group of nihilist anarchists would claim responsibility for targets that included police, an R.O.T.C building, the home of a judge, New York City Police Headquarters, and The Pentagon.
Dohrn and Ayers lived for a time as fugitives together, and eventually married. But due to legal technicalities neither Ayers nor Dohrn ever served time for their crimes.
The couple has two sons. Both were, curiously, given Islamic names: Zayd and Malik.
Ayers has admitted not once, but twice that he is author of the Obama’s memoir, Dreams of my Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance, published in 1995.
On September 11, 2001, a review of an upcoming book by Bill Ayers appeared in the New York Times. In the memoir Fugitive Days, Ayers recounted his time on the lam. Wrote Ayers in the book, the lines which were reprinted in the Times the morning of September 11: “Everything was absolutely ideal on the day I bombed the Pentagon,” and “I feel we didn’t do enough.”
A few hours after that edition of New York Times hit newsstands on 9/11/2001, four planes were hijacked by Al Qaeda. Two of them brought down the World Trade Center. Another crashed in a field in Pennsylvania. And the other slammed into the Pentagon, once a target of Bill Ayers, scarring the symbol of American military might and killing 125 people.
Consider the psyche of Dohrn (from 1991-2013 a professor at Northwestern Law School) who, upon hearing of the horrific murder of actress Sharon Tate (where a fork was stuck into her nine-month pregnant belly) by psychopath Charles Manson’s gang, stated: “Dig it. First they killed those pigs and then they put a fork in pig Tate’s belly. Wild!” Dohrn then adopted the “fork salute” for the Weatherman.
Years after 9/11/2001, Dohrn and Ayers would openly associate with Islamic terrorists. First, in connection with the 2010 “Peace Flotilla,” a terrorist smuggling operation originating from Turkey that sought to arm Hamas in Gaza. The rabid couple’s attraction to terrorism was enabled by the Soros front group, Code Pink.
In 2011, Ayers and Dohrn teamed up with Code Pink once again when they crashed the revolution in Egypt’s Tahrir Square to help oust American and Israeli ally Hosni Mubarak. Reliving their youth, they pulled a page from their old playbook, teaching the protestors how to organize their very own “day of rage.”
Miami Mayor Francis Suarez during a July 11, 2021 press conference called for a U.S.-led international intervention “to protect the Cuban people from a bloodbath,” NBC 6 Miami reported.
However, considering Joe Biden’s background and the far-left ideology of the Biden administration, a U.S. intervention in Cuba may never happen.
The Trump administration, by contrast, might have deployed U.S. military special forces to Havana within the first 24 hours of the crisis in order to arrest the Cuban communist regime leaders and to provide humanitarian assistance. Perhaps then property stolen since 1959 by the communist regime from the Cuban people and from U.S.-based businesses could be returned to its rightful owners.
In May 2016, Barack and Michelle Obama travelled to Cuba aboard Air Force One.
Following a series of bloody ISIS bombing in Belgium, Barack and Michelle enjoyed watching a baseball game in Havana. Shockingly, Barack and Michelle shamelessly sat in the stands next to their comrade, Cuban dictator Raúl Castro and did “the wave.”
“The president entered the stadium alongside Cuban President Raúl Castro. Both stood for a moment of silence before the game and later participated in the wave in the stands,” Politico reported. Obama decided to continue hanging out in communist Cuba and to attend the baseball game even after Islamic State terrorists carried out three coordinated bombings in Brussels, killing 32 civilians and wounding over 300.
According to U.S. Army General Michael Flynn, former Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency and President Trump’s National Security Adviser, President Obama willfully provided weapons to Syrian fighters that fell into the hands of ISIS and Al Qaeda terrorists.
We previously reported at The American Report in the 2019 article “Safeguarding The Republic And The Rule Of Law By Exposing The Corrupt Prosecution Of General Flynn”:
In 2012, the DIA, under General Flynn’s command, predicted the rise of ISIS and warned the Obama administration about the coming Islamic Caliphate in a classified report that President Obama ignored.
Flynn later stated that the Obama administration’s decision to arm radical Islamic terrorists in Syria who morphed into the ISIS Caliphate and then conquered much of Iraq was in fact a “willful decision.” That report made General Flynn no friends in the Obama administration, particularly in the intelligence community. Flynn became persona non grata. Though a genocide of Christians took place in the Middle East under the Obama administration, little was heard about the slaugher of Christians from the politicized Main Stream Media.
In 2019, The Trump administration banned American tourists from visiting Cuba and banned cruise ships from the United States from visiting Cuba.
By Mary Fanning and Alan Jones | The American Report | June 23, 2021
In the most important geopolitical story of the moment, a steady stream of reports claim that a high-level Chinese intelligence official named Dong Jingwei (董经纬) has defected to the United States and provided U.S. officials with evidence that SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, was produced in Chinese biowarfare laboratories.
In a move seen as unusual in normally-secretive defection cases, an “anonymous source” inside the Biden Administration denies that Dong defected. China also denies that Dong defected.
“Reached by Newsweek on Tuesday, a U.S. government official said the reports about Dong’s defection “are not accurate,” without elaborating. A second U.S. government source, also speaking on condition of anonymity, said the rumors were “absolutely untrue,” Newsweek reported on June 23, 2021.
Of course, both China and the Biden administration have lots to gain by denying the defection, and lots to lose if it is true. China would have to be held accountable for COVID-19, more information on Hunter Biden’s Chinese connection could be exposed, and US officials, some of them currently in the Biden administration, could be revealed to be compromised or working for the Chinese. Furthermore, Joe Biden, who has been staggeringly weak against China, would be faced with the scenario of overwhelming evidence that China committed an act of war — an act of biological warfare (which is prohibited under international treaties) against the United States. Is Joe Biden ready to lead the United States in a war against China? It would be far easier to just deny that Dong defected.
Dong’s defection, if true, is also potentially the most consequential defection of a communist intelligence official to a Western power since the start of the Cold War in 1947 and since the founding of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), that was established, with the assistance of the the Communist Party of the Soviet Union on July 1, 1921, 100 years ago.
If the reports about Dong’s defection are true, he is the highest-level defector from the People’s Republic of China in history.
Dong Jingwei’s official title is Vice Minister of State Security and head of counterintelligence for the Chinese Ministry of State Security (MSS), also known as Guoanbu.
Dong’s position would have likely given him access to sensitive information including the names of U.S. citizen’s working as CCP assets from inside and outside of the U.S. government.
Information about Chinese defector Dong was reported by former FOX News senior correspondent Adam Housley and subsequently verified and additionally reported on by Red State.
Housley tweeted on June 19 “We have a few defectors. Dong is one I am told and I’m told the FBI had him first then gave him over to DIA.”
Red State, on the other hand, tweeted “that the defector has been with DIA [U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency] for 3 mos and knowledge was kept from FBI, CIA, State Dept due to DIA leadership’s belief those agencies and more are compromised by CCP spies/sources.”
Former Obama-Biden Administration CIA Director John Brennan admitted that he voted for Communist Party USA (CPUSA) candidate Gus Hall in the 1976 presidential election.
Former Obama-Biden Administration FBI Director James Comey told New York Magazine “I’d moved from Communist to whatever I am now.”
Of interest is that not only does Dong reportedly have the contents of Hunter Biden’s laptop, but also a CIA communications system.
One wonders if Dong also has information about THE HAMMER and its election application SCORECARD.
THE HAMMER was designed as a foreign surveillance system used by the Department of Defense to monitor terrorists and other foreign adversaries. Under the Obama administration, John Brennan and James Clapper commandeered THE HAMMER and relocated it in 2009 to a secret CIA facility in Fort Washington, Maryland.
In 2015, CIA contractor-turned-whistleblower Dennis Montgomery, under two limited immunity agreements provided by the DOJ and FBI, turned over 47 computer hard drives to FBI General Counsel James Baker.
Baker took receipt of the 47 hard drives from Montgomery on behalf of FBI Director James Comey. The 47 hard drives according to the CIA whistleblower contained top level intelligence including SAP information.
We previously reported at The American Report in a May 17, 2021 article titled “National Security Info Provided To FBI Was Sold To Enemies By Traitors; Info Was Used To Hack Solarwinds, Colonial Pipeline; US Electric Grid, Nuclear Power Stations At High Risk, Says CIA Contractor-Turned-Whistleblower Who Exposed HAMMER”:
The FBI took possession of the critical information provided by the whistleblower, including the SCORECARD source code that monitors elections and runs off of THE HAMMER, and buried it — or did they?
The CIA contractor-turned-whistleblower implanted a unique digital signature within the source code. That source code with the embedded unique digital signature subsequently emerged in China and was used in China’s cyberwarfare attack on the 2020 U.S. federal election. The Chinese cyberwarfare attack stole the election from President Trump and handed it over to Joe Biden.
Red State reported that Dong told Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) officials “How the Chinese government gained access to a CIA communications system, leading to the death of dozens of Chinese people who were working with the CIA.”
Dong reportedly has access to the contents of Hunter Biden’s “laptop from hell.”
Newsmax White House Correspondent Emerald Robinson tweeted on June 18, 2021. “He’s [Dong] provided DIA with the contents of Hunter Biden’s laptop. He has confirmed that a THIRD of all Chinese students in US are spies.”
Dong may also have access to information about John P. Holdren, the Obama-Biden White House Science Czar who, as reported by The American Report, recommended on January 9, 2017 that the U.S. government lift the ban on dangerous gain-of-function research.
The American Report subsequently reported that Holdren is now a Visiting Distinguished Professor at Beijing’s Tsinghua University, Xi Jinping’s alma mater and one of China’s premiere defense research universities.
Holdren, a long-time proponent of human depopulation policies, co-authored a 1977 book called Ecoscience: Population, Resources, Environment that chillingly proclaimed “Biological warfare laboratories are potential sources of a man made “solution” to the population explosion.” Holdren’s book Ecoscience foreshadowed both Holdren’s recommendation to lift the gain-of-function ban and the COVID-19 pandemic.
Holdren astonishingly admitted in an interview published in 2016 by Nature Magazine and subsequently reported by The American Report that “We have a lot of cooperation with China on biomedical issues. We talk to them all of the time about gain-of-function research and about gene-editing.”
After Montgomery turned over the 47 hard drives to the FBI, Baker subsequently resigned from the FBI, joined the Brookings Institution for less than a year, and is now the deputy general counsel at Twitter. Twitter permanently banned President Trump from the social media platform. On the other hand, Twitter continues to allow Imam Sayyid Ali Khamenei, Iran’s Supreme Leader, to maintain a Twitter account with the handle @khamenei_ir.
Although the Chinese Communist Party prohibits Chinese citizens from using Twitter, CCP officials and diplomats, as part of China’s strategy of unrestricted warfare, leverage Twitter to spread CCP propaganda across the United States and other Western countries.
According to a May 28, 2021 Associated Press article titled “Army of fake fans boosts China’s messaging on Twitter”:
A seven-month investigation by the Associated Press and the Oxford Internet Institute, a department at Oxford University, found that China’s rise on Twitter has been powered by an army of fake accounts that have retweeted Chinese diplomats and state media tens of thousands of times, covertly amplifying propaganda that can reach hundreds of millions of people — often without disclosing the fact that the content is government-sponsored.
According to a June 21, 2021 UPI article titled “Top Chinese counterintelligence official missing amid rumors of U.S. defection”:
China has not issued an official response to Dong’s rumored defection, but on Friday Xi ordered top officials of the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party to swear an oath ahead of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the CCP on July 1, according to Liberty Times on Sunday.
Reports have also emerged that Dong has provided U.S. officials with the names of Americans who have provided intelligence to the Chinese Communist Party as well as the names of Chinese intelligence agents working inside the U.S. or attending U.S. universities, a disclosure that could produce an espionage earthquake equivalent to or greater than what happened in 1945 when American-born Soviet spy Elizabeth Bentley of the Silvermaster spy ring defected and provided the FBI with the names of 150 individuals she said were Soviet spies.
If the reports of Dong’s defection are true, the high-stakes confrontation (show-down) between the United States and the People’s Republic of China has just gone super-critical, and the risk of an all-out war pitting China against the United States and other Western nations devastated by the COVID-19 pandemic has never been higher.
The Chinese operation to take down the United States was envisaged in a book by two Chinese Colonels Unrestricted Warfare.
The stakes are high not only amidst China’s attempts to hide its biowarfare programs and the origins of SARS-CoV-1, and amidst China’s increasingly aggressive military posture towards Taiwan and Hong Kong, but also amidst China’s cyberwafare attack on the 2020 U.S. election that was exposed by The American Report and in the documentary films ABSOLUTE PROOF, SCIENTIFIC PROOF and ABSOLUTE INTERFERENCE.
By Mary Fanning and Alan Jones | The American Report | June 19, 2021
Obama-Biden White House Science Czar John P. Holdren astonishingly admitted in 2016 that “We have a lot of cooperation with China on biomedical issues. We talk to them all of the time about gain-of-function research and about gene-editing.”
Gain-of-function research introduces mutations to a virus in order to intentionally make it more contagious and pathogenic to humans.
Holdren’s statement admitting to frequent conversations with China regarding “gain-of-function research and gene editing” appeared in a Nature Magazine interview with Holdren published by Scientific American on July 5, 2016:
I’m going to China this week for a strategic and economic dialogue and for a US–China dialogue on innovation policy. I’ll be talking with my Chinese counterpart, Wan Gang, the minister of science and technology, about some of these very problems and what we are doing about them.
We have a lot of cooperation with China on biomedical issues. We talk to them all of the time about gain-of-function research and about gene-editing issues.
Obama-Biden White House Office of Science and Technology Policy Director John P. Holdren met with Wan Gang, Minister of Science and Technology for the People’s Republic of China.
In 2015, Wan Gang met with Bill Gates.
John P. Holdren, former Obama-Biden White House Science Czar, is “Visiting Distinguished Professor at Tsinghua University in Beijing, China,” Chinese dictator Xi Jinping’s alma mater, according to an official biography of Holdren posted at Harvard University’s website.
“Tsinghua University is designated very high risk for its high level of defence research and alleged involvement in cyber attacks,” according to the China Defence Universities Tracker, “a database of Chinese institutions engaged in military or security-related science and technology research” created by the Australian Strategic Policy Center (ASPC) International Cyber Policy Centre.
Tsinghua University hosts eight major Chinese defense laboratories, conducts classified Chinese military research projects, and engages in espionage, according to the China Defence Universities Tracker.
“Professor Holdren was appointed a Tsinghua Guest Professor at a conferral ceremony held” on May 26, 2019, according to the Tsinghua News Center. Approximately seven months later, in December 2019, the first known COVID-19 cases were detected in China.
While speaking at China’s Tsinghua University in 2019, Holdren wore a lapel featuring the U.S. flag and the Chinese flag
We previously reported at The American Report on June 16, 2021 that Holdren “co-authored a 1977 book that shockingly claimed that an accidental leak from a biological warfare laboratory was a potential manmade “‘solution’ to the [human] population explosion” and called for a ‘Planetary Regime’ to enforce human population limits.”
According to the 1977 book Ecoscience: Population, Resources, Environment, co-authored by the Obama-Biden White House Science Czar John P. Holdren:
…there is always the threat of biological warfare or of an accidental escape of lethal agents from a biological warfare laboratory or, conceivably, from a laboratory engaged in genetic engineering experiments…
…under special conditions (such as those that sometimes occur in caves full of rabid rats) rabies appears to have been transmitted through the air. Such a disease would be a disastrously effective weapon if it were transmitted by infected individuals before symptoms appear, since once they do appear, rabies is (with one notable recent exception) 100 percent fatal.
Their deaths were caused by just one group of viruses…
…Fatal accidents occur in laboratories where work is done on other kinds of viruses, as well as other microorganisms…
…Biological warfare laboratories are potential sources of a man made “solution” to the population explosion. It is essential that some way be found to block all further work on biological weapons -the risk for humanity is simply too great.
We also previously reported at The American Report in a June 14, 2021 article titled “COVID-19: 11 Days Before Trump Took Office, Obama’s ‘Depopulation’ Science Czar Holdren Advised Lifting Gain-Of-Function Research Ban; Trump Kept In The Dark“:
Eleven days before President Trump’s January 20, 2017 inauguration, the Obama-Biden White House and President Barack Obama’s and Vice President Joseph Biden’s Science Czar John Holdren, Director of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP), officially recommended that the U.S. government lift restrictions on ‘gain of function’ research that “enhance[s] a pathogen’s virulence and/or transmissibility to produce a potential pandemic pathogen (an enhanced PPP).”
David Rubenstein, Co-Founder and Co-CEO of The Carlyle Group, is the Chairman of the Tsinghua University School of Economics and Management (Tsinghua SEM) Advisory Board.
John Thornton, Chair Emeritus of the Brookings Institution, is the director of the Global Leadership Program at Tsinghua University and also sits on the Tsinghua University School of Economics and Management Advisory Board with Rubenstein.
Rubenstein and Thornton met with Xi Jinping at Tsinghua University.
Axios reported in a November 17, 2020 article titled “Private equity dominated the 2020 election process”:
Private equity dominated Election Day. Not in terms of the winning candidates, but in terms of the election process itself.
Between the lines: The most-utilized election system and software companies are owned by U.S. private equity firms. Dominion Voting Systems is the best-known of these vendors, as it’s become the subject of evidence-free conspiracy theories.
By Mary Fanning and Alan Jones | The American Report | June 16, 2021
John P. Holdren, President Barack Obama’s and Vice President Joseph Biden’s White House, Science Czar, co-authored a 1977 book that shockingly claimed that an accidental leak from a biological warfare laboratory was a potential manmade “‘solution’ to the [human] population explosion” and called for a ‘Planetary Regime’ to enforce human population limits.
John P. Holdren, Director of the Obama-Biden White House Office Of Science and Technology, Vice President Joseph Biden, and President Barack Obama
Holdren is a lifelong proponent of cold, antihuman measures by which governments, global intergovernmental organizations such as the United Nations, and ultimately a ‘Planetary Regime,’ can leverage science and technology to achieve massive human depopulation objectives.
When Holdren advised the U.S. government to lift its 2014 ban on lethal gain-of-function research, he clearly understood that a leak of a genetically-enhanced viral pathogen from a biological warfare laboratory such as China’s Wuhan Institute of Virology could unleash a global pandemic capable of killing millions of people around the world, including hundreds of thousands of Americans.
Even more sinister than Obama, Biden, and Holdren greenlighting an official recommendation to lift the U.S. government ban on gain-of-function research was the timing of that recommendation: just 11 days before Donald Trump was sworn-in as the 45th President of the United States.
Shocking Excerpts From Ecoscience, The 1977 Book, Co-authored By Obama-Biden White House Science Advisor John P. Holdren
According to the 1977 book Ecoscience: Population, Resources, Environment, co-authored by the Obama-Biden White House Science Czar John P. Holdren:
As if the threat of a natural pandemic were not gruesome enough, there is always the threat of biological warfare or of an accidental escape of lethal agents from a biological warfare laboratory or, conceivably, from a laboratory engaged in genetic engineering experiments (see material on recombinant DNA research in Chapter 14). Although most laypeople have long been afraid of thermonuclear war, they are just beginning to grasp the colossal hazard posed by chemical and biological warfare (CBW). Any country with one or two well-trained microbiologists and even a modest budget can build its own biological doomsday weapons. Constructing lethal viruses against which there is little or no resistance in human populations can easily be done in theory; it may already have been done in practice. There were at one time rumors of the development by the American CBW establishment of a pneumonic rabies, one that, instead of being transmitted by bite, is transmitted in the same way as the common cold: from person to person via exhaled droplets. This is certainly possible, since under special conditions (such as those that sometimes occur in caves full of rabid rats) rabies appears to have been transmitted through the air. Such a disease would be a disastrously effective weapon if it were transmitted by infected individuals before symptoms appear, since once they do appear, rabies is (with one notable recent exception) 100 percent fatal.
Their deaths were caused by just one group of viruses…
…Fatal accidents occur in laboratories where work is done on other kinds of viruses, as well as other microorganisms…
…Biological warfare laboratories are potential sources of a man made “solution” to the population explosion. It is essential that some way be found to block all further work on biological weapons -the risk for humanity is simply too great.
Another excerpt from Holdren’s Ecoscience discusses the role of a ‘Planetary Regime’ to enforce population controls:
The first step necessarily involves partial surrender of sovereignty to an international organization. But it seems probable that, as long as most people fail to comprehend the magnitude of the danger, that step will be impossible…
…Should a Law of the Sea be successfully established, it could serve as a model for a future Law of the Atmosphere to regulate the use of airspace, to monitor climate change, and to control atmospheric pollution. Perhaps those agencies, combined with UNEP and the United Nations population agencies, might eventually be developed into a Planetary Regime — sort of an international superagency for population, resources, and environment. Such a comprehensive Planetary Regime could control the development, administration, conservation, and distribution of all natural resources, renewable or nonrenewable, at least insofar as international implications exist. Thus, the Regime could have the power to control pollution not only in the atmosphere and the oceans, but also in such freshwater bodies as rivers and lakes that cross international boundaries or that discharge into the oceans. The Regime might also be a logical central agency for regulating all international trade, perhaps including assistance from DCs [Developed Countries] to LDCs [Less Developed Countries], and including all food on the international market.
The Planetary Regime might be given responsibility for determining the optimum population for the world and for each region and for arbitrating various countries’ shares within their regional limits. Control of population size might remain the responsibility of each government, but the Regime should have some power to enforce the agreed limits. As with the Law of the Sea and other international agreements, all agreements for regulating population sizes, resource development, and pollution should be subject to revision and modification in accordance with changing conditions.
By Mary Fanning and Alan Jones | The American Report | June 14, 2021
Eleven days before President Trump’s January 20, 2017 inauguration, the Obama-Biden White House and President Barack Obama’s and Vice President Joseph Biden’s Science Czar John Holdren, Director of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP), officially recommended that the U.S. government lift restrictions on ‘gain-of-function’ research that “enhance[s] a pathogen’s virulence and/or transmissibility to produce a potential pandemic pathogen (an enhanced PPP).”
Director of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy John Holdren, Vice President Joseph Biden, and President Barack Obama
Holdren is the co-author of the 1973 book Human Ecology: Problems and Solutions that called for the dismantling of Western economies to enable wealth redistribution to foreign countries (such as China). Holdren is also the co-author of the 1977 anti-human book Ecoscience: Population, Resources, Environment that presented methods for implementing massive-scale human population reduction measures such as adding reproductive sterilization agents to food and water supplies and enacting forced abortions in the United States.
The U.S. government’s restriction on gain-of-function research was put in place in 2014 after alarmed scientists warned federal officials that experiments with advanced genetic manipulation gain-of-function techniques used to intentionally make viruses more pathogenic and transmissible to humans could lead to a laboratory accident and an uncontrollable pandemic.
Obama’s and Holdren’s decision to issue a reckless and dangerous federal recommendation to lift the restriction on funding dangerous, indeed lethal, gain-of-function research and Obama’s and Holdren’s decision to issue that guidance during the final days of the presidential transition from the Obama administration to the Trump administration set the Trump administration up for a potential pandemic. And that is exactly what happened.
Obama and Holdren had to have understood the danger of what they were doing and purposely exploited it with complete disregard for the health and safety of the American people and others around the globe.
The “Recommended Policy Guidance for Potential Pandemic Pathogen Care and Oversight” issued on January 9, 2017 by the Obama-Biden White House and Holdren’s OSTP stated that “Issuance of this policy guidance concludes the deliberative process launched in October 2014 by OSTP and the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).”
Obama-Biden Administration’s HHS Director on January 9, 2017, when Obama-Biden White House and Holdren’s OSTP recommended lifting the U.S. government prohibition on gain-of-function research was Sylvia Matthews Burwell, “former President of the Global Development Program and Chief Operating Officer of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation,” according to the Obama White House.
After President Trump became President, Dr. Anthony Fauci’s boss, National Institutes of Health (NIH) Director Francis Collins, carried out Hodren’s official advice, issued by Holdren during the final days of the Obama-Biden Administration, to end restrictions on lethal gain-of-function research.
In the United States, the peaceful transition of power between outgoing and incoming presidential administrations is formalized by the Presidential Transition Act of 1963.
The presidential transition process includes both classified and non-classified briefings to help bring the incoming President and staff up to speed on information critical to national security, the economy, science, and public health.
However, according to U.S. Army Colonel Dr. Lawrence Sellin (Ret.), President Trump was never alerted that the U.S. government’s restriction on lethal gain-of-function research had been lifted by Collins, who was adhering to guidance from Obama, Biden, Holdren, and Burwell.
If Holdren, Obama, and Biden knew that they had lifted the ban on gain-of-function research and intentionally withheld that information from the incoming Trump administration in order to set Trump up, that would implicate Obama and Holdren.
The lame-duck Obama-Biden Administration White House revealed the last-minute recommendation by Holdren’s OSTP to lift the restrictions on gain-of-function research in a January 9, 2017 announcement titled “Recommended Policy Guidance for Potential Pandemic Pathogen Care and Oversight.”
The new guidance released on January 9, 2017 by the Obama-Biden Administration and John P. Holdren’s Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) states:
Agencies that adopt a review mechanism consistent with the provisions specified below will have satisfied the requirements for lifting that agency’s moratorium on certain gain-of-function research consistent with the October 17, 2014 statement “U.S. Government Gain-of-Function Deliberative Process and Research Funding Pause on Selected Gain-of-Function Research Involving Influenza, MERS, and SARS Viruses.”
On December 19, 2017, the National Institutes of Health (NIH), specifically in response to the guidance released on January 9, 2017 by the Barack Obama Administration via Holdren’s OSTP, published NIH’s “Notice Announcing the Removal of the Funding Pause for Gain-of-Function Research Projects.”
Since 2009, the NIH has been directed by Dr. Francis Collins. President Obama nominated Francis for the position.
The NIH is the parent institute of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), directed by Dr. Anthony Fauci.
In other words, Obama’s OSTP Director John P. Holdren, who co-authored the 1973 book Human Ecology: Problems and Solutions that called for the dismantling of Western economies for wealth distribution to foreign countries and who co-authored the 1977 book Ecoscience: Population, Resources, Environment in which Holdren advocated for adding sterilants to food and water supplies and enacting forced abortions as population control measures, issued new guidance 11 days before President Trump’s inauguration recommending an end to the prohibition on lethal gain-of-function research, guidance that NIH Director Francis Collins subsequently acted upon on December 19, 2017, opening the door for Dr. Anthony Fauci’s NIAID to resume funding via EcoHealth Alliance (EHA) of the Wuhan Institute of Virology lab where gain-of-function research was carried out.
John P. Holdren’s life-long dream of reducing the human population was manifested through the highly pathogenic SARS CoV-2 virus that Holdren allowed to emerge. Thanks to Collins’ decision to follow Obama’s and Holdren’s doomsday recommendation to lift restrictions on genocidal gain-of-function research, 599,796 Americans have been killed. The true number of global deaths is estimated to be 6.9 million, far above the “official” number of 3,805,657.
Barack Obama’s and Joe Biden’s Science Czar John Holdren will enter the history books alongside the likes of Joseph Stalin’s Soviet agricultural scientist Trofim Lysenko, who starved millions of Soviets, Saddam Hussein’s Iraqi chemical weapons scientist Dr. Amir al-Saadi, who was involved in the 1988 Halabja chemical weapons genocide during which Saddam gassed tens of thousands his own people, and Hitler’s Nazi scientist Josef Mengele, who conducted horrific medical experiments on concentration camp prisoners.
According to the 1977 book Ecoscience: Population, Resources, Environment, co-authored by the Obama-Biden White House Science Czar John P. Holdren:
As if the threat of a natural pandemic were not gruesome enough, there is always the threat of biological warfare or of an accidental escape of lethal agents from a biological warfare laboratory or, conceivably, from a laboratory engaged in genetic engineering experiments (see material on recombinant DNA research in Chapter 14). Although most laypeople have long been afraid of thermonuclear war, they are just beginning to grasp the colossal hazard posed by chemical and biological warfare (CBW). Any country with one or two well-trained microbiologists and even a modest budget can build its own biological doomsday weapons. Constructing lethal viruses against which there is little or no resistance in human populations can easily be done in theory; it may already have been done in practice. There were at one time rumors of the development by the American CBW establishment of a pneumonic rabies, one that, instead of being transmitted by bite, is transmitted in the same way as the common cold: from person to person via exhaled droplets. This is certainly possible, since under special conditions (such as those that sometimes occur in caves full of rabid rats) rabies appears to have been transmitted through the air. Such a disease would be a disastrously effective weapon if it were transmitted by infected individuals before symptoms appear, since once they do appear, rabies is (with one notable recent exception) 100 percent fatal. Other possibilities for lethal agents are many — for example, anthrax, which even in its “natural” state can be transmitted by contaminated aerosols, plague, tularemia, Q-fever, and encephalitis, to name a few 231 — disseminated in their natural forms or in the form of special “hot” strains that are drug-resistant or super lethal. Besides direct assaults on human beings, overt or covert attacks on a nation’s food supply might be made by introducing plant diseases. The more crowded a population is, and the smaller its per-capita food supplies, the better a target it would be for a biological warfare attack
Why would nations develop such weapons? For the same reason they develop others. They hope to immunize or otherwise protect their own populations and thus avoid a biological backlash. These weapons have a special appeal for small and poor powers, which see themselves threatened by larger, richer ones and which lack the funds or the expertise to develop nuclear weapons.
Chemical-biological weapons may never be used, but that does not rule out the possibility of an accident. Virus laboratories, especially, are notoriously unsafe. By 1967, some 2700 laboratory workers had become accidentally infected with viruses transmitted by insects, and 107 had died.
Their deaths were caused by just one group of viruses. Fatal accidents occur in laboratories where work is done on other kinds of viruses, as well as other microorganisms. The inability of government CBW agencies to avoid accidents was made clear by the Skull Valley, Utah, CBW disaster of 1968, in which many thousands of sheep were poisoned when a chemical agent “escaped,” and by the possible escape of Venezuelan Equine Encephalitis from the Dugway, Utah, proving ground in 1967. Congressman Richard D. McCarthy of New York announced in 1969 that CBW agents were being transported around the country in small containers on commercial airliners!
In 1969, President Nixon announced the unilateral renunciation by the United States of the use of biological warfare, even in retaliation. He directed that the stocks of biological agents be destroyed and that further work on defenses against biological weapons be transferred from the Department of Defense to the Department of Health, Education and Welfare. Destruction of U.S. biological warfare materials was systematically carried out in 1970 and 1971, although in 1975 it was discovered that the Central Intelligence Agency had not destroyed some toxins in its possession.
Some level of research might be continuing clandestinely in the United States (although the possibility seems remote), and it would be a simple matter for a future administration quickly to reestablish biological warfare capability. Indeed, with the rapidly increasing ability of biologists to manipulate the genetics of microorganisms, the possibilities for creating deadly agents seem endless. Furthermore, there is little sign that the U.S. action has led to the end of work on biological weapons elsewhere. Biological warfare laboratories are potential sources of a manmade “solution” to the population explosion. It is essential that some way be found to block all further work on biological weapons -the risk for humanity is simply too great.
This is the sequence of events leading up to the COVID-19 pandemic that tracks directly back to Barack Hussein Obama and John P. Holdren.
The Obama Administration had paused funding of gain-of-function research on October 17, 2014. So why did the Obama administration suddenly lift that ban on January 9, 2017, only days before President Trump’s inauguration?
President Trump’s attorney Rudy Giuliani tweeted on April 26, “Why did the US (NIH) in 2017 give $3.7m to the Wuhan Lab in China? Such grants were prohibited in 2014. Did Pres. Obama grant an exception?”
‘Gain-of-function’ research conducted at China’s Wuhan Institute of Virology, a Biosafety Level 4 (BSL) laboratory connected to China’s People’s Liberation Army (PLA) military biowarfare programs and funded by Dr. Peter Daszak’s EcoHealth Alliance charity, is the origin of the SARS CoV-2 virus that caused the Coronavirus Pandemic, according to the leading theory of the pandemic’s origin, supported by overwhelming circumstantial evidence, U.S. intelligence officials, and Chinese scientists-turned whistleblowers.
Holdren’s book “Ecoscience” and Daszak’s charity EcoHealth Alliance are both interested in viruses from small mammals in caves that can infect humans via airborne transmission.
The president of EcoHealth Alliance is British-born scientist Dr. Peter Daszak.
In that book, Holdren, in the words of the pro-life Population Research Institute:
argued that the West should be “de-developed,” by which they meant that countries like the U.S. should have their economies deliberately dismantled and their wealth redistributed to the poor at home and abroad…
..But their big push was for population control…the authors strongly argued for legalizing abortion as a population control measure…
…Holdren apparently agrees with the Princeton University “ethicist” that infants up to the age of two or so are not really human beings, and so can be eliminated without qualms.
Adding a sterilant to drinking water or staple foods is a suggestion that seems to horrify people more than most proposals for involuntary fertility control. Indeed, this would pose some very difficult political, legal, and social questions, to say nothing of the technical problems. No such sterilant exists today, nor does one appear to be under development. To be acceptable, such a substance would have to meet some rather stiff requirements: it must be uniformly effective, despite widely varying doses received by individuals, and despite varying degrees of fertility and sensitivity among individuals; it must be free of dangerous or unpleasant side effects; and it must have no effect on members of the opposite sex, children, old people, pets, or livestock…
…Indeed, it has been concluded that compulsory population-control laws, even including laws requiring compulsory abortion, could be sustained under the existing Constitution if the population crisis became sufficiently severe to endanger the society.
President Obama and HHS Secretary Burwell at CDC headquarters in Atlanta during the 2014 Ebola virus outbreak.
HHS Secretary Burwell was “former President of the Global Development Program and Chief Operating Officer of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation,” according to the Obama-Biden White House.
HHS Secretary Burwell “was involved in searching Vince Foster’s office following his death,” according to Politico.
“Members [of the Senate committee investigating the Whitewater affair] questioned Sylvia Mathews, a former White House aide, in laborious detail about what she had found in Mr. Foster’s garbage on the night he died,” the New York Times reported.
Susan Desmond-Hellman, Senior Advisor and Board member of the Bill & Melinda Gates Medical Research Institute and Former Chief Executive Officer of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation from 2014 until 2020, meeting in May 2019 with Sylvia Matthews Burwell, former Obama administration HHS secretary and former Chief Operating Officer of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Susan Desmond-Hellman currently sits on the board of directors of COVID-19 vaccine manufacturer Pfizer.
When Burwell was President Obama’s Director of the Office of Management and Budget in 2013, she shut down the entire U.S. government, including the National Park System.
“A single person shut down the entire U.S. government for the first time in 17 years. Not a congressman, but an unelected woman named Sylvia Burwell,” NBC News reported at the time.
Burwell and John Podesta served side-by-side as Deputy Chiefs of Staff to President Bill Clinton’s White House Chief of Staff Erskine Bowles.
Both Dr. John P. Holdren and disease ecologist Dr. Peter Daszak gave presentations at the Institute on Science for Global Policy (ISGP) 2012 conference “Emerging and Persistent Infectious Diseases: Focus on the Societal and Economic Context.”
John Holdren attacks scientists who don’t agree with his views.
Holdren has developed a reputation for lashing out against members of the scientific community who challenge the theory of man-made climate change.
In a 2003 email leaked during the University of East Anglia ‘Climategate’ scandal in which scientists were caught manipulating data, Holdren called Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics scientists Willie Soon and Sallie Baliunas “amateurs” and dismissed their findings on historical climate change as “flawed.”
According to a 2003 scientific paper by Soon and Baliunas published in the journal Climate Research, “Across the world, many records reveal that the 20th century is probably not the warmest or a uniquely extreme climatic period of the last millennium’ and ‘Overall, the 20th century does not contain the warmest anomaly of the past millennium in most of the proxy records which have been sampled world-wide.”
Michael Mann and other promoters of the “hockey stick” graph not only attacked Soon and Baliunas, but also tried to discredit the Climate Change journal that published their paper.
Holdren is the Teresa and John Heinz Professor of Environmental Policy at Harvard. Teresa Heinz is married to Joe Biden’s ‘climate czar’ John Kerry.
Holdren had previously written about the dangers of bioweapons laboratories.
The Washington Post wrote in a May 29, 2004 article titled “SARS Cases in Asia Show Labs’ Risks”:
Scientists still do not fully understand exactly where or how SARS emerged 18 months ago. But it is now clear that the most threatening source of the deadly virus today may be places they know intimately — their own laboratories.
The recent announcement of nine cases of severe acute respiratory syndrome linked to China’s National Institute of Virology brings to three the number of lab outbreaks of the disease in the past eight months…
…The biggest disease outbreak that may have arisen from a laboratory was the mini-pandemic of “Russian flu” in 1977 and 1978.
The Russian Flu originated in Tientsin, China in May 1977, according to the Post.
The 1977 Russian Flu killed approximately 700,000 people worldwide.
The 1977 strain of the Russian Flu virus had a genetic fingerprint that was virtually indistinguishable from the strain that sickened people in 1950, leading numerous scientists to conclude that the 1950 Russian Flu strain escaped from a Chinese laboratory in 1977, the Post noted.
Why then would the Obama-Biden White House and Holdren recommend that the U.S. government lift the restriction on gain-of-function research?
Considering China’s history of laboratory leaks of dangerous viruses including the Russian Flu and SARS, why did China have a Biosafety Level 4 (BSL-4) laboratory (the Wuhan Institute of Virology) at all? And why was the United States government funding the Wuhan Institute of Virology?
Former Obama-Biden Administration officials, including John Holdren, Sylvia Burwell, Francis Collins, and Anthony Fauci must answer these questions.
John Holdren’s life-long fascination with human population control is critical to understanding why he recommended lifting the U.S. government’s restriction on lethal gain-of-function research.
At what point does a scientist become a monster?